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RE: #Three life changing books - The Power of Now,waking the tiger,How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not.

in #books6 years ago

To answer your question, yes I have a few books that have enormous impact on my life , and changed my life is so many different ways , some I am ware and some I may not be aware of - such is the power of books; they change you on conscious, sub-conconscious and un-conscious levels.
Anyways the books that have enormous impact on my life are :

  1. The Quraan (The final word of God Almighty - There can't be a book more impactful, miraculous, amazing and eye-opening than the book authored by our creator - the one and only God Almighty. My words can't be enough to describe this book. You have to read it to know how miraculous it is :) )

  2. Bal e Jibreel (it is a collection of Poetry of IQBAL - Iqbal's poetry is revolutionary, almost as revolutionary as cryptocurrency :) )

  3. 7 Habits of highly effective People (By Steven R. Covey - a great book for development of personality and character ethics - hence a great self-development book)

  4. Alchemist (by Paulo Cholo , inspired me to follow my dreams and have my own unique path :) )

  5. The Secret (Rhonda B. reminded me of the law of attraction and the power of focus )

All of the above books have influenced my life, and I am glad and thankful that I read them :)

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