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RE: What to do on a rainy day in the Caribbean???

in #books6 years ago (edited)

When it rains in the Caribbean is it like a proper tropical rainstorm like we get here in Thailand or is it that kind of depressing rain where it isn't torrential yet you still can't go anywhere? Also how long do they last? Normally a rainstorm only lasts a couple of hours tops in Chiang Mai


well those daily showers are also torrential but they only last like two minutes or so.And then like twice a day or so, often before dusk.

These ones now last like 10 minutes or so, but in general all the road flood from them. If we have a couple of hours of rain the place really flood out! Thats only like twice a year or so. But schools close then, an so

The flooding can be a pain, but as long as you are prepared for it then it's not a huge hindrance. You're on a small island so you do have to be careful, but I'm sure you are way more prepared for it than I'll ever be...

For flooding Im not prepared actually! But I live 20 metres above the road so the house wont have too much issues.
The general idea on flooding: stay put and wait it out. Dont be a fool to try to go somewhere. I also drowned my car once a a while back with being the smartass thinking I was able to go through the puddle.

I learned--> I dont do shit now when it rains :D

That happens a lot in Thailand too; so many people want to ride their motorbikes through the roads when they are flooded, only to have their engine flooded out because they don't rev the whole way through it.

I have a bicycle, so I have to get off and walk my way through the flood, normally while wearing a bright blue waterproof rainsuit. That's right ladies form a queue!!!

Hahahahahaah oeeee....somebody stop me!! Lolllll

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