Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/28/17> Cinco de Sultnpapper

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I like the number five. Five or Cinco, in Spanish, is probably my favorite number. Cinco de Mayo is a popular day and soon Cinco de Sultnpapper will be popular too, or at least it should be.
The other day a friend of mine on here put a list of his 5 best “noobies” that he follows and interacts with; he was nice enough to include me in on his list. I really have never been a “follow the leader” kind of person; I pretty much clear my own trail. This though, I feel is worth falling in lock step with, so today I will give my five people that I enjoy most on Steemit. The list is appropriately named “Cinco de Sultnpapper” because I made my decision while eating my three tacos at lunch on Monday.

Before I go ahead and list them let me first say I did go and look at the other four folks I share being part of his list with: together we make a much diversified group, at least by interests. One woman on his list happened to have her top 5 list up, and she had drawn pictures, well sketches, of how she depicts her list members. Since I’m not an artist, I decided that I would use another means to help give a visual reference for my list members.
Bear in mind, these are not their actual photographs, just how I picture them. They are also in no particular order, I was going to do it in chronological order of our meeting, but my memory isn’t that good, and I’m too lazy to go back through 800 posts to figure out who goes where on the list with regard to dates of origin.
This photo above depicts the Cinco de Sultnpapper group as a collective. It is a very diverse group of fruits and one large nut.

Without further ado, here we go…

First up is @simplylizelle , I made a comment to a friend of hers, that she found humorous and elected to follow me, the thing she may or may not know, my comment was genuine “I find that ducks are best when roasted with garlic and butter.” Her friend @scarletstar is having some health issues, so keep her in your prayers if you wouldn’t mind. I would like to see her back here soon. Lizelle is very talented woman, who refuses to call herself an artist, but she really is. Now, as you may know, I don’t follow people right off the bat, I take my time and just keep checking back on people’s blogs to make sure that if I follow them, I’m not going to have my feed full of stuff that doesn’t interest me. It took some time but Lizelle finally got me to click the follow button, using cup cakes with bows on them. Seriously, cup cakes with bows. Lizelle is a handy woman who would rather build it herself than buy something, and she is very, very good at documenting and explaining the processes in her tutorials. Check her out for some interesting reading and learning opportunities.

Next up is @thekittygirl, this lady is multi-talented but tends to stick with her bread and butter which is photography. When she does write, which is not often enough in my opinion, she is really good. Her photographs are excellent, mostly of flowers that she raises. You will find her work on her blog and numerous contests on here, all those flowers gives her a built in advantage on the “color challenge” photo contest.

@ericvancewalton is not a “noobie”, but my list is people I enjoy here, not all “noobies”. Eric truly is a writer, author, and poet. He is a craftsman extraordinaire in poetry which he frequently publishes to his blog. He is a published author and novelist who recently ditched his corporate nine to five job to pursue his writing career full time. He is a key component of a project that is in development named “Hard Fork – The Series” which promises to be a thrilling series based around crypto-currencies and the fight against centralized government currencies. He hasn’t told me this, but I do know that the decentralized crypto currencies win in the end; why else would we all be here? Go by and check out Eric & the Hard Fork Series folks.

My pear is for a pair that I have the pleasure of calling friends, @abbak7 and @lidac they are immigrants to the US from over in Bulgaria or Romania, not sure exactly, but somewhere over in that neck of the woods. They are very loyal followers of mine who always comment and we have some good back and forth’s. Lidac is a good poet with very deep meanings in her poetry. D.C. (@abbak7) is just a genuine good guy, who I wish would tell some of his stories, he post a lot of humorous meme’s and jokes.

Last, but definitely not least, is @buttcoins , this guy is the real deal when it comes to sarcasm and humor, he doesn’t mind calling a spade a spade. I’m not sure if I found him or he found me, but I am damn sure pleasured to call him a friend. He likes the crypto scene and he’s an exPat living in a little beautiful town in Guatemala. His stories are hilarious and he is a reformed world traveler who found peace and quiet by a lake, married and settled down now to raise children. The hotel he runs accepts Steem so go book a room and tell him I sent you. He is the person who inspired my creating ,”Cinco de Sultnpapper”, thanks partner.

Cinco de Sultnpapper would not be complete without the lemon, that’s me; you don’t just want to take a bite out of a lemon, pretty sour. However lemonade with ice is a welcome refreshment. I hope the flag bots don’t attack me for being over 5 on my count, I’m banking on them not knowing Spanish.

Until next time,



all the fruits are the property of my refrigerator
all the photos are the property of @sultnpapper


Aaw, thank you so much @sultnpapper! I am honored to be on your list of five funny fruit friends :)
I'll definitely try the garlic butter duck as I haven't been able to cook it in a way that I find appetizing yet.

I do call myself an artist, but I'm also an artist who is married to an artist and thus Artist-wife :)

Thank you for all your thoughtful comments on my posts. I really do appreciate them even if I don't always respond straight away! This week my health decided that the bed has been acting strange and we really should make sure it doesn't move around when we're not looking and that we should take 3 days, just to be sure. Teddy and Flash helped as best they could. I'm happy to report that the bed has in fact mended its ways and is now staying put. :) It was rather annoying not being able to get around to doing things but there's just no reasoning with one's health.

@scarletstar is on the mend. I will pass-on your regards and prayers.

I look forward to reading your thoughts every time I log on. Keep writing! You are a delight to have around.

Thanks. I glad to hear you don't have a bed like in the Exorcist movie that decides to fly around the room with you in it.

Hi @sultnpapper, to introduce myself, I love foodblogging, gardening and art, but cannot take credit for the cupcake art of @simplylizelle :) Glad I found you though, through another steemian who enjoyed my post on Apple Crumble and mentioned that he found me through you, so I did some searching and found this post of yours :)
You may enjoy my Apple Crumble as well.

That is so nice of you to let me know I screwed up, much appreciated , these names will drive a person insane. I actually remember seeing you and Simply having a back and forth about your names when she came around. Now I will correct and give her the due she is due. Since you are here, you might as well hang around. I will take a look at the Apple Crumble as well. Now time to find the damn edit button...

Hehehe, so right @sultnpapper :):)
I'm glad @simplylizelle will get the credit due to her, but also glad @buttcoins had a look around my posts and mentioned you or I would not have found your most interesting posts!

#cincodesultnpapper is hilarious. you are such a maverick. 😁
I love hearing about people that are liked and appreciated by a person i like and appreciate. I too don't know who found who...but im damn pleased in the finding. now i gotta go check some of these folks out.

Thanks to you I found @sultnpapper, glad you took a peak at the original & much older Lizelle :):)

So they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade..what should I do with a lemon..or a pear for that matter..I guess we are the base of a very nutritious fruit basket( haha!) ..all cinco of us!(sic!) ..and yes sir the Pear is a pair of folks that enjoy reading your daily dose! Speaking for myself I am a loyal follower as we have had indeed truly good conversations over this virtual coffee table:)..Starting to read your post I did not expected us to make the top Cinco since we are both so new and unexperienced..as for my poetry I am humbled by your remarks as I do not see myself as a poet in any sense..more like a mime in the central square of life..

Lidac, my "Cinco de Sultnpapper" list is not about popular , or how long someone has been around, it is about people I enjoy. Enjoy in many different ways, that could be conversation, like we have, reading their work, looking at beautiful photography, and sarcasm & humor. I'm a well rounded old man, I have several interests, the list reflects people who help fulfill my appetite in this Steemit world. The fruit was used as my way of communicating that Steemit feeds my appetite for "healthy" interaction and information.
I don't see myself as a writer, but as @buttcoins once told me "yea, but you keep on writing...hehe", and he's right. I do keep on writing, and I let the people decide if what write is worthy of reading. One thing I know I am bad at is taking compliments, especially on things that I'm not confident in, like my writing or "story telling" as I refer to it. So, I've now admitted my only flaw,( hehe ) so now I will have to work on fixing it.
Thanks, thanks a lot.

Wow, as usual... I can never expect what your next post will be about. I guess that's why I enjoy following you.
Making it on your ”Cinco de Sultnpapper” post it's a bonus, and was unexpected. Thank you!
I hate to tell you this, but I'm here for the reading, I'm always curious and interested... I never liked writing, I still don't, sorry to disappoint you, maybe one day I will change... :)

D.C. , I was here for a single purpose too, which has been well documented in the past, but I have now come to being here for many other things which I never expected. So, I'm content to wait on your stories, in the mean time we can continue on, with me surprising you. The reason you can never expect what my next post will be about is because half the time I never know either, until I set down to write it.
Being put on lists is kind of a cool thing I think, the only list I don't care to ever be on is at the post office,
I think they call it "America's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives" .

Thank you for the shout-out in your list! I do try to keep my blog interesting and entertaining! 😊

all the fruits are the property of my refrigerator

Good to know! Lol. You're too funny. Missed this the first time around. Had to check back and see what I missed. ;)

I can at least tell that you read every word, some of the fruit have gone missing now. My little one named Shortie is a fruit eating little thing, all that is left in the coconut and the grapefruit. Thanks coming by and dropping a note.

Who likes grapefruit? Ew! I'd leave it in the fridge too if I were here. We got some grapefruit from a friend and I couldn't convince any of the kids to eat it. They love to chomp through lemons and limes though. Ouch! Makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it. :)

Grapefruit is an acquired taste, I acquired it through the use of a juicer and a bottle of Vodka. Here that is referred to as a "greyhound" because the juice has a cloudy grayish color. While I don't drink anything distilled any longer I still do enjoy the grape fruit juice flavor and get that from either fresh grapefruit or a bottle of soda that is named "Squirt". Shortie has been known to eat it with cereal and sugar in the mornings but she has been eating scrambled eggs a lot lately. If it makes it through tonight it will be mine in the morning, fresh squeezed.

Nice! I hope you enjoy it for breakfast. We have a drink here like squirt called "Fresca - toronja" that my kids like. It's supposed to be grapefruit flavored but is nothing like it, in my opinion.

It was excellent, it didn't yield as much as I had hoped for but it was refreshing.

Glad it was still there waiting for you! :)

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