Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/31/17> It finally happened….

in #blog7 years ago

The last day of 2017 is here and it will not be a wild night of celebration for the old Sultpapper, those days are long behind me. I had wild New Years Eve celebrations in my life time that is for sure, some more memorable than others, one particular one changed my life forever.

When I was younger I was a whiskey drinker, not just a little bit of it, I mean a whole lot of it. Jack Daniels and I were on a first name basis like most good friends are, and he had a habit of calling me more evenings than not to have a drink. Despite the fact that we were such good friends it seemed like I was always the one paying the price when we went drinking.

It seemed like whenever we got together for a drink I was the one who would end up having to drive, Jack would never drive, but he always convinced me that I was I fine, and we could make it home without getting pulled over or killing somebody. Forty years ago it wasn’t as big a deal if you got a DWI as it is today, the fines weren’t as stiff, and you didn’t have all the publicity around drunk driving as we do today. The truth be told, it wasn’t even against the law to drink and drive back then.

Plenty of convenient stores here in Texas I swear survived by selling single 16 ounce tall boys in little brown paper bags. They would have water troughs full of beer and ice right up front near the cash register so you didn’t have to walk to the coolers located along the back wall of the store. It wasn’t until the middle of the 1990’s that it became illegal to have an open container of alcohol. The feds threatened to cut off grant money for transportation projects if the State didn’t pass a law against open containers. All governments want that money so the law was passed, you can still find the water troughs with ice and beer near the registers by the way.

New Years Eve 1978 was the night that changed my life, well it didn’t happen that night, but it was a result of that night and my celebration of New Years. I was 22 years old and bullet proof, nothing could phase me, and if did I just picked myself up, brushed myself off, and went at it again. That night I got an early start on celebrating, I was in the bar by 7:00 PM and I wasn’t alone, Jack Daniels was there too. He and I had a big time that night, drinking, playing pool and dancing. The key thing in evaluating how drunk we had gotten is the dancing, I am not a dancer but Jack talked me into it. The Texas two step is hard enough when you are sober, but it seems to get a little easier when you are with friends drinking.

The thing about Texas ice houses is that they don’t sell whiskey or hard liquor, you can bring your own bottle and the ice house will put your name on your bottle and then sell you what is called a “set up”, which is whatever soda or water and ice you want with your booze. It really works out well if you’re a hard drinker, buying a fifth of whiskey by the shot can get pretty darn expensive, a whole bunch less when you are buying it by the bottle.

So, on New Year’s Eve in 1978 I was pretty well lit up by 10:30 PM, my buddy Jack was on empty too. Lucky for me though that Jack’s twin brother was waiting outside in my truck, his name was Jack also. You would think the Daniels family could come up with more names than Jack, but they didn’t. Well I went out to see if Jack wanted to come inside and hang out but he said let’s call it a night, so we left.

Only by the grace of God did we make it home that night, we drank a little on the drive home too. When we finally made it to the back door I had to carry Jack using my right hand to keep him steady. I was wasted and he was half gone by then too. I opened the screen door using my left hand and then used my body to hold the door open while I tried the handle on the inside door. Jack was sort of wobbling around but I still had a good grip on him. The damn door was locked; my keys to the door were in my pocket. I remember like it was yesterday when I looked at Jack and let go of him so I could get my keys out of my pocket. Jack didn’t survive the fall that night on to the back porch, it was solid concrete. The sound of Jack crashing and breaking woke the dog and the parents, the dog met me as I stumbled in the door. My dad met in the hall by the kitchen, he was not a happy camper either. We agreed to disagree and we would discuss at a later time, there was a bed calling now and I needed it more than it needed me.

I didn’t wake up until after noon on New Year’s Day, and when I did I wish I hadn’t. My head was about six sizes larger than normal; well at least it felt that way. I scraped up the remnants of Jack from his demise and went back to bed. That hang over was one for the record books, it wasn’t until the following day that I even felt like looking at food, let alone eating it.

My dad wasn’t in the best health at the time, and in fact it would only be two months later that we would be burying him. I had a drinking problem and my dad knew it, and before he died we had a long talk. He talked, I listened. My dad was a beer drinker and smoker, the smoking is what ended up getting him in the end. While he was in the hospital and we were having this talk he told me that the whiskey would end up getting me if I didn’t stop with it.

Now my dad and I were not best friends by any means, and I think that is how it should be , my friend Jack never told me I had a drinking problem, my dad did. The problem was my dad was trying to get me to make him a promise as he was dying that I wouldn’t drink any more whiskey. Now that was a hell of thing for him to do, ask me to give up my best friend and promise I wouldn’t drink with any of his relatives too.

I learned early in life to not make promises I couldn’t keep, my dad never got that promise out of me that day, and he passed away the next day. During the discussion we had while he was trying to get me to make that promise he brought up how drunk I was on the past New Years Eve, so drunk that I thought a bottle of whiskey could levitate while I got my keys out of my pocket.

While I never promised my dad that I would stop drinking whiskey I never told him I wouldn’t either. I didn’t want to make a promise I couldn’t keep. I told him I would do my best to leave old Jack and the rest of the whiskey families alone.

That was 39 years ago that Jack and I went out drinking for the last time on New Year’s Eve, we went out for a couple drinks between New Year’s Eve and when my dad passed but we didn’t get stupid drunk like the night Jack got shattered on the back porch.

I didn’t know at the time that I would be able to leave the whiskey alone, but I have not had even a sip of whiskey since my dad has passed away. I’m not opposed to drinking, I’ll still have some beers and even a glass of wine now and then, but hard liquor and I won’t be found in each other’s company.

So this New Years Eve I’ll celebrate at home with a Corona and a slice of lime, I’ll be celebrating but not the New Year, I’ll be celebrating the fact that I was able to give up my best friend, Jack Daniels, and I’m sure my dad would be proud that I did.

Damn, I never did tell you what finally happened. I won the Steem Poker League tourney on Saturday night. That is what I started this blog to be about; sorry I got side tracked and off on New Year’s Eve from years past.

Enjoy your New Year’s Eve, be smart and safe. I need all of you back here next year with me.



This was a beautifully written post @sultnpapper. Reading it was a bit like watching a movie, the whole scene just unfolding in my head :)

I think the worst New Years hangover I've had personally was when I was about 16 and passed out on the 18th hole of a putt-putt course after drinking sambuca and sparkling wine all night. Never been able to stomach sambuca since 😂

Not familiar with sambuca but I know I don't miss the hang overs, have grown up a lot , funny how life has a tendency to make you grow up. Thanks for the compliment on pulling you through and being to see it unfold in your head.

Sambuca tastes like licorice. It's probably exactly the reason I can stand anything licorice flavored nowadays 😏

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GReat post, I to used to be a serious drinker back in the day but a couple of scary but lucky situations made me see sense and quit drinking and driving,

This New Yers will be a quiet one at home with family I doubt we will even stay up to see the new Year in

Thanks Jay, with some of the things I've done over the years it is amazing I'm still around to reflect on them. The drinking and driving has to rank up there near the top of the "stupid" list. I guess that might be why it can be referred to as a "drunken stupor".
Quiet night expected here as well.

wow! What a story you have to tell and well told it was! Good on you for seeing the danger and being able to walk away from it. Most dont have the intestinal fortitude to do that! Thank you for being so dang transparent and sharing what had to be some intense memories with us! Shalom to you and yours!

Yes, if he had been healthy and lived longer it might have been a totally different story. When I told him I would do my best I meant it, and have lived up to it thus far, I doubt I will ever have another sip of it seeing that I have gone this long without it, I often wonder though why he only drank beer, I wonder if his dad and him had to have a similar talk when he was younger. I guess I'll never know since there is no one alive any longer who would know.

What a great story, even though you got side-tracked! (congrats on your poker win!). It's great that you were able to stay off the drink. Personally, I'm from a family full of drinkers some more and some less and I never was a drinker myself because of it. My dad would only drink twice a year (once on his birthday and New Year) but when he did he didn't spare any money either. Luckily, he was usually a happy drunk. My mother always said she didn't have a drinking problem, but would easily gulp down a bottle of wine every night....My sister used to have times when she didn't drink and times when she went all out with it, depending on her emotional state. The worst was my brother, he was a functional drunk. Working 6 days a week for about 17 years, he would hit the bar after work each day, drink from 4.30 pm to 9. Eat, go home and sleep....for a very long time he did this and I've never seen him sober if I'd run into him in town. Last year, he decided to give it up. He's been sober for more than 1 year now. I have great respect for that. Especially since he has been an alcoholic since he was 17 and he was 60 when he finally gave it up. However, I can't help but think how many years he's wasted being drunk all the time. Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Th e booze sure can take its toll on people and lives, luckily for me things worked out like they did. Good to hear that your brother did come around and sober up, that must have really been hard after all those years. Happy new year to you as well.

Yes, I can't even imagine how hard that was/is for him. But I have great respect for him that he did. He lost weight, started to become more active and now he actually has money to do other things rather than just hanging around in the bar each day. I hope he is happier with himself now too.

A heartfelt post, @sultnpapper! Congratulations on not touching the hard stuff for the last 39 years. That is no easy feat. Have a Happy New Year! We'll be at home too.

It was easier than I thought, when I would be tempted I just kept saying to myself, "are you really gonna give in? is this really the best you can do?" It worked, as crazy as that sounds.

I am glad that it worked for you because it is a nice piece that you should be proud of.

Your Dad for sure would be so very proud of you @sultnpapper! You really know how to tell a story, well done on the last 39 years!
When people get hooked on the hard tack it can destroy so many lives. I lost a brother in the prime of his life after Jack destroyed his marriage, which he could not live with, so ultimately ended his own life a week before Christmas, a long time ago but a bittersweet time of the year ever since then, but enough of sadness.
My brother's two girls are lovely young women with gorgeous children, he would have been so very proud of them!
Congrats on winning the Steem Poker League tourney :)
A very happy new year to you, mrs Papper & the young Pappers as well :)

Thank you Lizelle, sorry about your brother, Happy New Year to use as well and your family.

Thank you mr Papper!

OMG what an amazing story. I come from a long line of drinkers and I've had my share. I loved your story, and of course most of all the ending is so wonderful. Yay on all your wins, the win to stop drinking so hard, the win of making peace, and the win for poker. Happy New Year!! xx

Thanks, I really didn't look at those first thing as wins you mentioned, but I guess they really are or would be considered wins now. To clarify though, I stopped the whiskey, I never stopped drinking beer, but I was very cautious with it because I didn't want to risk being in a weakened state of mind after having a few beers and then hitting the hard stuff. So, my drunkenness pretty much ended with the whiskey. Happy new year as well.

Hi @sultnpapper, yes I realize your "hard" drinking stopped that's why I said "so hard," and that is why I say that is a win. I know exactly what you are saying regarding "weakened state." You were very young too, so it is a good thing you stopped early. I am sure your dad is very proud of you, and looking down happily at his boy. Unless he reincarnated. LOL.
Either way you made peace with it all and that is a nice win. How much did you win for poker?

$9 SBD was the first place winnings.

that post really hit me... thank you for the intimacy. i have had my own run ins with mr. jack and all his brothers.... glad to hear that dance found its end.

Thank you for sharing your story. It had a way of sucking me in and not letting go. I think it is wonderful you were able to let go of the whiskey. Even if you were never able to verbally make that promise to your dad, that you could honor him and yourself by letting it go, speaks volumes. God bless you in the new year!

Thanks TJ, God bless you and yours as well. I don't know if I had promised him if the result would have been the same. I may have fell back on the promise as being not valid because he was on his death bed and had tricked me into it, I'm glad it worked out the way it did in the end.

Indeed, I'm glad it worked out that way as well and I can definitely understand. Sometimes just making the promise makes it hard to keep. Or at the very least, it gives you some framework around which you can rationalize your own actions.