5 Ways Good Social Media Strategy Will Boost your SEO

in #branding6 years ago

Good Social Media Strategy

Let’s begin with a self-evident truth that SEO is mainly dependent upon social media marketing.

To put it more precisely, SEO is the name of collective marketing efforts made to rank a website on top of the search engine. And social media marketing is one significant component of the entire marketing program that aims to make a site attractive for the search engine.

So, why is a good social media strategy essential for making search engines learn that there exists a website, an e-commerce portal or a blog worth showing to the audience?

Here is an overview of factors that make social media marketing a lucrative SEO strategy.

1. Social media helps in getting the target audience

It is imperative for businesses to make their target audience aware of their existence. For this purpose, they need to make an objective-oriented strategy that helps in conveying their message to those who mean a lot.

Let’s make it simple.

New businesses need to get recognition. They can achieve this by advertising their products and services at a platform where millions of people come. And what can be a better platform than social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube and many others. Only Facebook has more than 2.2 billion users.

Hence, getting a dedicated business page on Facebook, posting content on it, increasing the users’ engagement and making the followers click on the links inevitably builds the audience for the website.

2. It helps in brand management

Most of the online businesses have a target audience. They aim at managing their brand by creating an awareness among the potential customers. For this purpose, they need to run the targeted campaigns.

Luckily, social media offers the businesses a platform where they can make their brand and products look like the enterprises perceive them to be. Some social media portals assist the businesses with specific features and tools that help on better brand management.

Marketing strategy

For instance, recent example is the upgrade in Reddit that allows better brand management for businesses. In this way, marketers can exploit the tools that made them access the potential customers in a better way.

Briefly, social media websites are already optimized for catering to the needs of marketers. They assist in shrinking space between the product manufacturer and end user. Online businesses that want to build their brand’s perception for bringing in the traffic must exploit social media channels.

3. Social media increases returning visitors

For e-commerce platforms there is no way to miss social media marketing because in one way it decreases the business costs for them. The platform provides the low budget businesses with an opportunity to offer customer support service through essential tools.

Let’s take the example of Facebook. Availability of options like messages and calls make it easy for a business to handle the complaints of the customers and know about the expectations of their potential customers. In this way, a company doesn’t need to spend resources on maintaining a separate customer support unit as their social media team proves enough.

Such an engagement increases the customers’ trust in the brand. Hence, they are more likely to return to a website through the search engine at the time of need.

Further, active response from a business’ representative helps in increasing the audience engagement on posts and other content posted on the page. Such an enhancement in activity on a social media page offers an excellent signal to the search engine.

4. Social media is the new search engine

No need to mention the worth of social media as a search engine in itself. It is common for internet users to look up for the content of their choice on social media.

Let’s take the example of a business that doesn’t have a dedicated website but a social media page. A target audience that looks up for information about that business will switch to social media if there doesn’t exist any website. Even, search engines will point out their social media platforms.

Apart from address and contact information, search engines like Google and Bing, etc. furnish users with other information from their social media page as well. But, it all depends upon the extent of audience’s engagement.

For example, businesses use influencer marketing to make the celebrities or other influencers post information about a product or service. If the celebrities have millions of followers, then there is no way for the search engine to not show that social media post by a celebrity influencer on its first page.

In other words, this marketing strategy does two in one task. At one side, it builds a perception in the eye of potential customers. And on the other hand, it helps in building your reputation on search engines.

5. Social media marketing help increase domain authority

SEO marketers spend most of their time in increasing a website’s domain authority building links. For this purpose, they also use content marketing to place their links on different sites, a process that also costs the monetary resources.

But, getting backlinks for a website by using social media is a more seamless process in many ways.

First of all, it helps to post the content before the target audience of a business, which in turn comes to the websites. Secondly, it helps the site to get an increase in domain authority due to links to external platforms. Thirdly, it is just a part of promoting a website and working on the brand management in a better way.

Social media is the busiest portal on the internet and a significant component of the digital world. It helps brands to find their target market and advertise their products to the potential buyer.

It doesn’t matter what the nature of a business is, what kind of website a person owns or what is the subject of their blog. There is no way for anyone to skip a good social media strategy to get the attention of the customers and occupy a top spot in the search engine results.

Author's bio: John Elijah is a contributing writer for HoursTV.com. He actively reads and contributes to topics like personal financial management, mutual funds, stocks, and long-term maturity bonds. He is keen to share his knowledge through his in-depth and well-researched writings.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://ideasplusbusiness.com/good-social-media-strategy/



This was entirely true a year ago for Google, but the algorithm change has made it so social media may not actually influence their results very much, however traffic from social media itself is fantastic. I no longer focus on Google for SEO, but rather on Yandex (because of DuckDuckGo) and Bing. Google is good for pop culture references but has deteriorated into garbage as of late, even when it comes to web searches. I'm sadly finding more relevant stuff that I want and need on the lesser search engines these days.

This was entirely true a year ago for Google, but the algorithm change has made it so social media may not actually influence their results very much, however traffic from social media itself is fantastic.

I agree with you on this. Traffic from social media is good for business.

Google is good for pop culture references but has deteriorated into garbage as of late, even when it comes to web searches. I'm sadly finding more relevant stuff that I want and need on the lesser search engines these days.

Google is big and they tend to focus more on profits nowadays than user experience. The lesser search engines are still trying to carve a niche for themselves in the market, so they tend to focus more on where Google has failed to win new users to themselves.

Certainly seems to be the case. It's one thing if your website is full of popculture references or about it, but if it's not about things like mainstream entertainment or mainstream media news coverage, basically left in the dust. Example? How often do you see results for Wikihow anymore in Google? xD

Coincidentally, I still saw a Wikihow result yesterday on Google but I totally get your point.

I've not seen but one Wikihow article in the last couple weeks using Google. I see them regularly on other search engines though.

good aticle...

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