The Joy of Reading

in #book6 years ago (edited)

BEST FRIENDS. A peek at my book collection.

At age 15

The story begins on Christmas Eve. Just below the Christmas tree draped with scintillating lights, a present rests above a huge pile of colorful gifts waiting to be opened. Clothed with a fancy Christmas wrapper, it was handed over to me by my sister. The usual Christmas Holiday routine: the charitable giving of presents among family members. Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary. But this year, it was somehow a change for me, instead of intricate dresses, hair accessories or decorative shoes, I received something different and unfamiliar.

The present was pretty light almost similar as that of an empty shoe box, I thought. I was ecstatic and overjoyed as I carefully opened the surprise. Joyfully, my eyes gleamed with excitement! “A book!”, I exclaimed. Upon realizing my Christmas present was a book, cautiously, I scanned the pages smelling its aroma like fresh brewed coffee on a Sunday Morning. Strange but I loved it! That moment was forever imprinted into my memory, the day I had my very first book.

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NOTE. A short letter written by my sister on a page of my very first book.

At age 16

I find reading really tiresome. My first book was related to drawing so I become engrossed with art so much I spend most of the time drawing, rather than reading. Unlike other teens, I don’t get the exhilarating joy of going to malls and buying new sets of books. I find myself complaining for hours when I have home works correlated to reading. It was more of a NEED for me. “I need to finish reading this to answer the questions for my assignments.” I often find myself skimming through the pages.

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THE ALCHEMIST. A brilliant piece by Paulo Coelho.

Things started to change when I had a talk with my cousin who is such a huge reader. She explained how a person who distastes reading has not found the right book yet. “Give me a book that will make me love reading. Give me the best book you have.”, I chuckled as I challenged her. She handed me a book entitled “The Alchemist”. It was very clear that it is one of her favorites since it was covered with plastic cover and was well kept, almost brand new. Upon going home, quickly, I hopped into my bed and read the first chapter. Hours passed by and the next thing I knew, it was already four in the morning and I’m at the last page of the book contemplating about my entire existence.

At age 18

I finally bought my own book from my hard earned savings. This was followed by another book, then another. Through the years, reading has become a huge part of me. Bad day? A page or two from a book would definitely work the magic. Feeling down and unpleasant? A poem sounds pretty good! I cannot further stress out how it helped me and shaped my beliefs.

THE WINNER STANDS ALONE. Another piece from my collection of Paulo Coelho books.

In connection to that, here are just few of the reasons why I find joy in reading:

1. Reading takes you to places.

According to Dr. Seuss:

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

In one snap, you can find yourself in the middle of a luscious jungle, a sub urban faraway, or a busy city bustling with cars. Anywhere! You can also be transported to a different time line. Through the work of our imagination, the author takes us somewhere we’ve never been before. Every book is an adventure waiting to be taken.

2. Reading allows you step into someone else’s shoes.

You can absolutely be anyone! And by anyone I mean, a teenage girl? A vampire from centuries ago? An old man on the last minute of his life perhaps?

The poem “Magic” by Bo Burnham exhibits how through reading, we can be anyone we aspire to be. Another case in point is the book “Everyday” by David Levithan wherein the protagonist experiences being in a different body every single day.

3. Reading has the power to influence the readers.

The pen is indeed mightier than the sword. A stanza from a poem has the capability to change the way you think about the world. The poem “A Psalm of Life” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is a paradigm. A book gives you boundless knowledge and information. Hence, it is very essential for authors to be mindful of the pieces they write as they have the capacity to create a huge impact in someone’s life.

At present

My sister was right. The joy of reading does not depend on what we read but of the adventure that lies within. Now, I find myself reading when I am not writing. I find solace in reading. I personally think each one of us has an inner reader. We just need a little push,the right book.

I was inspired by @thegaillery’s article which prompted me to share the joy I find in reading. What about you? Do you also adore reading? Share your thoughts and tell me what you think!

Before I leave, I would just like to impart a piece from one of my favorite poems by Lora Daunt:

Curled in a corner where I can hide
With a book I can journey far and wide
Though it’s only paper from end to end
A book is a very special friend.

Here's to more pages to flip and adventures to take!

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I can sense that you really have a plethora of books or shall I say novels in your collection. Sadly in my case, I stopped reading fiction when I was in fifth year. Maybe because I got so busy with life. What I'm reading now are non-fiction, short stories, and articles.

I do! Actually, I just started reading poetry last year. Sad to say, most of the books are written in Early Modern English which I cannot quite comprehend. Not to mention, books related to poetry are VERY EXPENSIVE. I've been trying to find nonfiction books as part of being an adult I guess, do you happen to know any useful ones?

Oh! I guess reading and understanding the etymology of words will really help you in understanding the context of early modern English.

About non-fiction books, I'm boring. I read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Mostly economics and sciences. Haha

Wow, I guess I'll give it a try! :)

The first book you received as a present, was that a novel? If yes, which one? :D

I also fell in love with The Alchemist when I was thirteen. It was the first book that opened my eyes to Philosophy. I liked Veronika and Eleven Minutes as well and read most of Coelho's other novels. (I stole Adultery from someone's bookshelf haha!) However, I realized throughout the years that I was no longer fascinated with Coelho's writing. Maybe it's my change in genre preference or it could also be his development as a novelist. I honestly didn't like Adultery but I will always, always keep The Alchemist close to my heart. Right now, I prefer to read non-mainstream authors as their ideas are more fresh and their novels are not driven by the pressure to write something because they need a consistent career in storytelling.

It's a bit sad that the current generation is so engrossed with gadgets and social media that most people no longer have the attention span to read real books.

Well said @xaydtrips. My first book is entitled "The Last Airbender" which I think is a part of a huge collection from the series. It has lots of illustrations in it which prompted me into focusing more in arts.

I agree. I think reading the works of non-mainstream authors is definitely a must try. Some of the well known authors have retired, others dead, most of them just producing works since they have already made a mark in the industry.

True! My younger brother prefers watching youtube videos than reading anymore. I mean it's not bad but the feeling brought by reading is really one of a kind. Thanks for dropping by!

That's a nice book to start with. Yes, the Avatar collection is quite huge and has well-detailed plots. Also probably why it came with lots of illustrations.

You should give your brother a book as a present to see if he would change his mind like you did when you got your first book :D

Nice idea! Maybe this Christmas I'll give him one. :)

Only if you promise to return!

barter pwede? haha..(third-wheeling here)..hahaha

haha. Nah, borrowing is good. I enjoy letting other people borrow my books para relate2 pag may time. What kind of books do you like @wandergirl?

nice..I read all I kinds of books, especially suspense and inspirational..

Hmm suspense, I think any book by Agatha Christie or Stephen King might interest you. I have the A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie, I'll try to give it to @brokemancode for you to give it a read. :)

Yey!Thanks @reewritesthings! I haven't read their books yet. When I was in high school, I was soaked up with Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series. I even wanted to be a forensic expert since then..haha

Haha well maybe, there's always room for a change in profession. 😉

Wooooow grabe! Which one is your favorite?

I can't choose. Huhu Naa toy time I was so into reading Y.A. Books niya murag sweet2 raman kaayo. I shifted into other types of books, depende ragyud. Every book is different murag bisan same2 sila pero naa jud something special to offer. Pero mostly ako gina read kanang Paulo Coelho books, David Levithan books, Cassandra Clare Books, bisan kinsa lang. Karon not so, wala naman ko time. Thank you for dropping by @smaeunabs! :) (And sa resteem)

Reading a whole book until the early hours of the morning is such a wonderful thing! And The Alchemist is a wonderful book to help someone fall in love with reading. Great post. :)

Totally agree! The Alchemist is such a great book, it changes the reader's point of view about life. I just wish I can read more books everyday. These days, I've been pretty busy, doesn't have much time to read even one book. Glad you liked my post, thanks for dropping by @katrina-ariel. See you at the isle <3

Thank you @rigormortiz! Glad you enjoyed reading this post.

Hey, you've just been upvoted by the Steemit Book Project! The project exists to help make books more available to the world and to promote book-related content on Steemit.

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Hope you have a good day and find time to read a book!

Okay, will do! :)

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