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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/6/18> I believe the cold has effected people’s ability to think…

in #blog7 years ago

DC I have found that it isn't always what he has to say that you can learn from, you can learn from what he doesn't say as well. He never talks about crypto-currencies, even though main stream media is starting to talk about it now that it recently hit $15K and they are trading futures contracts on BitCoin. He never or very seldom talks about law, he comes from a family full of lawyers, his grandfather practiced law in Missouri well into his nineties. He claims he is the voice for the conservatives but he may just be the other side of the coin that the people who run this country need to help keep the distraction going. As long as people who have conservative tendencies have him to listen to and have him influencing what those people are paying attention to he is helping the "rulers" continue their reign. There are rulers in this country and it is not the elected officials, the elected officials are the tools the rulers use to keep the distraction going and Lush Rimbaugh shows all the signs of being a tool as well from the omissions of things as much as what he does talk about on his show.

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