My new office!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


I think you can call it an improvement compared to the last one:f1393a57-7151-468b-b3ca-dc2e15adc13e.jpeg

I can even let my feet free in this one and no one gives a shit!


Work is finished... Just waiting for the clock.. I know.. I will draw something!


Ok I'll go back to watching hentai now! 45 minutes until I am free.



From the alons to the salons... ahahahahahahahahaha!
(Greeks will understand)

Is it connected with an oak tree?

I don't think so :P

does the word alon translate as an oak?

No, it's an expression for someone who gets "upgraded" in terms of social status.
από τα αλώνια, στα σαλόνια (apo ta alonia, sta salonia) = literally it means "from the threshing floors to the great halls" :P

This is a very interesting combination of consonant words.
We have a similar combination: "iz gryazi v knazi" - "from the dirt to the Kings".


: )

Unbelievable job. Very much alike to one that I have lost recently! Oh, you will enjoy

You watched hentai for a living too? 😎

No, but I could let my feet free and nobody gave a shit about it :)

Nice and clean. But you should be able to plug the VGA cable into the dock so you don't have to unscrew the thing every time you undock.

I never undock. NEVER!

lol. docking. Oh god. We use to make penis jokes about that all the time at work.

Well... That's something new for me...

at first glance it seemed like a windowless corporate vision of hell but maybe that girl on the left is cute and then it might not be a half bad place to hang out.

It's actually pretty fun and the work is easy 😁

that's my favorite kind.

Lol, you really do find a way to insert a phallic mention into your post! 😂

Congrats on the new space.

I am going to have to hold my opinion until you let us know if the blond with the back tattoo in the first pic is good looking or not.

Sad minds think alike.... lol

no, I came to the same conclusion, clearly the thought of any great mind.

lol...'great' and 'sad' are not mutually exclusive.....

My significant other half reads these posts so I will say she is ugly!

Your penis reads? How weird...

I can only imagine it has to wear a monicle

I should think so...2 trophies wives are enough for any man...

Trophy wives are like @steemmonsters gotta collect em all.

Ha. My wife laughs at steemit. She says we are a bunch of wierdos trying to make imaginary money. So I just enjoy all my imaginary money by myself. We will see how imaginary it is when I am a millionaire and buy 3 trophy wives. Just kidding.

Ha. My wife laughs at steemit. She says we are a bunch of wierdos trying to make imaginary money.

Why can't they understand that we can't spend our imaginary money just yet because we need to get a slider? That we would be fools to spend our imaginary money until it becomes worth much much more?

exactly, I am like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter right now.

assuming I have 500 SP I am planning on November for a powerdown.

LOL I was basing my opinion on that as well.

admin se porn cams piges kai egines ??? xD

Ναι, είμαι η κάμερα!

Είναι πολύ ωραία αίσθηση να δουλεύεις χωρίς παπούτσια!

Your previous splatter job was better... 😂😂😂

It was a nice experience :D

Hope your new office is not as cut throat as the old one . :)

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