Humanities Delusional Belief That We Are Alone In The Universe

in #blog7 years ago

Anyone who reads through my Post History will know that I am avid Sci-Fi fan and true believer that Humanity is not alone in the Universe. I am absolutely certain that Aliens (Intelligent Extra-Terrestrial Life) not only exists but that many species of ET have visited Earth during Humanities existence here. I know, beyond any doubt, that there are several races of ET that still visit Earth to this day and many that live among Humans right now.

Wow, this guy has lost his marbles!

Well if that is what you are thinking then you should probably GTFO right now, if you have yet to reserve judgement (or agree) then please keep reading.

I am going to share some things, that I never share.....not because I am ashamed, but because I am scared. Things that could very well get me arrested or expunged for sharing. Things that I have been ordered to never reveal to anyone. Why, you might wonder. Well to be perfectly blunt, IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.

Humanity needs to wake the fuck up and realize that the Governments of the world are hiding a hell of a lot of things from the people. Large corporations aren't much better! Humanity deserves to know "what is out there" so that we can take our rightful place in "Interstellar Society". Humanity needs to get over their delusional belief that with Trillions of stars and Billions of planets capable of supporting life (as we know it) that we are the only Intelligent Species to exist.

First Encounter: Tall Greys

When I was 8 years old I was living with my mom and Godfather. The duplex two doors up had an opening so my mom (trying to be a mother for a change) decided to rent one half for me and her, This was just before Thanksgiving in 1980. We had been in the house a few days, enjoyed Thanksgiving there and then it happened. Once night while I was laying in bed asleep I awoke to the sound of movement in my room. Thinking it was a rat (they were bad in the neighborhood) I opened my eyes. What I saw was no rat, it was three 7' (or so) tall Grey humanoid looking beings standing at the end of my bed. I was terrified and tried to scream but no sound would exit my mouth. So I tried to get up and couldn't move. Then I heard the voices, in my head, of the beings standing before me. While I didn't understand what they were trying to tell me it scared me so bad that when I could move I ran into my mom's room, woke her and had her call the cops. The police showed and investigated, every door and window to the house was locked. They said I imagined it, but my mom (for once in her life) listened to me and the next day we moved back in with my Godfather.

A week later a new family moved into the house. Their first night there they all died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning in their sleep due to a faulty furnace in the basement. It would take me almost 20 years to figure out that those were aliens trying to save my life; although I am still not certain why!

My tweens: First Computer

In 1980, for Christmas, I received a Commodore Vic 20 computer. It wasn't the most powerful thing around, it had no internal storage or modem and required a Television to use. However, I quickly learned to code in Basic and in no time had managed to hack into AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy and a few other places via the blazingly fast 2600 Baud Cradle (Modem) that I got for my birthday in January of '81.

Within a few weeks of getting the modem I was randomly dialing phone numbers all over the world searching for the "fax machine" sound. If I got one I placed the phone in the cradle and tried to hack into whatever I had dialed up. Firewalls were virtually non existent in those days and most systems didn't even have passwords. If they did it was retardedly easy to guess most of them as they were usually: password OR 1234 or admin!

Needless to say I gained access to a horde of servers I should not have been in. Most of the stuff I accessed was of no interest to me. There were a few occasions where I accessed Non-Public servers (not civilian) and feasted my eyes on "Secret" documents that very few people ever see.

Second Encounter: UFO's

When I was 13 years old I petitioned the courts to place me into State Custody to get away from my mother. The first Foster Family they placed me with was Gene and Diane Neathawk in Dallas, GA. They had one son and another, younger, foster son already. After a little time with them they petitioned the state for permission to take both foster kids out of state on Vacation. When it was granted we traveled (all 5 of us) to Massachusetts to visit Diane's family. Then we went to New York State to visit Gene's family.

While driving through NY State in 1985 we were among over 10,000 people to see a fleet of UFO's zooming back and forth across the night sky. Gene and Diane were both scared shitless, to the point Gene actually wrecked the Cargo van that him and I had converted into a Mini-RV. There was no major damage, except to his pride. But it gave us boys time to really watch the light show the UFO's were putting on. Then a small group (4 or 5 I think) of Military Jets gave pursuit and the UFO's vanished.

The Third Encounter - Of the Close Kind

While a ward of the state, in my early teens, I temporarily developed a unique ability that some would call "Super Natural". There are many words for it: Teleportation, Trans-Location, etc. Regardless of what you call it I could frequently transport my Consciousness to different locations; occasionally even transport my body.

I discovered this by accident while in a foster home that had promised to take me to NYC's Times Square to watch the ball drop New Years Eve (January 1, 1986). Then the state denied them permission to take me out of state because my mother was trying to get me back. Heartbroken I went to bed (Dec. 31, 1985) and all I could think about was Times Square. I fell asleep that night focused so intently on the place that I appeared there. In my fucking underwear, in the middle of winter. A kind stranger quickly gave me a trench coat to put on and another let me use a Portable Phone (one of those suitcase sized fuckers) to call my foster parents.

They didn't believe me at first and quickly checked my room and the rest of the house. Then I told them to turn on the news to CBS and I got in front of the CBS camera and they saw me. They went to the airport in Atlanta and bought me a ticket home and wired me money to buy some clothes. The person that loaned me the portable phone was nice enough to take me to Western Union and Macy's and then put me in a cab to the Airport. When I got back to Atlanta, my foster parents told me that we would never speak of this again.

The experience, while scary as hell, intrigued me to no end. I wanted to know where else I could go and I quickly learned to only travel with my conscious mind and not my whole body. I traveled all over the Earth for the next few months, visiting different places every couple nights.

Then one night I got the bright idea of imaging another world, picturing it in my mind as if I was standing on it. Hoping I could travel there with my consciousness. In my zeal to see new worlds I concentrated way too hard and transported myself (body and mind) to a Trinary planet (three suns) over a million light years from Earth. It was almost entirely populated with Human looking beings that were almost entirely female. I soon learned that a Genetic Abnormality thousands of years earlier had virtually eliminated Male offspring from being born. They were extraordinarily rare. Because of this fact Men were all royalty and treated like Gods. I only spent a few hours (Earth time) on the planet and to be honest leaving was quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever done.

Truth be told, I had a hell of a lot of fun on that planet. A few years later I managed to return to find out that my few hours there had resulted in over a dozen pregnancies. Almost all of them Male. They were overwhelmed to see me again and reveled me as their Savior; claiming that my DNA combined with theirs to overcome the Genetic Abnormalities that had plagued their civilization for almost 5,000 years.

Fourth Encounter: Abduction

I was 16 years old, in 1988, and at the time was homeless and living on the streets in Tampa, FL. I had decided to walk to the beach one afternoon and was on my way back to the truck stop I hung out at late one night. I don't remember the abduction or much of what happened during it. But I do remember that the beings who took me where Greys (Short Greys) and that after they returned me to Tampa I was notedly different. I was taller, stronger, faster and more perceptive.

In fact, I began to work out after this. To run everywhere I went and to push myself. One day I saw a sturdy pole and for some strange reason felt compelled to grab it with both hands and see if I can bring my body into the air perpendicular to the pole. It was surprisingly easy to do. After a few more days of doing that every chance I got I got hit with an overwhelming urge to let go of the pole, while I was fully in the air. Much to my chagrin I didn't fall to the ground. I stayed right there in the air as if I was still holding the pole. In a panic to grasp a hold of the pole again before I fell flat on my face, I missed the pole with my hands and slammed head first into it. What the fuck, I had just propelled my body through the air like superman.

Needless to say I was scared and didn't fully understand what had just happened. So for a weeks I didn't try again. Then one night, after a few drinks with some truckers I decided to try again....mainly because I had shared the story with them and they called bullshit. Within seconds I was flying around the truck stop making them think they were tripping on LSD. Not content to just see the truck stop I flew all over Florida that night.

I only ever managed to pull that off one more time a few years later but what a feeling to soar through the sky like a bird or a plane.

Fifth Encounter: Flying a UFO

After my untimely departure from the United States Navy I traveled to California to be with my Fiance who was stationed in San Diego. After a few weeks we broke up and I left and went to LA. Shortly there after I hitch hiked to Las Vegas. I had been hustling and living on the streets (mostly) in Vegas a few months when this strange dude approached me one day and asked me a question: "Have you ever been to Area 51?". I was pretty sure he was some kind of homo but I hadn't slept or eaten in days and honestly didn't give a fuck so I said "no, you wanna show it to me?". A few minutes later we were in his conversion van (mini RV) heading out into the desert. I thought for sure that was the end of me but I was so tired and hungry I didn't care. As soon as we took off he gave me a cold beer and some food and before the Vegas lights faded I had fallen asleep.

I awoke sometime later sitting in the van high on a mountain top overlooking Area 51. As I stirred to life he handed me a pair of binoculars and told me to have a look. No sooner than I raised the binoculars up I saw the side of the mountain open. I would soon learn that what I saw was S3 Hangar 1 opening.

Well this got me curious as hell, because I could clearly see there was something I didn't recognize in that hangar and I wanted to know more. I had encountered documents while in the military that said there was Alien Tech at Area 51 but to actually see it was life changing; to say the least.

The next day the guy shows up out of nowhere, in my new hangout place I had just picked a few minutes earlier. He tells me a story about how he used to work at Area 51, shows me the unmarked planes at McCarren that take the workers to and from the base and then proceeds to tell me he thinks he knows a way I can get in.

He has another friend that just left working at Area 51 and still does contract work for the government; who also now is head of security for a new casino in Nevada. So we go to meet this friend and he agrees to provide us with information on the bases security, patrols, sensors, etc. and even manages to get his hands on a key card to S3 if we make it that far.

After months of research, planning and training we managed to successfully breach all 5 layers of security (that they had at that time) and reach the inner part of the base (that had only random patrols - id checks). In the cover of darkness, dressed in all black we scurried across the base to the entrance to S3 and swiped the card. It worked, holy hells bells it worked.

As we entered the Hangar we must have tripped a silent alarm because once I got within about 30 feet of the UFO half the base came rushing into the Hangar. I quite literally froze, like stone. This is an important fact as they tried to remove me and failed. They couldn't budge me. After several minutes standing there statuesque staring at the UFO I turned to the Base Commander and said "wanna go for a ride?". The lead scientist chimed in "we can't even find the door". With that I walked over to the ship, laid my hand on the side of it and a door opened and steps came down to the ground. Again I turned to the Base Commander and the Lead Scientist and asked "wanna go for a ride". Without hesitation the base commander, lead scientist and two MP's followed me on board the ship.

The interior was devoid of any decoration, instrumentation or creature comforts. It was all seamless metal with a metal ledge (bench seat) that ran around the outside of the main chamber. In the center of that chamber was a metal love seat looking thing. I walked over to it and sat down placing my elbows on the arms of the seat and hands in the air. I looked around the chamber at the other 4 people on-board the ship and said "ready". When they all acknowledged they were I placed my hands on the arms and away we went.

Little did I know I had triggered an auto-return sequence. The ship sped off so fast that it passed right through the side of the mountain (without leaving a hole) and into outer space. For nearly a week (relative to us) we traveled at unimaginable speed across the universe until we arrived at the ship's home planet, it's point of origin. Unbeknownst to us they were waiting on us when we arrived in their capital city at their space port. The ship had signaled it's return and shown them what was on-board.

They were as surprised as the people from the base that a Human could operate, in any capacity, the ship. It was genetically coded to only work for beings with a certain Genetic Marker (Gene in their DNA). Apparently, I had this gene and they tested the hell out of me while the military personnel and scientist met with their scientists and ship builders.

We spent nearly two weeks (our time) on the planet in the Alpha Centaurus system before they allowed me to fly us back to Earth with the ship, bringing one of theirs scientists along with us. Their scientist was supposed to spend some time on Earth working with the people at Area 51 and then take the ship and return home. I have no clue if that ever happened because as soon as we got back to Earth I was "debriefed" for weeks; to the point that I had no memory of this ever happening for almost a decade afterwards.


Whether or not you believe me, I honestly don't give a rats ass. But if I disappear and am never seen on you can pretty much rest assured that someone got pissed I shared these events and took my ass out.

In case they don't "disappear me" make sure you:


#thetruthisoutthere #alien #ufo


This gave me the chills, one of the best things i have seen on steemit in a while
Thanks heaps for sharing!
can you post more in the near future?
Upvoted and followed

I will if I don't get "disappeared"!

Id hope not!

We surely cant be the only life force out there in an infinitely sized universe. Great post have had to follow for some more ufo style conspiracy posts hehe

Are you serious about the facts.

Man thats crazy.

Wow, very interesting to say the least! I definitely believe there's other life out there and can't wait until everyone sees it. It's a big universe and we are just a small spec.

You had good experiences dude! Yes, I too believe that we are not alone this universe. I recently saw an UFO. I wrote about it here Since you had encountered a lot of supernatural phenomenon, I need you to help me out with what i saw.

Upvoted, followed you!

The X-Files, nice!

Can you please help us learn how to teleport like you :)

Hoo, this is a tough one, dude! I don't know whether to believe you or declare you crazier than a shithouse rat. It's a whirlwind story to hear, let alone actually living it. Either way, I still love my Texas trucker Steemit pal!

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