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RE: Who is @baah? Who cares? ...... information warfare - up close and personal..

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

The whole flat/ball earth is created to divide, and divert attention, if you ask me.
Keeping people busy with fighting over non-issues.
Keeping them from focusing on the real issue of fighting tyranny (statism) which is becoming worse every day.

Tyranny on a flat earth is just as bad as tyranny on a ball earth.


True, yet obviously one side is correct and the other completely incorrect. The only reason I challenge flat earth is because it's used to bunch up all other things with it. If you doubt the 9/11 narrative, you're a flat earther. If you think that vaccines are not either as safe or as effective as we are told, you're a flat earther. When I challenged @builderofcastles claims in his post "Inescapable-conclusion" he responded by pointing to every other conspiracy or fraud, and used that to say that because the FED is private, then why wouldn't "they" lie about the shape of the world, if they hid skeletons of giants, then why wouldn't they lie about the shape of the world. If pedophiles run the world, why wouldn't they lie about the shape of the world. He basically discredited all frauds and crimes that he attached to the flat earth nonsense. That is why I think this psyop is running. The division and diversion is done through sports, news, politics much more effectively than flat earth. Who do you think capable of forming a cogent argument Vs statism when they are completely ridiculous and avoid any kind of logic in order to guard their beliefs that the world is flat?

Posted using Partiko Android

The only reason I challenge flat earth is because it's used to bunch up all other things with it.

This is true in some cases.

I have seen people attack and trying to discredit, principled voluntaryists accusing the voluntaryist of being a shill for the elite, and not being a real voluntaryist for not believing flat eart, or something around those lines. This does not make sense at all
(It was not builder of castles but some other people)

I personally do not belief in a flat earth...although I have been looking at it for quite some time. (I never dismiss something directly no matter how outlandish or not standard) But I came to the conclusion by way of using my own eyes that it is a ball.
I don't want to further discuss this subject (shape of earth) because I personally think it's a waste of time.
I trust that people can find out for themselves, one day reality will stare them in the face just like it did with me.

Personally I think "flat earth" is utter horseshit. Same with the 911 official story and I think vaccinations are 100% bullshit too. Maybe I'm evil...

When I first joined steem I'd make anyone I could a challenge that if they can offer evidence of the efficaciousness of vaccines, any vaccines they can have my account. A few tried but all they had were statistics on incidence of morbidity and mortality dropping with vaccination, while ignoring the immense drop before vaccination and in reference to that when vaccination was introduced the rate flattened out.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice work! - Sadly here on Steemit there is big money backing vaxxers as there is everywhere...

But it's all about divide and conquer...

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