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RE: My Words Used Against me. Ouch! & Thank You!!

in #blog6 years ago

The amount per hour is all relative. If your expenses are based on earning $3 an hour then $5 is great. Obviously you can't live on that in the US or Canada, but operators make close to 10x that in the chicagoland area per union contract plus pension, plus health insurance. Big surprise construction costs around here are crazy high.

Sounds like you got your work paperwork taken care of...good news!


still waiting on work permit, but this was on a restricted access sugarcane farm so no one cared.
I can live ok on $80 a week, so $40 a day is good money. But the bright side is I can move on the sailboat faster now, as that contract was 3 months long 6 days a week. I'm better off at sea than working 8 Hrs a day in the hot sun and windy dusty conditions. :-) I'll have my paypal working early next week and may at that point see if you still want a bit of steem or SBD. Let you know?

Sorry that permit hasn't come in for you. Sure that will open up lots of options for you.

Crazy that $80 a week can cover anything. This is why I want to get my Wife to agree to sell everything and travel for a while. We can see so many places on what our fixed expenses are here. Without going into details I figure I need to make $100 a day just to cover our needs. So like I said income is all relative.

Get that sailboat ready asap and get out on the water. It sounds like that is where you belong.

If you get paypal up and running let me know. I'm planning on buying more steem/SBD in 2 weeks, but can move it up a week. Saves me the headache of buying on coinbase and waiting a week for the BTC to show up, then transfer to bittrex to buy steem, to transfer here. Truly this process is insane and way to much work. There needs to be a better solution.

Makes a good case for the steemit community to start a location to buy/sell from each other. Zero fee's to buy/sell or transfer, best value possible 😎 Maybe an escrow service to forward the coin when payment is recieved? I lost 78 steem on Poliniex in December and just noticed they errased my support ticket without a word. Boo Poloniex 😈 I used my SBD memo on a steem transfer, so it wasn't lost to someone else.
Punks LOL

I know why it hasn't been done, money exchanging rules in the US and a few other countries make it a real pain in the ass. If you could exclude the US it would be fairly easy to put together the platform, but you include US residents and it's a major issue. Know blocktrades says it's not worth the headache.

That really sucks with Poliniex. Try and reopen the ticket...who knows maybe you get lucky. At this point it would be found money so worth a try.

I was just talking with an American here that my wife used to work for. He's 77 years old and could not get western union to send some money to Panama for him. He was at the office here and his wife in the US at the bank. They just refused! sighting anti drug laundering policy HaHa. Too much!
Oh ya, lets not forget the silk road creator....How many life sentences did he get? Crazy!
If nothing else, the corrupt system is showing their hand here, and even the slowest thinkers are saying, What?
Panama has just about every bank known to man here. All I know is that my Coin dealer has been blocked on so many venues starting with Western Union, Money Gram and several bank accounts closed on him.
If you send cash to a bank in Europe he can get it here some how? but I haven't discussed with him how?
He can send Int. Wire transfer but not to Panama, Columbia or Venezuela anymore.
P.s. If Paypal suspects they are sending money for Crypto buy, they will stop payment! Beware on any notes attached to a cash send.
I resently heard of a bank here starting to deal with crypto, I'll do the research today. But I can't see it happening. They would be cut from the swift system if they tried I'm sure.
That's why a one on one system needs tobe developed. If one person or business is doing too many transfers, they get shut down.

I think that paypal ran into a ton of issues due to ebay having listings for crypto. Seems like they are gone now, but when things were booming all sorts of coins were listed at insanely high prices. Guessing there was a lot of scams going on buying the coins and then opening disputes.

Really seems like the world doesn't like Problem is a country like Panama requires cash flow coming into the country. Think about the effect this has magnified across the country. You want to get $100 in, the 77 year old wanted to get $xxx in, someone else needs $500 for medical expenses...and so forth. All this cash being restricted coming in holds back the entire economy.

Sure it's about the "war on drugs", but that is all bullshit anyways. They can't stop drugs from flowing around the world so this isn't hurting the people they want it to effect. The drug dealers know how to move massive amounts of money to and from any country in the world and when it pops out it's laundered and ready to be spent. It's the average citizen who has nothing to do with the drug trade that is effected by these restrictions.

I was going to point you to a CIA contract pilot that flew C130's for 50 Years, Weapons out and drugs back from/to the USA who started screaming bloody murder and went public after the Benghazi incident happened! Imagine, he thought all those years that he was doing good work helping to get weapons to soldiers who needed them and taking drugs away from Cartels. LOL and only changed his mind near retirement. DOH
The warnings to stop talking went unheaded and when I went to get the link for you....

Tosh account.jpg

I hope he is still alive? but will check other avenues.
Wells Fargo was also found Guilty of laundering Billions in drug money, but was only ordered to pay Millions in fines. LOL
That's the world as it is today and for many years back in recorded history.
Chat soon...

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