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RE: 9 Points on Divine Feminine and Masculine / Some Thoughts on Feminism

in #blogaday6 years ago (edited)

Wow thanks for an amazing article. I've always found it interesting that through out history and cultures we have had different ways to describe this. From the Hermetic Principles
As well as Yin and Yang an many others I can't remember.
I find it so interesting that it even translates into our modern view of the left and right brain.

All images found were found on Google labeled for reuse. The first two are from What on Earth is Happening where all the information is free to share.

Ever since coming across Mark Passio's work (which is insanely interesting) I've been trying to find more sources to further understand the divine Masculine and Feminine, but most of the stuff I find is all very new agey and solely focused on the feminine. Do you have any good sources you would be able to share?

Again, thanks for the article it is very interesting and I hope to see you around. Keep up the good work!


hey @zacanarchy143 100% it is so cool to see it reflected in many cultures over all of known history - you can sometimes catch the truth when you see the same concepts spanning out into different places and times. I love those images! Yin and yang are pivotal .. it's all balance - we are meant to live in a symbiotic ecosystem not a 2D system of laws, rights, victims and perps. They take yin and yang to mean "black and white" but things are not clean cut and in fact it's like this


Oh, and thank you for your comment up there! A part of me wanted to dissect and retaliate to that comment but I couldn't bring myself to as another person I thought would "get it" totally did NOT and I started thinking perhaps I really am one of the few who see outside the boxes.. lol so good to see I'm not alone!

that video is one I thought was good. If I can think of any that are more literature or historical I'll drop them in as a reply.. I did recently watch a great one centered around ancient Egypt but I can't seem to find it right this moment

thanks again for your awesome comment :)

Thank you very much for the extra information I'll be sure to check that out today. :) I love seeing synchronism play out in reality especially in places that are so unexpected. It's sad that in our postmodern society our ancestors are so easily dismissed. Like come on everything we have is owed to them. Give them some credit!

I completely agree sometimes I feel the same way. But we have to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes. As Jordan Peterson says, "You should really listen to what people have to say, because they may know something you don't." At the very least it can help solidify your own thoughts. I'm glad to see more people becoming more conscious.

I almost left that comment alone, but I couldn't get it off my mind as I was getting ready and going to work this morning. I know I came off way more emotional and condescending than I should have. A bit hypocritical I know. Hopefully if I misinterpreted their intended tone, they will correct me and open a dialogue.

Thank you for getting back to me! Have a great day! :)

oh BTW I didn't respond to your comment up there because I wanted to leave it open to get a response directly at your comment without distracting her with my thanks and praise for your fantastic comment ;-)

I'd also like to point out, despite me not wanting to blow up your comment section, that of all the great post I've seen, upvoted, and commented on, this is truly the first that has kept me engaged enough to come back and check up on.

thank you! I really appreciate it ☺🙏

I completely understand :D
Thank you!

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