Greater god?

in #book7 years ago

As they watched the stars falling, Omotola wished she could see what a star looked like. She screwed her eyes tight and concentrated, and immediately she could. It was like she was right in front of one the burning balls of gas. Except that it wasn’t a star. It was a humanoid shape racing towards the earth. The body was bowed like that of a baby in the womb. Then it turned its head to look at her with eyeballs of fire. She jerked back and found herself back in her own body.

‘They are coming for you’, Oduduwa’s voice was definitely shaking right now. ‘What are you?’ he demanded. ‘What are they?!’

She turned to face him and saw that he was badly hurt than she thought. His always perfect hair disheveled. And his arm, it looked like someone had tried to tear it off. Her eyes rose to meet his as she struggled to remember his question.

“What do you mean what am i? I’m a god just like you”, she replied sarcastically.

‘No, that’s what we’ve been trying to tell you but you keep running off. You’re not a normal god like us. For one, it takes a lot of energy to walk through reality like the way you did when you escaped us. Doing it would knock us out for weeks, but I sense that didn’t happen to you. No one has ever crossed dimensions before like you, not till now’, he said, pointing to the still falling stars.

“And you do not tap power from Olodumare like we do. Your power seems to come from within. You are untrained and I’m sure you had no idea what you were till we found you that first time. How did you vaporize that lightning god? I never knew it was even possible for a god to die yet you winked him out of existence. There is no trace of him in all of creation. How did you get an oruka, there are only three in existence given to us by Olodumare himself. And all three are accounted for. There is no record of a fourth oruka. Yet there it is encircling your wrist like an old lover’.

The barrage of questions was too much and she kept shaking her head, trying to deny it. But deep down she knew it was true. She opened her mouth to speak when suddenly Oya, Moremi and Ode rushed out of nowhere. Immediately Omotola saw moremi, she flinched. She found out after her escape that Moremi goddess was indeed the Moremi queen of ile ife, and her two sons are sango and esu. She wanted to cut herself off from the two boys, thinking that their mother had set them upon her to spy on her. But she loved them like brothers and couldn’t do away with them anymore than she could do away with her own blood siblings. The four gods all looked a state of complete disarray, with cuts and scrapes everywhere, blue blood leaking in copious amounts.

‘We have to warn the elders’, Moremi said, her voice drawn tight.

‘There are elders?’ Omotola asked, her voice incredulous.

‘Yes, on the other side of the world. We have to hurry’.

‘What of sango and esu’, omotola spoke up ‘They will be fine’, moremi replied in a tight voice.

Oduduwa drew closer. ‘Gather round everyone, we’re going to have to travel through reality to get there. Omotola placed her right hand in Oduduwa’s and her left in Oya’s. She took one last look at her home, hidden by the trees as they travelled.

And they appeared back where they left. Oduduwa’s eyes were wide open with fear. Moremi was visibly shaking and Oya was looking like she would bolt any moment. Ode was looking left and right like there was an enemy hiding in the low cut grass.

‘What is it? Why didn’t we leave? What’s going on?’, Omotola asked, looking confused.

Oduduwa looked at her, his face forlorn and drawn. ‘They have blocked the ways. We cannot cross reality anymore. We have to get there by conventional means’.

‘But how can they be so powerful? No one is that powerful, not even the elders. What have you brought to our world Stormbringer?’ Moremi’s tone was accusing.

‘I….’ ‘Have you brought them to destroy us?’ Oya’s voice was terrified. Oduduwa was looking at her strangely. ‘Omotola did you…’

‘Enough!!!’ Omotola screamed, her hands on her ears to block out the accusations, her eyes glowing white.

And the earth woke.

Show some love guys. Next episode coming soon. You can just download the complete book here


Cool story! I will look for the next installment! Upped and followed.

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