Resurrection - Diary of a Survivor (Week 7 - Humanity Unites!)

in #blog8 years ago

Weeks 1-5 are here! | Week 6 is here!

Day 43:

07:00 AM - As I had hoped Angelina and I made love all night long. It was an amazing experience being with someone who is inside your head and you in theirs. There was no need for conversation as we each knew exactly what they other wanted and needed and it was mind-blowingly awesome. I can't imagine anything will ever be able to top the way I feel right now. I am pretty sure that every cell in my body is smiling today.

08:00 AM - Angelina and I decide to take our new ship and go exploring the vastly vacant Earth. We are planning a little holiday getaway to spend some quality alone time with each other and explore the depths of our new relationship and mental connections.

09:00 AM - We are preparing to depart but a group of Atlantean and Grey's want to talk to me before we leave. They have brought a detailed plan with a scale model of "New Miami" that they hope to have finished by the time we return. I immediately approve the design and tell them we will be back in a week or two.

09:30 AM - We are "up up and away" so to speak. We take the ship right to the edge of space and circle the Earth a few times while trying to decide where we want to go first. Then it hits us, let's go to Telax instead and visit the other Human Colonies that haven't been relocated back to Earth yet.

10:45 AM - We fly through the gateway in the Bermuda Triangle and within seconds we are in the atmosphere of Telax 3, some 200,000 light years from Earth. Angelina informs me there are roughly 1 billion humans living on Telax on the mainland so she plots a course and away we go.

11:45 AM - We land in "Atlantis Prime" as the human inhabitants named it. It is a bustling city and several hundred people come to meet us as our ship lands on the edge of town. Of course I am instantly recognized as everyone is aware of my role in trying to rebuild humanity and reuniting Humans, Atlanteans and Grey's. Thousands of people swarm Angelina and I as we walk through the city, mostly wanting to know when they can return to Earth. All though a few people like Telax and want to stay and keep a permanent human settlement in the Telaxian System.

14:00 PM - Angelina and I have been invited to the home of the former US President Donald J. Trump for dinner. Him and his wife Ivanka are eager to meet and discuss the future of humanity.

17:00 PM - After hours of walking around the city and talking to people we have arrived at the home of Donald and Ivanka Trump. Donald meets us at the door and invites us in. As we enter the living room we notice that there are about a dozen or so other US Politicians and Military Leaders there as well. I soon realize this is going to be more of an interrogation than a friendly dinner. Angelina is communicating with me telepathically trying to calm me and help me through this difficult situation.

18:00 PM - We have sat around a large banquet table and there are 16 of us in attendance. The former government and military leaders are wondering how I pulled off reuniting humanity with our ancestors the Atlanteans and their offshoot The Grey's. Rather than try and explain it all to them I ask if I can read to them from my Diary after dinner. I tell them I have documented my experiences since waking up and finding myself alone in Cairo, Egypt and that I will gladly read them my account of events. They agree and we enjoy a nice meal. It was not Earth-Food so it was a tad of an adjustment to eating Alien Vegetables and Meats but it was quite tasty and I rather enjoyed the meal.

19:00 PM - We are all seated in the living room and I begin reading from my Diary. They are all enthralled and just sit there listening intently.

Day 44:

06:00 AM - I have finally read my entire Diary up until leaving Miami and as I expected, or rather feared, they have a million and one questions. I tell them I need some sleep but that we can meet later in the day and I will attempt to answer all their questions.

06:15 AM - Angelina and I head back to our ship to get some rest.

07:00 AM - We are back aboard our little space ship "Resurrection Mini" and have laid down for some much needed rest. Of course my mind is going 9,000 miles per hour so Angelina rolls over, wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest. Almost as if I had been given a sedative I dozed off to sleep.

19:00 PM - I awake to find myself alone on the ship. Angelina has left me there to rest and gone who knows where. As I leave the ship I attempt to make a telepathic connection with her but can't seem to locate her. So I head through the city towards The Donald's house hoping to make a connection with her or find her there waiting on me.

19:30 PM - I am a couple blocks away from The Donald's when I finally connect with Angelina. She is already there and I can sense her talking with the group from before, but with a dozen or so new people there as well.

19:45 PM - I arrive at Donald Trumps residence and am escorted to the Great Room where about 30 people are now gathered. Angelina has been telling them about the Atlantean Prophecy of "The First Son" and that that is why the Atlantean's decided to help me rebuild humanity and later elected me their leader. As I sit down I begin telling them that the reason the Grey's took almost 7 billion people from Earth and scattered them across the Telaxian Solar System was to try and force us to change our ways and quit fighting and destroying our planet. I tell them that when they realized I had reunited the remainder of humanity in a peaceful, cooperative society and gotten the Atlantean people to join me they decided to send a delegation to meet me. They two had a legend of "The First Son" as they were originally Atlantean's as well.

I go on to add that all three races are back on Earth now building a "New Miami" that will be large enough to "home" every Human, Atlantean and Grey in the Universe when it is completed and that anyone desiring to can return to Earth when it is finished. They then want to know about Government and who is in charge. I tell them that there is no official government and that one is no longer needed on Earth. There is also no currency, no welfare, no commerce, no banking or anything like that. That everyone does their part and everything is free for anyone who needs anything.

I tell them that the Internet 2.0 has been born in Miami and that the entirety of Human, Atlantean and Grey knowledge is contained within it. I further by telling them that all information and knowledge is free, freely shared, freely taught and that through Unity all our species will survive and thrive in a coherent and peaceful fashion.

All is going well until a former General asks me about military and I quickly tell him that not only does the military no longer exist but that there is no longer a need for a military. Then I add that all military technology, vehicles, ships, etc. have been destroyed as has every other trace of humanity on the Earth and that all those resources are being used to build "New Miami".

Of course that leads to "Who keeps the peace? Who is the law-and-order?" to which I reply: There is virtually no crime anymore. As everything is free there is no longer a need for theft, everything is legal so there is no longer any gangs, drug dealears, etc. Everyone is equal so there is no longer any fighting over who has what, who gets what, who lives where, etc. In fact the only thing resembling crime are an occasional attempt at rape, sodomy, child molestation and to the best of my knowledge every one of them has been prevented before any damage was done. Additionally, there are technological advances that enable people to safely fulfill every conceivable fantasy and desire in the privacy of their own homes without the need for endangering or harming anyone or anything.

21:00 PM - They have gotten the hint and asked if Angelina and I would take them back to Earth when we return. I agree to transport the 28 of them but tell them we are going to go visit the other 7 worlds in the Telaxian system with Human Populations and will pick them up on our way back to Earth in a few days.

21:30 PM - Angelina and I have returned to "Resurrection Mini" for a nights sleep before visiting other worlds tomorrow.

Day 45:

04:30 AM - I have tossed and turned all night, fearing that returning the former leaders and military personnel to Earth will wreak havoc on the new society that is being built there. I finally get up and wake Angelina so we can head to Telax Alpha (the first planet in the system).

08:00 AM - We arrived in Orbit around Telax Alpha. There appear to be almost 200 small cities on the planet. There are no large land masses, only a few hundred small islands scattered around the entire planet. We finally decide on a larger island near the planet's equator and head into the atmosphere.

09:00 AM - We have landed in New Berlin as the locals have named it. As you can guess the population is mostly of German origin. They haven't heard what is going on back on Earth, why they where brought to this planet or anything else, which was a real shock to me. After spending an hour or so talking to them I soon realized they were not recently taken from Earth. They had been placed there during WWII and had no idea of anything that had happened since.

10:00 AM - Angelina and I have decided to go to one of the other island cities and have left New Berlin. I will be recommending that when humans are repatriated to Earth that New Berlin is taken to a Re-Integration Center so they can be caught up on what has happened since their parents and grandparents where taken from Earth.

11:30 AM - We have sat down in a very tiny Island City that only has a few thousand inhabitants. They appear to be very primitive and speak a language that is completely unfamiliar to myself and Angelina. They are dark skinned but don't look like any modern humans. I am still carrying my new cellphone from Miami so I pull it out and snap some pictures before we reboard Resurrection Mini and head to the next island.

12:15 PM - We arrive on one of the largest Islands on the planet and find a city far more technologically advanced than anything on Earth, well before Miami was begun being rebuilt. They have flying cars and freeways in the sky and appear to use no fossil fuels. We quickly make our way from the edge of the island where we landed on the beach into the heart of the city. No one seems to even pay us any mind and everyone goes about their business as if we weren't even there. Near the center of town we see what looks like a Museum so we go inside. Sure enough it was a Museum, or more of a memorial to the humans that created the city and it's 10,000 Android inhabitants. Nearly 1,000 years after a group of Ancient Egyptians were brought to this world they had made great technological advances. Then a plague began ravishing the island so they created Android versions of themselves so that they could live on.

13:30 PM - We have moved on to the next island. This one only has a few dozen inhabitants. We are amazed to learn that one of it's earliest inhabitants was Amelia Earhardt. Still alive and thriving on the island are the crews of the Challenger space shuttle that exploded many years earlier. Conspiracy Theorists had claimed for years that a UFO had beemed the crew out before the explosion and turns out they were correct.

15:00 PM - On to yet another island but this one seems to have been deserted for a long long time.

15:30 PM - We have found a dozen more islands with no population any longer. Most of them have been empty for years or decades.

18:00 PM - We finally found another inhabited island. It is about the size of Key West, FL but has almost 1 million inhabitants. It feels like most American Cities only a few weeks ago would have felt like. There is a sense they have made a new home here and are in no hurry to return to Earth.

21:00 PM - We have returned to "Resurrection Mini" and left Telax Alpha and are now in orbit around the 2nd planet. We will spend the night in orbit while we get some rest.

Day 46:

06:00 AM - We have landed in the largest city on Telax Beta (the second planet) and found over 3 billion recent human transplants. They are healthy and for the most part happy. They formed a government as soon as they were left here and things have been mostly calm ever since. Angelina and I are scheduled to meet with the leaders of the city in a few hours.

08:00 AM - Our meeting with the leaders of New Washington (as we just learned is the name of the city) just began. They have been updated on the situation back on Earth before our arrival and are eager to return to Earth as soon as New Miami is completed.

10:00 AM - A delegation from the other city on the planet has just arrived. Montreal is the name of that town and is home to roughly 1 billion recent human transplants. They have also been kept apprised of things on Earth and are ready to return as well.

13:00 PM - We are heading to the 3rd planet to meet with the people on Telax 3. We have been informed that they found a long abandoned alien ship and got it working again and had visited Telax Beta a few times. They are eager to meet us.

14:30 PM - We just landed in Carpathia and the delegation met us at our landing site. They wanted to see our ship and compare it to the one they found while we talk. As Angelina shows the delegation around the ship I have a conversation with the leader of Carpathia, a Bernie Sanders. He seemed almost delighted to learn that Earth no longer had any official government or even need for one. He actually did a happy dance when I told him that racism, greed, capitalism, bigotry and many other human faults were virtually non-existent on Earth now and that when we started returning humans to Earth they would be taken to a "Re-Integration Camp" first to learn how the "New World" works.

16:00 PM - The tour of our ship has ended and we are all touring Carpathia. It is an absolutely stunning city, imagine Venice, Italy being built in the 23rd century. Towering skyscrapers and the only forms of transportation are gondola's and feet. Much like Venis artisans of every kind adorn the streets in the daytime. In fact the more I see of the 8 inhabitted worlds in the Telax system the less certain I become that Humanity should be returned to Earth.

18:00 PM - Angelina and I have returned to Resurrection Mini and have set course for Telax 5.

19:30 PM - We just entered orbit around Telax 5 and will be spending the night in orbit before meeting with the 5 cities on the planet tomorrow.

Day 47:

06:00 AM - We have left orbit and landed in the first of 5 cities on Telax 5. The planet is almost 100 times the size of Earth and has a very active volcanic system. We watched a new continent form last night from space. The leaders of the city have come out in Space Suits to meet us as the air quality is toxic to humans without special breathing apparatus. We decide to stay aboard the ship for the meeting. They tell us that the city is geothermally powered and that there are massive air filtration systems deep under ground that process all the air in the buildings. All transportation is done via subterranean "tubes" that connect every building. While they say it isn't a bad place to live as long as you stay indoors I can tell they are ready to get the hell off that planet.

09:00 AM - We have left the first city and flown to the second. A delegation quickly arrives at our landing site and shares similar stories with us.

10:00 AM - Angelina and I decide we don't need to visit the other three cities on Telax 5 and head for Telax 6.

13:30 PM - Telax 6 is tiny, Pluto sized planet, and is a frozen waste land. We scan the planet from orbit but can not find any thermal signatures or other signs of life. After a few hours looking we decided to head for Telax 7.

16:00 PM - We have arrived in orbit around Telax 7 which is near the edge of the Telax system. There is a secondary Sun that orbits the outer edges of the Telax system so this planet is actually habitable. We quickly detect one rather large city in the center of the planets only continent. From orbit it looks eerily like Australia. We decide to spend the night in orbit before heading down to the planet.

18:00 PM - Angelina is feeling romantic and has made us a nice dinner which we are eating in bed. I didn't even realize we had a kitchen onboard the ship which she heard me thinking and started giggling. "We don't" she thought "it is from a replicator!".

Day 48:

06:00 AM - We just landed in Queensland (apparently the locals thought it resembled Australia as well) and a delegation of almost 200 were waiting on us when we landed. It turns out they detected us in orbit and were waiting for us to land. The city has a very ancient vibe about it and we quickly learn that it was overgrown and had been abandoned for millennia when they arrived. They found ancient writing that resembled Phoenician and Early Egyptian and came to the conclusion that an unknown alien race had built the city and for whatever reason left and spread out across the heavens.

08:00 AM - The delegation is taking us on a tour of the city. Every where they take us looks familiar. The Pyramids of Giza (Cairo Egypt) are also here, Stonehenge (still fully built) is here, Easter Island Statues are here. In fact every ancient monument or ruin I am aware of on Earth has a duplicate here. But no one seems to know who built all this or where they went.

16:00 PM - After hours of visiting site after site Angelina and I are exhausted so we head back to Resurrection Mini.

17:00 PM - We arrive back onboard our ship to find the main cabin filled with foods from Telax 7. We are glad because we are starving. After gourging ourselves for an hour we head to bed.

Day 49:

04:30 AM - We have left Telax 7 and are headed for Telax 8. We can tell it is another small planet and looks to have no surface water.

06:30 AM - We arrive in orbit around Telax 8 and as we suspected there is no surface water. However we are detecting a massive heat signature from the northern part of the planet. It appears to be a subterranean city.

07:00 AM - We have flown down to the planet and there is a 1 mile wide cave entrance in the side of a mountain. This is the largest mountain I have ever seen and shouldn't even be possible by my understanding. The peak of the mountain reaches almost 40 miles above median ground level. The cave appears to be at about a 30 degree angle so we slowly head in. After almost 5 miles of cave we reach a massive cavern. At the bottom of the cavern, almost 10 miles below ground level) lies an enormous city. It appears very similar to the one we encountered on Telax 7 and is littered with familiar structures.

07:30 AM - We have landed in the city and are currently talking to a few dozen citizens. They tell us they surveyed the cavern and it is larger than North America back on Earth. This is the only city on the planet as far as they have found and it too was abandoned for millenia when they arrived.

10:00 AM - We have finished our tour of New Cairo (what the inhabitants named their cavern city) and headed for Telax 9.

12:30 PM - We have arrived in orbit around Telax 9 and it is a very unusual planet. It doesn't orbit the systems primary sun, instead it orbits the secondary sun and it's orbit takes it in and out of the solar system on a daily basis. One side of the planet seems to always face the second sun so when it leaves the solar system the far side of the planet does into a deep deep freeze and only partially thaws when it re-enters the solar system.

14:00 PM - We have surveyed the planet and only found one small city. We have landed and no one has come to meet us. Then Angelina realizes that for an hour or so as the planet leaves the solar system and for an hour or so as it re-enters the solar system this side of the planet is facing two suns. She quickly surmizes it is about to get too hot to be outside and advises we stay in the ship for about 2 hours.

16:00 PM - We are outside the solarsystem now and are completely behind the second sun. The citizens have made their way out of their homes and have come to meet us. There are only around 100,000 people on this planet and we quickly learn they are ready to return to Earth.

17:00 PM - We have returned to space and are making our way back to Telax 3, to the portal back to Earth. We have decided not to return Trump and his cronies to Earth, at least not right now.

21:00 PM - We just emerged from the Bermuda Triangle and immediately notice that things look different. The ocean is crystal clear, the air looks a brighter shade of blue. What has happened this week I wondered as we made our way back to Miami.

22:00 PM - Flying into Miami we almost didn't recognize the city. It was absolutely massive stretching some 50 miles in diameter in a perfect circle. Around the entire city was a 1 mile wide ocean fed channel and on the outside of the channel was a 100 foot tall earthen wall that I can only surmise was designed to protect the city from the ocean. Being exhausted from the last week we fly directly into our apartment atop Miami 1 tower and call it a night.

If you enjoyed this story or any of my other writing please "follow me" @venuspcs and share this post with all your friends here on Steemit as well as other social media sites. Thanks for reading!


@venuspcs, so glad to see your post on my feed this morning. I missed you.

This stuff comes from your mind? This is mind-blowingly awesome.

Next time you take a vacation from steemit, be sure to drop a line. 😀

Not sure if I will be posting anything else.....can't seem to write anything for last 10 days. Depressed as hell and there just isn't anything there.

@venuspcs, I'm sorry about hour depression. I wish I had a magic word to help you climb out of it. I spent years fighting depression. It's the heaviest burden in my life.

I've been thinking about you not posting. You're allowed to forgive yourself if thats your burden.
I don't know you personally, but I care for you. No accidents in who God sends into your life. Richard, your in my prayers.

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