
Sad minds think alike.... lol

no, I came to the same conclusion, clearly the thought of any great mind.

lol...'great' and 'sad' are not mutually exclusive.....

My significant other half reads these posts so I will say she is ugly!

Your penis reads? How weird...

I can only imagine it has to wear a monicle

I should think so...2 trophies wives are enough for any man...

Trophy wives are like @steemmonsters gotta collect em all.

Ha. My wife laughs at steemit. She says we are a bunch of wierdos trying to make imaginary money. So I just enjoy all my imaginary money by myself. We will see how imaginary it is when I am a millionaire and buy 3 trophy wives. Just kidding.

Ha. My wife laughs at steemit. She says we are a bunch of wierdos trying to make imaginary money.

Why can't they understand that we can't spend our imaginary money just yet because we need to get a slider? That we would be fools to spend our imaginary money until it becomes worth much much more?

exactly, I am like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter right now.

assuming I have 500 SP I am planning on November for a powerdown.

LOL I was basing my opinion on that as well.

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