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RE: Please ignore my downvotes

in #bots7 years ago

Hey, for what exactly did you flag me, I understand you running some test, but I don't quit get why you picked me.


I am testing a number of exces voting power scripts that are meant to not let potential voting power go to waste at the point when the script owner is not there to do curration votes him/her-self and as a result the voting strength reaches (almost 100%). The idea is that a set of different scripts allows for steemit users to allocate their voting strength for purposes meant to improve the allocation of the reward pool.

I am currently using this extremely low powered account so my tests don't actually hurt anyone in a substantial way (The account only has 19 SP in voting power and I've set the voting strength to a mere 7% of that, comming down to 1.33 SP).

I'm currently testing the script that is meant to allow steemit users that believe pay bots are decremental to the steemit platform to use the excess voting power to counter the pay bot buisiness model. The script tries to identify payment transactions to pay bots, and then tries to counter the upvote by the pay bot. I'll be stopping this test run later today in order to move on to testing an anti-comment bot script.

The anti-comment bot script will be looking for upvotes by page owners on comments to their page that the commenter made in almost identical ways multiple times before, and then try to counter these upvotes with a matching downvote as far as this can be done using only the excess voting power.

The eventual idea is that steemit users can pick whatever script best fits with their ideas of reward pool abuse. For some that could be comment bots. For others that could be comment self-upvotes. For yet others it could be upvote pay bots. I'm not taking stands here, just trying to provide a script for as many conceivable ideas about reward pool abuse as i can come up with.

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