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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/04/18 > Even a Texan like I, didn’t know this about our Great State….

in #blog6 years ago

The truth is the jails cells are the problem, they are using them as a cash cow and they have built so many that they can't even run them all so they have contracted it out to private corporations. Those contracts say that the courts will keep them at 90% capacity or more. So they keep creating laws to break so they can incarcerate prisoners. It like the movie "Field of Dreams", build it and they will come.
Damn right they come but not because they belong there, but because the law says they belong there. I've done some stories in the past on this, law is a sore subject with me. Not because I have been in trouble with the law, I haven't, but I have seen plenty of good peoples lives ruined by the BS this government pulls on the people with regard to law.
The law of the United States of America is the common law, which is broken when a crime is commit in where there is an injured party. What we are being governed under and made to answer too is statutory law; codes and statutes that are considered crimes against the state, there is no injured party if a guy sells a bag of weed to his friend, or he drives 60 mph in a 45 zone.
Property crimes, assaults, murders there are injured parties and the common law is more than capable of dealing with these, but even in those crimes common law is not used, they have constructed criminal codes to somewhat mirror the common law so a person never sees the court room they are entitled to be tried in.
The government is nuts because we have let them run a muck and not held them accountable, most people in this country have no idea on how this country is suppose to operate because they were educated by the government that doesn't want them to know.
Sorry if it might seem like I am going off on you, I'm not, I am just trying to get this where people will understand , people do not know what is taking place here.


No...I didn't take your response as "going off" on me. You sound really frustrated and you have every right to. I think you make some valid points... esp about the people not being educated properly about the system. It's no wonder so many people are homeschooling. Keep fighting the fight...... people are listening. The question is what gets them "doing"?

Sorry I didn't answer sooner but this past weekend I decided this dog would wag her tail not the tail wag me!

I'll tell you what gets them "doing" and that is having to answer bogus charges and not being able to afford a good defense, which in and of itself is an oxymoron, because lawyers don't defend anyone except the court. People who are totally innocent will plead guilty to "lesser charges" and take two or three years in prison rather than risk 10 or 15 years in prison if found guilty on the higher charges.
When that happens to them or a friend or family member is when they get doing.

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