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RE: Reputation 50 Accomplished! What's Next?

in #blog6 years ago

Congratulations on a wonderful effort @thedarkhorse What excites me about our steemit journey is, if we want to grow we have to step out of out comfort zone and stretch ourselves in areas that are a challenge. For instance, I wrote a poem the other day to go with a post and was pleased with the result. I may even do another one in the near future. I look forward to celebrating your next great milestone! Sorry, I'm low on votes atm but wanted to say, "Well Done!"


Thank you! Catch me on the next post for a vote ;) .

Glad you had a post that got you better results. I've been noticing the more you post the better you do. Been to busy last week to keep on top of things or I would have posted 2-3 more times. After 12-16 hours of working the idea of creating a post is just to much for me. Downside to running my own comes in crazy spurts most of the time and I'm not done until the work is done.

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