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RE: Continuous lack of time

in #blog5 years ago

I didn't realize how boring my life was before I took a class on Leisure. I took the "bullshit" class as an elective (needed the units), but I actually learned a lot from it. One of the assignments required us to keep track of our time throughout that whole week and apparently all I did was work, school, and sleep. It made me realize how insignificant and how trap I am. I immediately went out that night and hit the bar. I started to go out more with my friends. We went hiking, travel, and whatnot. Our time on this earth is limited and yet we waste most of our time on "idle" activities. What happen with leisure? Like you, I do a lot of research on cryptocurrency in hoping that it would free me from my constraints. Just remember to schedule some "me time" for yourself, so you don't go crazy in the future haha. I do hope I can catch a break because I can't see myself working a 9-5 job for the rest of my life. Take care and good luck


Thank you for your comment. It is true that life is short and wasted a lot of time. If we have money, we can enjoy this life. Without money, unfortunately, you have to sell your valuable time while working. It is sad. But you always have to hope and believe that you will not work physically until the end of life.

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