My Bonsai Zone: Juniperus Chinensis Stricta, evolution

in #bonsai6 years ago (edited)

Last year I started in the bonsai world and bought a bonsai that couldn't do much because it was already styled. I really wanted to create my own bonsai, so there we go, @ximeta and I went no a nursery close to Salou, the town we live. Once there we bought few plants and a Juniperus tree that we will style as a bonsai tree.

A juniper straight from the nursery (I have a horrible photo when I bought it, but it was exactly like the one below on the left, how it looks like now on the right)

This project started 3 months ago, juniper arrived home on early December, sunny spot and watering just when needed(dry soil). Then, in January 17th, I started to work on it.

First of all, we will have a look at the bottom of the tree. we need to clean those branches coming up from the soil. Instead of taking the tree out of the pot, it's easier to cut the edges as much as you will need.2018-01-17 15.09.43.jpg

Is common to see branches coming up from the soil or roots going down. This trees have been transplanted from the floor, once in the pot, they add more soil, this is why.
We need to clean all this branches at the bottom part, don't get too high cleaning because we need to find the start of the trunk. It's time to get a a stick, or a fork and start scratching the soil from the top, we want to find the tree base and the main roots that should come out from there.
This part can take a while, I had to dig around 6-7 cm to find the base, the good thing about this, the tiny amount of soil left, didn't wanted to transplant but I will at the end.
This Juniperus didn't have many roots, the pot was really damaged to do any styling there and leave the tree in that cranky pot. I transplanted the juniper in a pot of its size and a mix of 70% Akadama + 20% volcanic rocks +10% common plant soil, this will help the soil to get dried faster and watered properly with no water stucks in the pot(bonsai pots have really big draining holes anyway).

The Juniperus transplanted and fixed to the pot with aluminum wire. The black wire is made of anodized aluminum to hold the trunk .
2018-01-18 20.22.13.jpg

As I had to change the order of facts, the result will be the same. The juniper was put in the shadow but bright place for 2 weeks, watered till water comes out clean every time the soil gets dry.
2018-01-28 19.35.46.jpg

Once I had a better idea how I will style this triple trunk juniper, I started pruning from the bottom of the tree, selecting the branches I would keep. I'm not gonna explain the procedure of which branches to cut or why, that's tones of information I can fill many posts, so stay tuned!

2018-01-29 23.17.18.jpg

At first, I wanted to bend the big two branches as you can see, couldn't make it the way I thought, I tried something else. The Juniper had 3 trunks, keep them, cut them the way you want and make a jin at the end(peel it).
2018-01-30 14.35.17.jpg

Many branches still to be selected, this is starting to look good. A little bit of wiring has been done aswell.

2018-01-31 17.24.34.jpg

More wiring has been done and more pruning aswell, at the end of that day, with 8 meters of wire already this is how it looked like at 1st of February 2018.
2018-02-01 01.04.38.jpg

A month has passed and the Juniperus tree looks like this
2018-03-10 12.28.47.jpg

I will be so happy if you have reached this point! It's a wonderful experience to style a bonsai by yourself instead of just buying one!

What do you think about my Juniperus tree? ^^


nice job!! @blascobite keep comming more photos monthly so we see the progress :)

I can see this working! Thanks mate @beiker!

i'd try to use tags like #nature #photo #art in order to get more views and maybe upvotes ;)

It may help, yes, thank you @beiker!😃

It's amazing Salva the ability that u have to take care of them!
Well done.

thanks @monnv just listen to them, they talk to you! 🤪

You made a great job with it!

Thanks xurri! Gràxies a tu!!@ximeta 😘

hey that bonsai its really cute nice post...well you should check out mine if you havent seen a really good movie OSCAR winner im telling you everithing rigth there ... ok check it out ill apreciate it a lot and ill be your fan tho :)

Thanks a lot @marcohernandez98, I really appreciate you words. Let me reach home, have no data for videos, sure I have a look and follow you pal!

Precios company, soc un amant dels bonsais. He arribat a tenir mes de 12... ara ja no tinc temps i algun el vaig regalar i d'altres s'han mort...encara aguanto un parell, lo típic un benjamina i una petita olivera 😥
Algun dia tornaré.
Magnífic post

es una locura, porta molt de temps. No m’extranya que tenintne 12 no poguessis ocuparte’n, m’he adonat d’això, millor no tenirne molts per poder ocuparme d’ells com toca.
Vas ferte’n algun desde vivero? Ferlos desde 0 et transmet molt més

Si, de fet la olivera (majuelo) es salvatge i la vaig agafar de petita del terreny del meu pare...
Tambe vaig fer un prunus i un boj... pero, aquests no van resistir el sise o sete any, quan em vaig traslladar de pis els hi va afectar molt...
Es una aficio super xula pero, tinc 2 nens ara que m'ocupen tot el temps disponible :-)...potser d'aqui a uns anys ho torno a fer

Es un món increïble, segurament tens més ha explicarme del que et penses. Volem un post sobre l’olivera! Jeje segur que ho val, jo vai fer uns esqueixos del les oliveres del parc del darrera casa, ja veurem com va la cosa^^ No m’extranya que no tinguis temps, primer el q toca, el bonsai es un sacrifici.

Molt txulo I superinteressant!!!

Moltes gràcies @cgolano ! a vere quan em foto un bon vi!🙌🏼

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