Martin - Episode 08

in #books7 years ago (edited)

[Martin reacts to the voice on the tape like an excited child. He turns up the volume, then points at the cassette player]

He's my fucking hero!
He’s the fucking best!
He’s totally awesome!
He is the king of darkness!
And the prince of pain!

[Martin is silent as he closes his eyes]

If I may put forward a slice of personal philosophy, I feel that man has ruled this world as a stumbling demented child king, long enough. And as his empire crumbles my precious black widow shall rise as his most fitting successor!!!


Vincent Price rocks my fucking world!!!!

[Martin turns the volume down. He takes a cigarette from the packet and lights it, taking a long drag]

Tell me something, who the fuck is that androgynous gimp Marilyn Manson? And just who the fuck does he think he is, stepping on Alice Cooper's territory and pissing all over it with the disrespect of a feral dog. And what's with this serial killer surnames bullshit? I might be wrong but someone told me all his band members use the surnames of famous serial killers. What the fuck is that? Is it supposed to be clever, disrespecting the families of the victims of those sick fuckers? Is it? Like Alice never tried to gain fame from pushing his lifestyle onto people. He simply wrote and performed great songs and the establishment branded him as an outcast. This fucker Marilyn Manson brands himself as an outcast and expects everyone to respect him. Well fuck that, respect is earned not given, and besides his music is pretentious shit, except for that song about drugs, but come on for Fuck’s sakes lose all the serial killer references and those fucking shock tactics you use. You want shock tactics, bite the head off a fucking bat. You know, you really need to have drinks with Alice Cooper & Ozzie Osborne. Of course, you're probably one of these pseudo-evil fuckers who doesn't drink alcohol, right!

[Martin takes a drag]

Fuck, if you ask me why it is that kids take guns into schools and blast their schoolmates into the next fucking dimension, I'll tell you, it’s these clueless fuckers like Marilyn Manson pumping shit into them. Negative shit. You think about it you got Manson expressing all these mixed emotions in his songs that send kids off into a rebellious mode with no direction whatsoever. Back in the seventies, the songs they played were rebellious, but at least they gave us direction. They told us who the targets were, that we were the victims and the establishment could go to hell.

[Martin slowly loses his temper]

Marilyn Manson just talks about himself in his songs, not us, he just rants about the things that affect his reality. People don't give a flying fuck, kids want songs that tell them how to deal with all the bullshit, it’s not fucking rocket science.

[Martin appears to calm down]

Okay, let's bring it down a little. So Marilyn, maybe that was a little harsh but I'm sure if you really looked at it, you would know your songs and your pathetic fucking image are really messing with the young kids of today.

[Martin takes a drag]

And you know what else fucks up the kids of today? Jerry FUCKING Springer. You take a look at the morning shows during the week, you got your early morning sitcoms. Cool, kids go to school happy and smiling.

[Martin lights a cigarette from the one he is smoking]

But then it all takes a huge dive if your kid decides to stay home for the day and keeps watching TV. As soon the morning sitcoms end, you get your talk shows. You've got Ku Klux Klan members calling Black Panther members niggers. Women beating each other up over the same redneck shit stain. Fucking transvestites telling their boyfriends that they're actually a fucking man. Children coming on with freakish deformities being told they are different, then the parents of these same afflicted kids going off the fucking rails at the insensitive host for telling their six-year-old daughter that she is different because she has no genitals. What the fuck is that shit? When did God suddenly give these talk show assholes the power to manipulate the public to make liars out of honest people and saints out of sinners?

[Martin takes a drag]

When are the networks going to realize that kids don’t need this kind of shit in their lives? No fuck that! No-one needs that kind of shit in their fucking life ever. You know they milk our sanity and replace it with demented evil & violent hatred. It makes me fucking sick.

[Martin rubs his forehead]

It gets into my head and tortures me daily. You think about it, we're told what to believe, we're not given the choice to believe, we're only told to believe what we're told. The media is so fucked up. It’s upside down and inside out. Instead of one talking head telling the world what they should think, the whole world should be telling that one talking head what they actually think. The media needs to be filtered back into the public, we need to be informed, but we also need to tell the rulers of the world what we think.

Fucking wars are a perfect example. What the fuck gives one man the right to tell me to go to another country and kill innocent civilians I have never met before. A civilian, whom under different circumstances, I could have become good friends with. An artist, a doctor, a farmer, a carpenter, a musician, someone who could have been on the verge of finding a cure for cancer for Fuck’s sake. An uncle, a brother, a father, a son, all murdered in their own home. Ludicrous wars, to steal resources and empower International Banks, shouldn't be fought by the citizens. Instead, these leaders and CEO’s should fight each other in an arena. If politicians have opposing views, then fuck it, let them get in the ring and kick the living shit out of each other. Fuck, just think of the ratings, I’d even watch that. When you think about it, back in the old days, Kings and Emperors would go to war with their armies, and in most cases, they would be on the front line. Clearly, cowardice is contagious, of course, if that was the way we did it today, just think of the rulers, instead of old, blind, withering Alzheimer candidates as Senators and Presidents we'd have...

[Martin takes a drag]

You know, when you think about it, we entrust our entire fucking planet to a group of men and women who really only have a maximum of twenty or so years left in them.

[Martin takes a drag]

If you knew you only had a short time left on this planet, you're not going to care if a law is passed that enables toxic waste to be poured into the ocean. You're not going to give a flying fuck if your vote passes legislation that lowers the safety standards of nuclear reactors. Fuck that, you're going to be dead in a few years anyway, why should you worry? The nest egg you’ve created from all the bribes and lobby donations, same shit really, will keep you happy till your dying day, which is probably next fucking Friday.

In my opinion, world leaders should be under thirty, only then can we be assured the future of our planet will be protected. Imagine if humans lived to the ripe old age of four hundred, like the Old Testament days. Do you honestly think we’d let these sick fucking fossils trash our planet?

[Martin takes another drag]

You know, it's amazing how you think of all this shit in hindsight. They say everyone's a genius in hindsight or something like that. You know, you're a genius after the event. In other words, you wouldn't have made any mistakes if you knew what was going to happen in the first place.

[Martin’s anger builds]

Well, you know what I think? I say that's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. You know why, look at war, look at drink driving, look at speeding, look at schoolyard shootings, all these things have one thing in common. No matter how much hindsight you give mankind, these things will always happen. Drink driving is the winner though. You think about it, how many times do you have to tell someone that drink driving kills? How stupid are we? We see people die every day, with that, and speeding, we all know these things kill people. For Fuck’s sake, ever since the car was invented, speed and alcohol have been the two main causes of death on the roads. It's kind of like telling someone, don’t put the barrel of a loaded gun against your temple and pull the trigger or you will die. You don't see people lining up to play Russian roulette though, do you? The same fucking thing though, drink driving kills, speeding kills. BUT NO!!! Dipshit will still go out on the road and do 110 miles per hour in a suburban street. Fuck knuckle will still drink his own weight in beer then decide it would be smarter to drive home.

[Martin takes another drag]

You know, there once was a time when I dreamed of a world where the pain you inflicted on someone else came back to you. So if you shot someone, the bullet would go into you instead, or if you stabbed someone you'd get the wound. You with me? Right, so just think of the drop in crime. Crack victims passing on their addiction to their dealers. Hit and run victims getting up and walking away, while the crumpled bodies of the drivers lie dead in the front seat of their car. Simple things that would finally make people realize, hey stupid, let's stop and think for a second. Let's use our brains for a change. Fuck knows that's what it's for.

[Martin takes a drag]

You know, for a brief second then I actually felt safe, like there was no threat at all. Has that ever happened to you? You know, where you're asleep, and in your dream, the worst possible thing could happen to you. Like your parents abandon you, or your best friend is killed in a terrible accident, and the whole time you believe it's actually real. Then you suddenly wake up and you realize it was all just a shitty nightmare, nothing but a cruel mind trick. Well, that's the feeling I have right now, only I know I won't wake up to find it's just a nightmare. In fact, I never wake up, for me the nightmare is real. Sure I may have thought for a second that everything was fine like there was no alien invasion or there were no screeching zombies and exploding heads.

[Martin rubs his head]

Please go away! Please go away!

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