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RE: They Game We Should’ve Never Played

in #blog6 years ago

we always keep playing. Until such point where everyone forgets that exiting the game was always a possibility.

It's really sad. We have become programmed to fight against each other rather than remembering that we're supposed to care for and help each other.

I've heard a story like "The Two Brothers" before, but I was trying to read your version with fresh eyes. I accomplished that so well that I had to re-read and re-re-read the story to figure out what would have possessed the older brother to wish for his eye to be gouged out (and thus his brother lose both his eyes).

It didn't make sense to me. Maybe there was background missing about how the younger brother had previously stolen the older brother's ____. Still, they're BROTHERS!

They're supposed to love each other. They're supposed to support and encourage each other. It's crazy that rather than wishing for freedom or safety that the brother would wish destruction on both of them. Even if his brother got double the blessings, the older brother still would have been blessed and safe had that been his wish.

The story didn't have the context, but it makes the lesson all that more powerful. Sure, there are people in our lives who have hurt or wronged us, but why would we go so far as to wish harm on ourselves just to cause more harm to them?!

Maybe we don't know all the people who are on the "other side" but that's all the more reason not to do harm to ourselves just to cause more harm to them.

Overall, it's a good reminder to be humble and kind.


Sorry if the story was missing some context. I'm sure there are many versions of it. This one I saw in a movie several years ago, it stuck with me though I may have forgotten something along the way.

I definitely agree with you, we should be more kind to people no matter if they happen to think differently.


It's really sad. We have become programmed to fight against each other rather than remembering that we're supposed to care for and help each other.

It's so true. I hope more people felt the same way.

Thanks for such a great comment!

Sorry if the story was missing some context.

Don't worry about it. The point was the same and the lack of context meant that it was even more shocking that the older brother would make such a ridiculous decision.

I enjoyed the read. Thanks for instigating an opportunity to renew my intentionality about how I treat others.

It's the ages old approach of divide and conquer. In our decadent society it's turned into individualisation which is packed as a value. At the same time the true values are ridiculed, diminished and ignored. All part of the master plan.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a very good point. It's one of the reasons that religion isn't supported. Religion, or even just shared values can create community and bonds that help people unite. If we're all just lost sheep running around on our own, it's much easier to control us.

And if we spend our time hating on each other, we're too distracted to see what is happening in the big picture to actually make a difference.

You are right.

By religion you are not referring to the institutionalized religions, are you?

Because these are just another mean of oppression control. More so because they feed on a group energy.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, there are a lot of "institutionalized religions" that are more about power than anything else. It doesn't really matter the message as long as you can get people giving you their money and attention.

I was referring more to people who have belief systems based in freedom and community. You can think something like a house church or a free-associating society. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I'm trying to say groups where people aren't forced or guilted into being part of the group.

When people feel safe and have a place they belong, it makes it more difficult to control or isolate them.

It's all very complicated, and yet simple. Yet much is hidden, so it's often difficult to see what is happening. At least on Steemit we have a place where we can talk about it. Can't do that on FB anymore.

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