Little Book Inspires Thoughts About How Our Hearts Might Think Everything Into Existence, With the Help of the Brain

in #blog6 years ago

There's a little book that's got me thinking again, and it's called 'As a Man Thinketh'.


As a Man Thinketh is a little book written by James Allen, the book’s title being based on an old saying:

’As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.’


Mind is Made of Both Heart and Brain

James Allen's little book has reminded me that our hearts must be included when we think about thought.

Thought is usually thought of as something that originates in the brain, and it’s easy to overlook the word ‘heart’ in that old saying above, but heart is used there for a reason.

The heart is where it’s at though isn’t it? That central organ is more than just a pump, and aside from emitting a large electromagnetic field around itself, it seems like our hearts can think deeply, and can do such thinking beyond and outside of time itself.

The Heart, Our Other Brain

Of course we all know how our brains are supposed to work. We credit the brain with a lot of our actions, sometimes ignoring our hearts, even while the brain seems to have a mind of it’s own, and it’s as if the heart is the parent, while the brain is it’s only child.
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While the brain is busily trying to decorate and organize the world, the heart is already creating that world from the sea of ether, mindlessly and electrically generating a whirlpool of life-force, swirling into a distinct vortex of prana which then entrains the brain.

As we observe quietly, the brain is allowed to roam the heart's castle of chi, and while the brain’s left hemisphere is busily and logically calculating, reviewing and predicting, the right half of the brain is artfully tossing things around into a fleeting sculpture of giggles, or conducting a silly symphony out of the seriously strict tempo of consciousness without a single care.

Such a castle is so built from the walls of this perpetual cyclone of consciousness spilling inward, walls which the brain will attempt to measure so that tapestries can be woven, and so that songs can be sung into the hallways, so that those echos become visible to the eye.

As a human being thinketh, so that being has already created a world with the heart, and that world is pliable and infinitely elastic, so that as a being thinketh even the slightest thing, that thought becomes the slightest thing, and the slightest thing can easily become all that exists.

A single heart will bring into focus the spiraling threads of colorful thought which-- as a human being thinketh, are woven from the surrounding spool of electricity that the heart spins.

As always, we don’t have a consciousness of our own...

...we ARE consciousness, the ever-present witness to the brains creation of things and the feelings that constructed the world as it is now.

Being consciousness, we observe the dance that an electrical heart will lead, and from such a perspective that we maintain, there are no missteps or wrong choices in tunes, as it can be seen from here that this is all that actually is, and is the reality of the situation.

The little book As a Man Thinketh can have a big impact on the reader, and can serve as a reminder that, like the old saying suggests, as we think in our hearts, so we are. These thoughts about thinking, and the origins of those thoughts, are what I was thinking about today.

thanks for reading my thoughts on As a Man Thinketh, a little book that I can recommend reading for anyone who thinks, or anyone who’s heart whirls together exactly what their brains have imagined.

All photos above are mine, 2018 using Canon Rebel EOS. All upvotes and support are appreciated. For more stories and variety, click down below.


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wow never heard of it before

That little book made a big difference in my life when I first read it, it's a good one.

Thanks @therealpaul for posting this. This is the kind of post I love to that lifts and guides and teaches. Today when I've been captured by the dark cloud coming from D.C. regarding the War those psychopaths hope to start with Russia, my heart was in need of a higher frequency, something that would lift me. This really helped. Indeed, we are creators, we are consciousness - let us create love and peace. Blessings.

I've read this book. Many years ago as I recall. Copyright has expired and is a free internet read now:

a very useful book, I want to be able to have the book for me to read, cool post, thank you for sharing.

Some folks think with their heart while other think with their brain. I wonder where the soul comes into play in all of it? Nice read my friend. @therealpaul

This topic touches me a lot. I have been having internal conflict about brain/heart decisions all my life, especially regarding relationships and career.
I give you 2 examples:

  1. I don't think my job fits me, but it is the one that gives me financial security so I will keep it, even if I feel a fish out of the water, I feel no passionate and and my skills are improving.
  2. I am not ready for a relationships, probably because I am scared or because I don't feel anything for anybody anymore. I am still sticking with my boyfriend because he might be a good partner in life.
    What do you do with your consciousness? Do you let your heart drive you or you diminish it as simple muscle?

That conflict sounds familiar to me, like an ongoing dialogue in my head. By noticing the conflict, it's possible to view it from afar, and to listen without attachment. I try to remember to hear that conflict as being just the ego part of mind trying to lure me into the past or into the future. Now, I'm not being driven by my heart, but it does seem to be the source of things like intuition, instinct, and 'gut feelings', those synchronistic turns and choices in life that seem to be guided from beyond the rational mind. I always tend to adhere to the idea that we are all consciousness, and that we use our minds simply to be able to observe and be a part of the material world.

It is a great read, As A Man Thinketh. I would read it again to refresh my memory.

The heart is what cocoons the brain's excesses. The brain is a logical, rational and unemotional part of the human consciousness. It sees action and inaction, good and evil, black and white. It is the heart that brings colour, that explores the nuances and reasons behind actions, that brings emotions into the thinking process and makes us more human. It is indeed more than just an organ that pumps.

Nice Post dear. Looking forward to read your next post

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