Going to do book reviews (while busy world-building)

in #bookreview6 years ago (edited)

Last weekend I bought myself a brand new notebook (a paper one, not a computer) and started to put down some thoughts I hope to use in my next book. While I have no clue yet as to the story, I have some world building ideas I'm playing with. While until now all of my stories have been mutually exclusive as for world-building, I'm considering setting my next story in the distant past of the Ragnarok Conspiracy universe. A past where the Hylobo-Sapiens haven't gone sub-terranean yet and rule (only partially frozen over) Antartica, while the tiny Aziza people who rule Africa are struggling for their survival as vicious tribes of Homo-Sapiens start spreading throughout the continent. I'm still considering if there would be a place for the Aesir living ships in this universe. I have some other parts of ideas for my world that haven't taken solid footing yet, but I'm writing everything down, and hopefully, by the end of this year I'll have enough of a solidified world as to start working on a storyline and maybe start writing some draft chapters again.

As I don't want this steemit account to bleed to death though, I thought about what I should post on steemit from this account in the mean time. Then it came to me. I used to write reviews on Goodreads, and when, after a bit of a fall out with some of the mods of a group there, I deleted an account, without considering the concequences, all of my reviews got deleted and I lost all motivation to write reviews of books anywhere at all.

But now, with steemit, I think I'll pick up writing book reviews again, and I'll be writing them here. I'll only be reviewing indie published books, and, once I've finished two books by non-steemit authors, I'll start trying to give precedence to indie published authors with a presence on steemit. In this post I'll share my current, still short list of books I plan to do a review of soon.

As for my current to-read list. Here it is:

1 Liberty by Alasdair Shaw

Kobo link

2 Chain Reaction by KP Merriweather

Kobo link

3 Little Robot by Alex Beyman

Steemit Link

While I've read each of these books partially, I'm starting anew with my full and undivided attention to these books in sequence. Today there are three books on my list. I don't want too much of a backlog, but I'm very much open to sugestions that fit the following:

  • Indie published book
  • Available in ePub format, preferably from Kobo
  • 25,000 up to 125,000 words
  • Author has a steemit presence
  • Fiction
  • Genre: *-punk, scifi, fantasy, alt-history, speculative, magic realism, fairy tales, historical, mystery, urban, fusion
  • No gore and no pornography

As sadly non of the books currently on my list fit all of these criteria, chances are that if you give me your suggestion, it will end up higher on my list than position four. I'm allowing my backlog to grow till seven long, so I have four more slots currently open to be filled.

So if you know of any book that fits all (or at least, most) of these criteria, please leave a comment to this post and I'll consider adding it to my list if I haven't filled up all of the seven slots yet.


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Helping the platform instead by flagging this and some similar comments by you the last two days. You need to cut out the spamming. Seriously, you do.

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