Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/19/18> Back on the road again… with time to listen.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

The last few weeks work has kept me close to home but this week I am back on the road staying in San Antonio this week. As luck would have it I wasn’t thirty minutes into my drive heading west on I-10 from Houston towards the Alamo city and the radio went out in my truck.

It had been giving me a few issues of recently making some popping noises and dropping the sound but in the past I have been able to power it down and then turn it back on and it seemed to work fine then, that wasn’t the case on Monday.

At the first rest stop I pulled in and shut the truck off and went inside for a few minutes, when I came back out and started the truck back up the radio would not power up at all. I said earlier the phrase “as luck would have it” and actually I really mean it.

Had the radio been working I would have spent the better part of my drive listening to Rush Limbaugh repeat for the 11 millionth time that the tRump investigation into whether there was collusion with the Russians is nothing more than a witch hunt, and it might very well be. After 18 months of it, him saying so, I just think my time might be better spent thinking about things that matter to me. I really don’t much care if tRump gets impeach or re-elected in 2020 because in the grand scheme of things he is nothing more than the CEO / President of this massive corporation known as the United States Inc.

Just like any other corporation he has a board of directors that has him under their thumbs and despite what the average person thinks or believes he really isn’t the one calling the shots when it comes to how this country is run. It is the same in most big corporations, the board set the agenda and the president carries it out, if the president doesn’t he gets fired and the board finds a new president to take his place, it’s called business.

If I had been listening to Rush I might very well wouldn’t have been listening to my body today. How many of you actually listen to what your body has to say? Our bodies are quite remarkable and I’m not going to go into a bunch of medical talk and cite a bunch of studies and all that but the truth is our bodies will tell us what they need and a lot of times they will even make you a deal if you would just listen to them.

About an hour west of Houston my body started telling me it needed a big glass of ice cold milk. I am not a big milk drinker, in fact I couldn’t even think when the last time I had a big glass of milk was, when it started telling me it needed milk. We always have plenty of milk in the fridge and I could easily pour myself a glass at any time when I’m home but I don’t, I usually opted for the ice tea or just plain old well water. The wife and kids are the bottled water drinkers but not me, all those bottled water are either just plain old tap water from a city water supply or have been treated in some form or fashion, I like mine straight from the ground with no processes in between.

At Schulenberg, Texas is a restaurant called the Oak Ridge Smokehouse, you might remember that name from one of the “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” BBQ reviews I have done in the past. Normally I wouldn’t stop there on a Monday afternoon because in the past on Mondays the buffet just never seems to have the smoked ribs that I like there. They always guarantee they will have three meats on the buffet and nine times out of ten fried chicken and boiled sausage will be two of them and those are just not favorites of mine, but with the buffet you get your drink and free refills so I stopped in for lunch.

So the decision was made in my mind to stop and get the milk and if the buffet didn’t have what I suited me I would just have a piece chocolate cake with the milk and move on down the road. I was pleasantly surprised that the buffet was fully stocked with my favorite meat they smoke, the pork ribs. The time I was here to review the place for you I ordered off the menu since it was one of those days when the buffet didn’t suit me, we had sliced brisket and fries. Today we got the ribs, mashed taters and rolls along with the big glass of milk.

The truth is I actually got two plates for the meal and two glasses of milk but there was no sense in taking two pictures because each plate was pretty much the same in portions. The problem I have with buffets is I never leave room for dessert, so I didn’t get the chocolate cake.

That won’t keep me from having my chocolate fix however because my little girl Little Turtle (aka:Shortie) fixed me up Father’s Day evening with a candy bar, not just any chocolate candy bar, but my favorite the Hershey’s Plain Chocolate bar. She also was sweet enough to personally decorate the outside with a caped masked man known as “Super Dad”.

After lunch and back on the road I overheard a conversation between my mind and my body and went like this,
Body: “Hey Mind, thanks for stopping for the milk. I really needed that, my calcium levels were shot. One glass would have done it but two was great.”
Mind: “ No problem Body, it worked out great for me too. I figured all I was going to get out of the deal was a piece of chocolate cake and I ended up with smoked ribs and learned that Monday’s can be better there than I thought as far as the food goes.”
Body: “Well thanks for listening to me, I don’t ask for much but when I do, I really need what I am asking for.”

That was pretty much was it and then the Mind went back to thinking about what might end up in the daily dose for that evening. The mind never really came up with anything good to write about Monday night for the Tuesday edition but that is how it goes sometimes. Just remember though, take time to listen to your body.
Until next time,

All Photos are the property of @sultnpapper



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It is possible that your radio has Rush Limbaughitis (my professional medical diagnosis 😜) - it’s possible that if you changed the channel it could magically spring to life!

One problem today with tRump CEO is his inability to keep his crazy to himself. He keeps saying stuff and the stock market jumps off a cliff, but, I must say, his twitter feed is a bit of a comedy routine when taken in that light.

As for your BBQ and milk - looks delicious - the health coach in me would have liked to see a green veggie or two included 😉 - just sayin’.

And lastly, sorry i missed you in the @BuddyUp pond the other day - one day the stars will align.

In Peace, Love, and Health

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Well thank you very much Mr. Smith, I am off to listen right now.
What a nice surprise on this rainy day.

yeah... he is like CEO...but trickier to fire. BBQ's , milk and chocolate cake sound a vastly more appealing voice to listen too...

Yes, a little trickier to fire , but not to fire at and those people have been known to take some shots at sitting presidents who go rouge on them.

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Normally, I bail-out of blogs that delve into the sewerage of today's politics, but I am glad I pressed onward this time. When your story turned to milk and BBQ, it definitely became worthwhile to hang-in-there! Yum! The delightful candy bar disguised as "Super Dad" certainly sealed the deal on a great post! 😊

Thanks for hanging in, you just never know where I will end up going in one of these daily doses, Shortie really is a creative little thing.

Amazing what you hear when you become quiet and still enough for your inner voices to speak to you.

Yes, it really is amazing and I'm not really missing anything by not having the radio other than the same old same old... Russian collusion stuff.

I don't listen to politics anymore because it is usually the same drivel just another day. If you take the time to listen, they all say pretty much the same just a different party. I always listen to my body. I learned that a long time ago. Eat when it says it is hungry, drink water when it wants it. If it is asking for fresh fruit and veggies it requires something from them. And my body always tells me when it wants a big helping of BBQ meats! LOL

Now that the radio has seemed to die completely I will be further removed from the drivel and that is a good thing. We get so used to having "noise" around us it is almost foreign not to have something on even if we aren't conscientiously paying attention to it.
According to what I have learned over the years hearing stuff while not paying attention to it is almost as effective in learning things as to really paying attention, something with the subliminal brain taking it in and storing it to memory.

We do absorb it whether we are conscious of doing it. I haven't listened to a radio in years and I don't miss it. Even in the car, I would rather have meaningful conversations with passengers or stick in a CD or thumb drive with my favourite music...

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