Waiting for my opponent...

in #boardgames6 years ago (edited)


Our Go club Saarto has now evacuated the clubhouse to the bar Hiidenkivi, because neighbours moving in the clubhouse away from bathroom renovations.

One of our members, Antti didn't get the memo, and called from the main dood of our building asking for me to open the door. So @markkujantunen decided to go and drive to our place and fetch our friend.

Game paused!

In this game I was playing as black, and had a nine stone handicap against Markku. His leaving caused the game to have a slight session break, but eventually we got to finish the game. I won by seven points.

Because one other friend of mine decided to join us we resorted to playing Alias for the rest of the evening. Jussi and Markus played two games of Go while the rest of us were busy conversating and explaining words to eachother.


okay I'll post an oped photo as quickly I can, I'm processing today's shots right now.


How often do you visit your club?)
It should be fun to converse with a bottle of beer and play GO. Even though alcohol makes harder to process your thoughts and match strategy.
Who is the strongest one of you? :d

How often do you visit your club?

We gather once a week.

It should be fun to converse with a bottle of beer and play GO. Even though alcohol makes harder to process your thoughts and match strategy.

Not all that much.

Who is the strongest one of you? :d

I'm 3 dan, Antti P. is 1 dan, Markus is officially 1 kyu but somewhere between 1-2 dan in skill. There are no other dan level players.

How long have you practised to get to 3 dan? It's a huge accomplishment.
I'll always love GO. It is one of my favourite games ever existed.

A little over 15 years. I became 1 dan five years after I started to play.

I'm 7 kyu, so I'm pretty much the weakest unless our beginners give us a visit.

Oh, it's fine. Still stronger than me, haha :D
Maybe one day I will have enough time to practise GO again heh.

It looks like it was a fun meeting

btw, with what regularity, you play?

Yea it was pretty fun! We meet once a week to play.

That's great

I've heard this game is much harder than chess and poker altogether.
And it has infinite moves. One Life is not enough to learn all of them.

That's not entirely true. The basic rules are easy enough for a kid to learn, and to enjoy playing against other kids. It's only when you start getting better yourself, as you start learning more and more, when you begin to notice it gets gradually tougher and tougher. But when playing against someone your own strength, you will always pretty much know what you are doing.

It's only when your opponent is a lot stronger when you will start to think the game is infinitely more difficult. ;)

It's a good thing you published a post about this club evening. I forgot to take photos.

It was also nice of your non-go playing friend to visit the club. I enjoyed the round of Alias the three of us played while Antti and Markus were playing go next to us. We did not remember exact rules of Alias but it was fun the way we played it. I think Alias is one of those games where you should just cut to the chase and ditch the board altogether. You could find out the winner easily by trying out every possible pair both ways (A as the explainer and B as the guesser and vice versa). All of the moving pieces on the board and throwing dice to figure out how many steps to move is just for kids anyway. The more adult the game, the fewer such elements a game will have. Conversely, games that have only such elements are all for young children.

One of our members, Antti didn't get the memo, and called from the main dood of our building asking for me to open the door. So @markkujantunen decided to go and drive to our place and fetch our friend.

I forgot to mention that Antti told me in the car that he did not receive your text message because his mobile phone malfunctions intermittently and unpredictably. According to Antti, it somehow fails to show some messages but shows others normally. Maybe we should phone him to make sure he gets the memo in addition to sending an SMS.

@gamer00 - Sir I think I want to learn this game... People say it's time consuming... But atleast we can play it without moving our bodies lol :)


what is that game?
how to play it?

It's the game of Go. I will probably have to explain the rules in a bigger post one day. I hope I remember to.

Sounds like a very nice and jolly party at play here!!
I don't how to play GO! This post is really making an impact on me to learn new thing!
Perhaps its time I learned to improve my mind and memory!

I still have no idea how to play this game. Have you made a post explaining the rules etc? :)

Have you made a post explaining the rules etc? :)

Not yet... that I recall. I might do that some day though.

I never tried Go. It is not common in Germany. We are card players.

Go is not very well known anywhere in the West.

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