Who’s interested in a Monthly Steemit Book Club? Read Great Literature and Earn Steem!

in #books7 years ago

I’ve wanted to start a book club for a long time. Books are amazing, they give us new perspectives and ideas, enrich our lives, and act as a healthy escape from reality.

A man lives but one life - but the avid reader, she lives a thousand lives.

The Proposal

Here’s my idea, modeled loosely off of the Something Awful Book Club:

The Basic Concept

We read one book per month, with a new discussion thread every week. I may make ChainBB the “Recommended Steem Interface” for this, so we can have more of a thread-style ongoing conversation.

Two weeks into the month, based on group interest and conversation, I’ll propose a new list of five books. The club then votes to decide which one is picked for next month.

How We'll Stay in Sync:

We’ll have a “recommended reading pace” - so week one will be roughly the first quarter of the book, week two we’ll be halfway through, etc. Each week’s discussion will allow spoilers up to the current reading point, but no further.

…and that’s about it! The style of books that we focus on - fiction, non-fiction, modern, classic, etc, that’s all up for debate.

Oh yeah, the Steem-Earning Part:

One other aspect of it - if the book club posts start earning reasonable payouts (let’s say 20+ steems per week), then we can start rewarding book club members with some of that money. Perhaps something like 70% of the steem earned from each of Book Club Thread could be split up amongst all participants each week, as a reward for participating.

Or we could put the SBDs into Facebook ads to try and get new users to join us… the possibilities are endless.

Roll Call - Who’s Interested?

This topic is meant as a general roll call of interest. If you have any interest in a book club, regardless of what kind of books you read - just let me know by responding to this post!

If enough people are interested (I’d be hoping for at least 10, preferably closer to 20, at the interest stage), I’ll move forward with a new thread and shoot everybody a steem chat message to let them know we're gonna do it.

If you are interested, comment on this thread. Don’t wait! If this doesn’t get a response, I will have to postpone the idea or abandon it… so be loud and proud, let me know.


I could do that. Neptunes Brood is a good cryptocurrency read


Cool, thanks for the interest! Not a huge response yet, but I'll keep poking at people and see if I can get some more momentum going.

Yes !! I'm in !! I love reading, I really like your idea, tomorrow I will post a post linked to this to convince other people to join :)
Happy steeming !!

Great, thank you! I will add you to the list. I am probably going to do an update post tomorrow.

Done, I urged any commentators to comment on this post instead of mine, if not so, i'll write them down here.

Wonderful idea while reading boobooks we can earb knowledge also

I'd love to do this! I love getting introduced to new books through book clubs.

Great, I'll add you to the list.

Great idea but unforunately Im not good at reading the books at set pace:/

I feel you. Everybody has their own pace with reading, book clubs can be tough that way.

You can sign me up. I might not be able to join in every month but anytime one of the books I have or can obtain fairly easily is on the menu I'll be there.

Awesome! That's a good point that books need to be easily accessible - perhaps for the first month we can do one that's a bit older, so the copyright is expired and we can just link a free, legal PDF in the post.

That would be beneficial, hopefully it will be one I have a hard copy of though, haha, I always find it much harder to focus on something when I'm reading it off of a screen. But, yeah, public domain is probably the way to go for the first month.

I'd be down for a virtual reading circle.

I don't know anything about ChainBB interface so I'll have to get up to speed on that, but hey, learning keeps us young, right?

It's super easy. Just another interface like Steemit, but it looks more like a forum as opposed to reddit-style. So the topics "bump" back to the top of the list as the conversation goes on. That makes it easier I think to have a weeklong conversation thread stay active.

And great! I will add you to the list. Now it's looking like we will have enough people to do it.

Rad, glad to have you! I've got about five interested people so far, I'll probably do another post or two about it in the coming week and see if we can get a few more people into it.

I'm interested! I should be able to do a book per month! Sounds good.

I love this idea, so much!

Cool! I'll add you to the list of interested people, right now this is a MAYBE. I'll shoot you a message if it ends up happening.

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