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RE: @ned..... @luminousvisions the author of the now trending post " there is no flow " in section bounty stole my idea which i gave him in his comment section !

in #bounty8 years ago (edited)

Hi @gomeravibz. I understand it is frustrating to see an idea you thought up bubble up under someone else's post.

I will say though that @luminousvisions did a lot more than just 'think' of the idea. They spent a lot of time writing about it, and promoting the idea. (Almost to the point of being spammy in my opinion.) He/she basically became an advocate for this idea and pushed it on the community so they would get more attention - including catching the attention of @ned. A large part of it was the fact it used the #bounties tag, which was getting a ton of traffic after @ned's post.

The idea itself had actually been thought of by quite a few people and discussed quite a bit, including this 2 month old post by @avarice (which was probably posted even before you brought it up).

I am not an advocator for stealing ideas or other people getting credit, but my main point was that it probably wasn't completely 'your' idea, and @luminousvisions did a lot of work to get his/her post the attention that it got.

A lot of times the success of a post is based on a lot more than the idea. It takes the right people seeing it, a good presentation, and a lot of other factors as well. If you keep thinking up good ideas and engaging with the community, in the long run it will work itself out.



this while the bounties will actually go to the designer(s) and the developer(s) ... not me!


Hi @timcliff i truly appreciate that you leave me this comment !! So you do see what happened then I am glad. Sure I am not saying that my idea was especially a new one or indeed revolutionary. It is a pretty standard feature on many sites as we all know. I am not happy that he reedited his post as soon as i left it adding the idea i gave to him in his comment section into the post but without even a mention of the fact that i had suggested this to him. That for me was not nice at all and is not the way to do things in this " community of sharing ! It also seems that he has a problem with @dan I cant think why and i find his way of talking about him in his posts pretty unpleasant. So yes you are right to show me the post from @avarice, so like you say nothing new i guess, but still to willingly take an idea from somebody else and " SELL " it as your own is for me not right or acceptable here !! So i am just hoping for my part that this site gets what it needs to be what it can and should be. I hope that I have helped in some way and that iI suppose is all that counts to us all right now no ? thankyou again @timcliff

its seems that he has yet again changed this post, removing all of my comments now it would seem to cover the tracks of this deed !! Actually how does he do this as i assumed he could not remove my comments from his posts like that ?? you also said he put alot of work in to get noticed by Ned. Well it was me actually that sent ned a message to go look at the page and read the comment section where i had exposed this idea, which is now incredibly been removed completely. you say alot of work so i went to check this...... do you mean this post ?? wow so intense eh?? phishing for other people,s idea,s once more with this post for sure !! plus i dont see any work in this post do you really ??

I'd just let it go. It's really not that big of a deal.

yes you are right !! your post on future needed improvements for the steemit blew me away and sure showed me how ridiculous this story is !! I have i assure you moved on, but was a little angry and disappointed for a couple of days ! I am looking forward to seeing the functionality and interface proposals you have suggested come down the pipeline now !! good job Timcliff !! ; - ) just upvoted you at my 100 percent for your support and wise words here. Was cool you were there, thanks !! following you now !!

Cool, thanks 😀

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