Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/03/18 > Can public figures have private lives?

in #blog6 years ago

A lot of things going on in the world and as always “twitter” is full of tweets concerning those things. I can make that statement with full confidence that I am correct despite the fact that I don’t have a twitter account and have never even looked into getting one. The reason I am so sure on this is because now even network and local news stations are citing twitter as a legitimate news source, I guess if the news folks believe it then you should too.

So, can public figures have private lives? The answer should be “yes” to the question but the reality is they can’t. The reasons are many but one of the main reasons is that these public figures just can’t seem to keep their phone in their pocket and they feel the need to tweet about everything and anything. Let me give you public figures a bit of advice, nobody really cares what you think about things, they only follow you on twitter or instagram or whatever other social media for one of two reasons. People like you or they hate you, believe me or not, but that is the truth.

Let’s examine first the “liker’s”, they like you for something that you have done. It could be music, movies, a book you have written or even a sitcom television program, but you gave them something that satisfied the liker in them. They will continue to like you if you just stick to what you do and know; that has worked to get the liker’s in the past. Liker’s don’t need to hear from you on twitter, especially if what you are tweeting about doesn’t have anything to do with you in the first place. Your liker’s aren’t subscribing to your feed to get the news on others or politics, they want the news on you. Liker’s can live without knowing your opinion on everything going on in the world.

The haters are even easier to explain, no matter what you have to say you are wrong. Plain and simple; you are wrong, you have always been wrong, and you will continue to be wrong in the future. There isn’t a damn thing you can do to change a hater, they like being haters. So no matter what you tweet out the haters will find some way to sling mud at
you. Then, since the news media now looks at twitter as a legitimate source of news, you will be criticized on the news as being whatever the haters describe you as; and heaven knows that can be a slew of things.

I’ll give you another tip, learn to say this phrase; “No comment, I’m sorry, but I just can’t comment at this time.” When you learn to use that phrase you will be able to still be relevant, people will still like you, and the haters.. Well they’ll still hate you; but the news networks aren’t going to bother with reporting you have no comment. There are far too many public figures that will never learn that phrase and will continue to give all the fodder the haters and news folks need.

This daily dose might be a little late for the latest twitter casualty named Roseanne Barr, but hey, I can’t save all the whales, I am just a lowly minnow in the sea of steem. Damn, that last line would make a good tweet. I’ve gotta run, need to go see about a twitter account.
Until next time,



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I think that twitter is a sad excuse for a "news source" but I also think main stream media is a sad excuse for "news" so who am I to judge LoL. I really wish people would stop caring so much about public figures and start caring about humanity a little more.

If the news folks are going to continue to cite twitter as a source it might just cause people to ditch the news and go straight to the "source", not real bright on the part of the news folks, but then again nobody ever accused them of being the brightness bulb on the Christmas tree either.

well, as someone that has to keep in touch with the media, please dont limit yrself to the world or i wont have any chance to get in touch with u.

lol. my job is to look out for tweets, comment on them and find out the latest news and trends. #life

I am not a public figure, but maybe with your help I could be a star in Beijing. The Mesay device you are promoting is pretty awesome how long has that been around?
I looked at a couple videos you directed and was impressed.
Need the Mesay device in some parts of Houston, we have a big China town community.

I'm not a public figure too. But I working on building a profile in the industry. The MESAY 2.0 video is just one of the projects that our company does. Consider me as part of the marketing team or people behind the scenes. 😉

You can be famous in china too 😁

So is that contract work for Mesay, or do you actually work for them as an intern right now? I would think that the Mesay company is a company that has something going for them.

Ahahahaha. I can tweet that for you! I've had a twitter account almost right from the start. I even think I can still log into it.

It's my Uncle's fault, really. Bob was a geek long before we knew what that was. Got an appointment to Annapolis but couldn't pass the vision requirement (20/40 uncorrected in 1960) so enlisted. 28 years of being on the leading edge of computers for the Navy, retired as a WO4. He programmed for various people and drug me along for some of the stuff. Anyway, he told me to go here, sign up for this it's going to be monstrous. Turns out he was right.

So. If you need to make a no comment tweet, let me know. I can help you out with that.

Hey Bigtom, I appreciate that offer, go ahead and fire one out there and tie my name to it, maybe I can be become as famous as Roseanne, I say pretty crazy things every now and then. I hope people don't think I called her a whale, I want them to know I did. But I can always fall back on the steemit.com heir archery of whales, dolphins , minnows etc as my out.
Sounds like your uncle is one smart cookie when it comes to tech stuff. Nice to have him available when you need him I would guess.
Thanks for the great comment and offer.

Twitter, facebook or even youtube have all become a type of advertisement and promotion channels to help with publicity especially for the celebrities. The fact that news travel faster using social media nowadays even for fake news. Hopefully our favourite steemit platform will not fall into this since most of us want content-based articles that really create value as well as curation benefits.

Yes, steemit is a great concept in my opinion. I do think it will eventually end up a cluttered mess of advertising as like the others you mentioned but hopefully not that fast down that road.
Thanks for coming by and posting a reply.

I never belonged to FB, Twitter or Youtube. I value my privacy too much. I don't really want to know what some celebrity had for breakfast or they haven't had a pooh in days. It is not relevant to my life. It is just not important that I have scads of likers or hters.

I just have tons of bots for the most part, but if I can ever learn computer language, look out, I while have those bots pulling a revolt on their owners.

I am constantly amazed by the "celebrities" who think they can load up any old nasty, mean-spirited, hateful remark (or dick-pic) in their Twitter account ... hit the "fire" button ... and then act all bewildered when there's blowback, well-deserved in spades.

Do they really live such insular lives that they think quaint notions like civility, courtesy and common decency are just for "the nobodies of the world?" It would seem so. Worse, they don't even learn from the mistakes and sad miscalculations of others.

For years, Roseanne made millions being loud, crude and offensive. That stopped being funny a long time ago. It's about time somebody noticed.

Yes, there is a place and point where "comedians" cross the line so to speak. They just become so wrapped in themselves they lose the concept of it being a gig and think that we want them to make it a 24/7 deal that they have to do.
When you are spewing shit it is best to make sure the plug is cut on the cord of the fan.

You really aren't missing a thing by not being on twitter. I really don't get that site much. But I have gotten some good gigs from there though.

It is said that the highest point of sarcasm in the world today can be found on twitter and I think that is simply the truth. Those guys over there just enjoy being savage, so much that you have to check that your "Good morning" tweet has no implicating letter. If it does, then you are about to trend for as long as they think you important enough to waste a few words on.

I haven't needed a twitter or tweet and if I do I now have a man that said he would handle it for me in @bigtom13 , so I am all set as far as I can tell.

DC told me to check out your content because you post daily like me. So here I am. Nice to meet you.

Hey there @paparodin, nice to meet you. D C is good guy and I appreciate that he sent you my way. Take a look around and let me know if I need to clarify anything for you.
My daily dose covers a wide variety of things, mainly on how I see things and some personal experiences. If you like good BBQ, be sure and stop by on the 15th of each month, I do a Texas BBQ review, so if you are ever in Texas you'll know where to get the best Q.
When I get a chance I will swing by and check your blog, it takes some real effort to post daily as you are well aware and that in itself is all the reason to hear what you have to say.
Thanks again for stopping in and making yourself known to me.

Pleasure is mine! It isn't that long until the 15. of this month, so I won't have to wait for that BBQ post, that's great!

Still in the process of finding my own posting style and taking some inspiration in here and there while trying out things. I like the thing you do with the salt and pepper picture at the start of every post quite a lot.

I like that you are searching, and congratulations on landing the new job. The salt and pepper pictures have more or less become my "trade mark" although I haven't registered it as such, it just works better than my old crusty mug staring people in the face everyday.

I think I have a general idea of what I would want for that, but I actually need to think about that some more.

Just grooving into these kind of things ain't so bad. Not every solution needs to be searched for, some just come and act like they always have been there.

My name I use comes from my pronunciation of salt and pepper, my kids like to point out that I pronounce it incorrectly. So I like to point out my uniqueness to them, and then it made sense to just use the picture so that others wouldn't need to ask, they could figure it out on their own.
I only use that thumbnail though for the "Daily Dose", occasionally I have been known to write some short fiction story or some other post and when I do that I always use a picture of the flag of Texas. That way it just keeps them separate and makes me feel like I am organized. Plus the Texas flag is a beautiful flag and I'm a proud Texan.

I actually had to look up the texan flag for reference. It shares the same color scheme as the french, I wonder if there is something to that.

I actually gave the name of Papa Rodin to myself. One might expect that the story behind is interesting, funny or deep aaaand one would be disappointed!

It's just a combination of the names of two fictional characters that I liked at the time. I still like how it looks and sounds.

Texas was originally an independent nation and our flag was a plain royal blue field with one big 5 pointed gold star in the middle, only after we relinquished are status as a nation and became a state did the flag change, I don't believe that there was any French influence to the color scheme as most of the early settlers to Texas were German and Czechoslovakian. My wife's family settled here in 1847 and they were from Germany. My family was Irish and Ukrainian but I honestly don't know when my family ended up here, I think it was in the 80's or 90's.
When I saw your name and the small picture I thought you were much older and the "pappa" of the Rodin family, it does sound cool and it seems to fit your appearance.

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