The One Who Will Die

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

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Foreshadowing is without a doubt one of the best tools a storyteller can utilize in order to keep their audience engaged. It’s like this game that everybody want to play where everyone tries to decipher which events would soon take place, and even better than that it makes feel happy and proud if they predict them correctly.

In the first part of this post we talked about the big sudden deaths that Game of Thrones usually closes it seasons making them the most talked about series of the summer and the most anticipated ones in the next year.

On that sense, season seven is no different as we may very well have at least one main character is set to die in the last scenes of this season’s finale.

So without further ado,

Would you join me decoding the clever hidden clues placed for us by the masterful writers of Game of Thrones?

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From all the main characters in Game of Thrones - those who are left - there is person above all whose death has been prophesied to die since the beginning of the first season, and that character was repeatedly foreshadowed to die in a specific and peculiar manner.

The funny part is that the series seems to be building up to that moment.

And that person is no other than the lean mean queen: Cersei Lannister.

Cersei’s Prophecy

At the very beginning of the series - also at the very beginning of the books - Cersei went to see a fortune-teller called Maggy the Frog to find out what destiny has in store for her.

At that time Cersei was a still a teenager, and that’s why it was presented as flashback sequence in the TV show.

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Right of the gates, Maggy allowed Cersei three questions, and three questions only.

Cersei’s first question was: “Will I marry the Prince?”

The prince she is referring to is Prince Rhaegar Targaryen who at that time was the apparent heir to the Iron throne.

However much to Cersei's surprise, Maggy told her she will not be marrying the prince, she will be marrying the king instead.

That first question was crucial in order to set up the tone of not only the upcoming scene but probably the entire Cersei story-arch.

The important thing to keep in mind is that this flashback was presented to us just after we’ve learned that Cersei was supposed to marry Rhaegar Targaryen but he was killed in Robert’s Rebellion by the man she later marries after killing Rhaegar and crowning himself king of the seven kingdoms.

In essence, that scene is built to show us that Maggie’s message is not some fabricated psychic story but rather a real prophecy that will come true.

Now that’s how you construct a plot.

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Furthermore, Cersei proceeds to asks the seer if she’ll have children with the king.

Maggy keeps shocking Cersei and leaving her confused yet again by revealing that the king will have 16 kids, and she will have three.

That prophecy also came true as Robert Baratheon had 16 bastard kids, and Cersei had three children with her own brother Jaime.

It’s interesting to note that this scene was also presented to us, after we have already learned these things about Cersei and Robert’s marriage and that the plot is already set to reinforce the role that Maggy the Frog plays in the storyline.

Following the Trail of the Bread Crumbs

Maggy continues:

“Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds”

Here again, Maggy was right on the money. Joffrey did in fact become king after Robert Baratheon died and he did wear a gold crown, so did his younger brother Tommen, and also their sister Myrcella who became a princess after marrying prince Trystane of dorn.

So that’s three out of three for Maggy the frog, Cersei had three children and they all wore golden crowns.

The shrouds part as well came to pass as we’ve seen Joffrey die by poisoning on his very wedding day.

We’ve seen Myrcella given the kiss of death by Ellaria Sand, and finally we’ve seen Tommen jump to death from a window in the very finale of last season.

Now, it’s important to notice that Maggy’s scene took place in the very beginning of the series, which goes to showcase just how masterfully designed this plot is.

Even when we’re given all the clues before hand, we still remain at the mercy of the script an it still catches us by surprise.

For example, here’s another bit from that brilliant piece of foreshadowing:

Here’s another bit from

“Cersei: I will be queen, though?

Maggy: Aye. Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.

Or phrased differently: The dragon chick is coming!

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Remember how we opened the first post with all the sudden deaths and shocking moments that GOT has accustomed us with in each season’s finale?

Chances are, we will see a big death in this season finale as well.. Or six, or seven.

With that in mind, here’s the most important part of Maggy’s prophecy:

“And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”

Here’s where it gets interesting, apparently Valonqar means “brother” or “little brother” in High Valyrian.

According to Maggy, Cersei will die by the hands of her own brother who will choked her death with his bare hands. It could be Tyrion, or it could be her twin Jamie who was born a few minutes after her.

This particular part of prophecy may very well explain why Cersei always hated Tyrion, going further than that and claiming many times that he wants to kill them, and that’s why she tried to get him killed in several occasions, including the day he saved her and everyone else in the castle from Stannis’s invasion.

So who do you think will kill Cersei?

Will it be Tyrion? Or Will it be Jaime?

Luckily for us, there’s no shortage of hidden clues in Game of Thrones and all we have to do is uncover them. Here’s another brilliant piece of foreshadowing hidden in season four:

The book of brothers is the book that registers the deeds of every knight that has served in the king’s guard, that book has shown only three times in the series and all three times it has involved the same protagonist: Jaime Lannister.

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The first time was when Joffrey found the book and started teasing Jaime since his part in the book has some half-empty pages, which prompted Jaime to reply with the cryptic message:

There’s still time.

The second time it was when Brienne of Tarth was reading Jaime’s pages in the Book of Brothers and started confronting Jaime about slaying the king he swore to protect.

Jaime explained that he had to kill the king to save the people because the king has gone mad and wanted to blow up the entire city using wildfire much like what Cersei used wild fire to blow up the Sept of Baelor in last season’s finale killing countless innocent people in the process.

In a way, Cersei is going mad as well.

What’s funny about the whole thing is that Brienne joked sarcastically that since Jamie would have to slay another monarch to protect the people to get his half-empty pages filled in the book of brothers.

And that’s exactly what could happen in this season’s finale.

Interestingly enough, Jamie Used the same exact words as the last time we’ve seen the book, “There’s still time” which could be a clear reference and a brilliant piece of foreshadowing yet again.

The last and final time the book appeared in was in the hands of Jamie himself looking back at his half empty pages and wondering how they would be filled.

What do you guys think? Could Jamie kill his own sister Cersei in the episode finale of this season? Could this be the shocking death we’re set to witness?

The chocking part in Maggy’s prophecy suggests that it’s going to be a crime of passion, strangled to death as opposed to stabbed in the back or poison. So what could prompt that to happen? Maybe Cersei betray Jamie and marrying Euron Greyjoy?

Or maybe she’ll refuse to join the other armies to fight the white walkers thus sentencing everyone to death for her own pride, much like the mad king tried to do.

This would play right in the Book of Brothers foreshadowing if Jamie kills another king to save thousands of people.

What do you guys think? Could we see this happen in this season’s finale?

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IImage Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

If you guys like these types of plot analysis, I’ll write another one about two major deaths that may happen by the end of this season, the two real players in Game of Thrones.


Excelent post!

I love Game of Thrones :D

If you guys like these types of plot analysis, I’ll write another one about two major deaths that may happen by the end of this season, the two real players in Game of Thrones.

Let's have more. I love the Game of Thrones series.

Thank you for the feedback!

The Octopus on the ships represents blue bloods.. The Iron throne represents red bloods (US). This entire show is about the coming event. Winter is coming, is a reference in the real world. You can look to Game of thrones to tell you what's happening in the world.

Simply great post...thanks !! (My New Post Having The iPhone But Missing The I)

Please Sir . I want some more . Just quoting more film lore . Brilliant accesment .

Haha then I will create another one! :) Thanks for the feedback!

game of thrones is foreshadowing the event where the dead realm is merged with ours (pierce the veil)

Hmm now it feels like you spoiled the finale of this season haha. But seriously we will see her die in this season I'm sure of it. And it could be Jaime who kills her indeed. The clues are really good :)

Haha I don't know if I spoiled it or not, it may happen this season, the next or never.. She's still alive in the books as well.

We're just playing the Game of Clues haha :)

Well, Game of thrones always seems to surprise us, so everything is possible I guess :P

Haha yeah, absolutely!

excellent post. oh my god cersei is gonna died. Jamie is the kill kings.

Haha maybe, I guess we'll see in the finale :)

Ahh "Game of Thrones" my addiction. Yes Cersei might betray Jamie and marry Euron Greyjoy as she can do anything for the throne but as per my guess it is very unlikely that Jamie will kill his own sister Cersei or vice-versa. They just had love in previous episode. I also have made a post on the piracy issue that is going on with GoT. Bdw whom do you guess to take the Throne finally ?

This is an excellent question!

My guess is nobody, I think that the plot is setting up to have the full 6 episodes of season 8 as a battle between the living and the dead.

It's because HBO has announced 4 preludes of Game of Thrones about the backstory of Rhaegar, of Euron, of Robert and Ned ... etc. All the preludes run in the same year.

And then after the preludes finish it'll be a time jump to what happened after the war with the white walkers.

Very ambitious plans actually.

Love the theory and I will stand by it. It makes sense and Jamie like Tyrion has been shown to habe redeeming qualities. I'd like no other way bit this to say goodbye to Cersei.

Oh yeah great point! They did show redeeming qualities

Nothing comes close to Game of Thrones. The only show that you cannot know the outcome. Brilliant.
Well... actually, only Band of Brothers is on par with it.

yeah it's an absolutely brilliant show

Tyrion has to die. I hate that character

The one who will die will die

He is a smartass. Always has something to say. Too annoying in my opinion.

Nooo, I love Tyrion. He has great personality. Seems like he's the only good guy.

He is just trying to survive. He sucks.

Fantastic post.
I believe Cersei is a goner, probably by Jamies hand, but I must admit I have no clue how.
I thought that Jamie would be completely pissed at the because of last seasons finale when she blow up the Sept using wildfire.
Jamie killed the Mad King because of his plans with wildfire and suffered being called kingslayer all his life. But he does seem completely in love with her.
I can't image Tryion killing her.

I also predict many deaths beyond the wall this season - Tormund, Beric, the Hound...

First of all, thank you for the great feedback!

Yeah I think all three of them will die as well, also little finger and varys maybe

Little finger yeah.. the tension in Winterfell is building around it it seems, probably Arya will do it with the dagger. But why? What could he do to piss her off? I mean Bran knows but he's not Bran anymore right, what does he care. He's supposedly only focused on the night king.
But Varys, why him? And by who? Nobody loves him, except for Tryion maybe, but he's so damn useful, to whoever he serves. Who do you think could kill him?

BTW, please do more posts on this topic :)

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