Book News of the Day (Update from Yesterday's Post) – Forbes Deletes Op-Ed Arguing Libraries Should Be Replaced by Amazon Bookstores.

in #books6 years ago

Yesterday's book news was about the Forbes article, written by a professor of economics who, very unconvincingly, argued that libraries should be abolished and be replaced by Amazon bookshops. The basis of his argument was that if libraries closed, taxpayers would save money, and Amazon could open bookstores to provide those communities with physical books, which would also boost Amazon's stock. This is ludicrous, as libraries provide much more than just books, and per Paul Guequierre, director of communications for the Urban Libraries Council, “The communities that would be affected the most would likely be low-income people, immigrants, and, really, the most marginalized among us." For example, libraries provide free computers and internet access for students and people who can’t afford them at home. They also provide free ESL and reading classes; services for the elderly, college hopefuls, and entrepreneurs; and meals for kids at story time. Thanks to a massive backlash online, as of 11 AM this morning, Forbes has deleted the op-ed. I'd call this a win for booklovers everywhere! Here's an article detailing the development:



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No surprise there.
Professor, please be fired.
Forbes, never advise me again, thanks :-)

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