How to: Survive a Reading Slump

in #books7 years ago

Hi Steemians!
So as you may have noticed, there has been a little bit of a content drought on my site, which is mainly due to being stressed out of my mind at University, but also because I reeaaaally haven't been wanting to read anything. I'm pretty sure I burned myself out on reading a little bit last month - my wrap up on that is still coming as soon as I get my camera back, but I read over ten books in November. And they certainly were NOT short ones.
It was a mixture of me really wanting to read them and also feeling like I needed to - to beat my own high score, in a sense. I don't even know what the largest amount of books is that I ever read in a month, though, so I'm not really sure what I'm even competing with. Regardless, right now I really don't want to read. I spend what free time I have watching random youtube videos or old episodes of some of my favourite TV shows. Essentially being very productive.

So because this is the mood I'm currently in, I thought I'd share with you some of my tips when it comes to reading slumps, not only to help whoever else might be in this situation but also to motivate myself. I came across this old video I did over three (!) years ago about this very thing, so I thought I'd share it. It's still very relevant to my current situation and might apply to yours as well.

I think the first tip I talk about is actually my favourite, and also the one I have to constantly remind myself of. When you talk about books on the Internet you are invariably going to get a little bit competitive or feel a little guilty when you realize everyone else is reading a ton of books - and you're not. At the end of the day though, this is my hobby, this is what I choose to do in my own free time and it shouldn't have to be something that I force myself to do if I don't currently feel like it. I've been reading my whole life, sometimes more and sometimes less, but the desire to pick up and dive into the world of books has never completely disappeared. I think it's safe to say that I will always be a reader, regardless of how much I read in any particular month.

Do you sometimes suffer from reading slumps? What are your best ways to get out of them - or do you prefer to just sit back and let them pass? Let me know!

Happy reading (hopefully more than me right now)


I go through reading slumps all the time. I will have periods where I binge my way through half a dozen books in a week, and then a month or more will go by and I won't read any.

I don't have any special advice for getting past them except to say that if I'm not having fun when I'm reading something that I want to read and that I know is good, I know that it's time to put it down for a while and do something else (write, play a video game, watch @ivymuse on YouTube, whatever). :)

aww thank you :D

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