Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/08/18> What a train wreck this turned into…

in #blog6 years ago

We had a hell of storm blow through here last night about 3:00 in the morning; it was so bad that even the little Chihuahua dog that hates me was coming to me to protect his sorry little butt from the lightning and thunder. It only lasted for about an hour and that was the end of the rain and blowing. The problem that the storm created though was being able to fall back asleep, that never happened.

It did give me some time though to work on my book I am writing, it has been a few months since I had even opened the file so it was almost like starting over. I had to go back and read it before I started writing, now with being on steemit and writing every day for my daily dose, I had a hard time remembering how I actually got to place I had stopped at in the book.

Oh, what’s that? What am I writing about? I guess I can share that here, I trust you folks will keep it a secret. I am writing the real life, true story of Donald and Hillary’s extra marital affair, it just so happens that the porn star that cashed in on the Donald actually received money from Hillary as well, no one would have ever thought that those characters would have ended up in a threesome, but it evidently happened.

Yes, when The Don kept saying “lock her up” he was talking about the handcuffs and the bed posts. Turned out Hillary was wanting more of old Stormy than Donald was willing to share. The bitter feud of the election wasn’t about the presidency it was about who got shafted in what order, Hillary wasn’t happy having to lick up after the old Donald.

But let’s move on, what ? Fake news? No faking way, man. That is not fake news I am writing, and this isn’t the National Enquirer either. That is a true story with artistic, fictional enhancements only used to give a more colorful depiction of the actual events that never happened. Accusing me of fake news, you have your nerve I’d say.

Alright, speaking of news, fake or otherwise, you know how you can always spot agenda driven news reporting on mainstream media, right? It is so damn easy to spot it isn’t even funny, it is F’ing hilarious, but you have to be willing to use your remote for the TV, otherwise you will never even detect it. The people who actually control the country, and the media, supply these “news agencies” with what they want reported and even give them the exact adjectives to use, or the exact phrasing that needs to be said.

I think the most famous, and clearly the start of when I noticed it, was back when George W Bush was declaring his candidacy for president and announced Dick Cheney as his vice presidential running mate. The word “gravitas” must have been used no less than 300 times by every news agency and network in the country. I went my entire life up until that point in time and probably only heard that word twice prior to that day, then that was the only word you heard for a solid week with regard to the election. “He adds gravitas to the ticket.” , “The gravitas factor has gone way up.” “George Bush got the much needed gravitas he was lacking.” It was a gravitas buffet, an all you could stomach use of the word gravitas.

It still continues on even now, but you have to listen or watch multiple news stations or you are never going to catch it. They, the people who run the country, know that we have become so damn polarized in this country that we won’t watch a different news outlet, we only watch and listen to news for confirmation bias, we don’t dare listen to an opposing perspective let alone even consider it. With people locked in that tight on their biases, they have no worries on the general public finding out how things actually work.

For you overseas readers of the Daily Dose, don’t think this isn’t going on where you are at, if you are in a country that doesn’t have just the state run news channel, then chances are it is going on where you are as well. The USA is a testing ground for things like this, if they can get away with here, they can get away with just about anywhere in the world.

Same goes for all the false flag events that take place. We must have some of the most unlucky people here in the United States; there are numerous people who were victims of the 911 attack, Sandy Hook shooting and the Boston Marathon bombing. How “unlucky” can you get? The people keep showing up on video at major crisis events, it is almost like they are being paid to be there.

Oh I hate when I get side tracked, I had gotten that pretty well under control as most of you know who have been with me for some time. Well today this train became totally derailed; the book is actually a fictional work that has to do with the civil war that will take place in 2029 as Texas battles the USA in order to regain its status as an independent nation, The Republic of Texas.

Just to give you a little taste of it, Mexico & Texas become allies and the drug cartels in Mexico end up running the Mexican government. Texas actually end up’s leasing the Mexican Air Force to run bombing missions on the southern United States. It is also a good thing that the “wall” didn’t get built, because in the end the USA’s southern border will be the Texas / Oklahoma state line as we know it today.

Could my book be the next “Wreck of the Titan”?

Well I have got to go; I’ve been up way to long for a weekend day.

Until next time,



Well, my head is spinning after reading this. I'm not sure where the parody begins, the satire ends, and reality turns into fantasia. Hillary Clinton, Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump in a threesome -- with handcuffs. And maybe Bill rolling video and eating popcorn. You know ... I could believe it.

I've given up on politics and the MSM -- and I used to binge on it daily. Then I discovered Steemit and my life dissolved into a swirling vortex of posts, comments, Whistle Stops and drama. You can hear recaps of it on the news sometimes. They report everything else ... of no consequence.


I was in to politics also until I learned there is no difference in the parties and elections are used as nothing more than a distraction. Six companies own over 90% of the media outlets in the USA, that is how you end up with "gravitas." In 1983 that same 90% was owned by 50 companies. Back in the early 1980's the then FBI director made the statement that "we will know that our disinformation campaign is complete when the public accepts the lies as truth and the truth as lies." I believe that we have reached that point, it took 3 more decades , but we are there now.
I will be writing more in the near future on some subjects that people really start needing to pay attention too, geoengineering is one of those. I will try not to make your head spin with those, but I can't guarantee it won't happen, it is a complex subject that most people haven't even heard of let alone are paying any attention to it.

Media's are really biased now, or maybe it's always been. Even the social medias we use in our daily lives like Facebook is no different. We heard about Cambridge Analytica, and how it affected the US elections. It's like nothing is there which we can trust.

Yes they are very biased now and it becomes easier every day for that to happen because the people are becoming the same way. There are no true "news " reporting companies left in the mainstream media, to find non slanted stories is nearly impossible.
The Cambridge Analytica story you mentioned is a prime example, the news reporting on that made it sound like that was the first time it ever happened, where FB data was used to influence an election. The truth of that matter is that is was the first time a Republican candidate was able to get the data and use it. When Barrack Obama was running for president FB willingly shared information with that campaign and the folks in his campaign were bragging about how they owned social media and were able to connect with the voters using it. I recently heard some clips from back in that time frame where his campaign people from that time were telling how they worked FB users with targeted advertising to get the people to the polls to vote for Obama.
It is only a problem now that Trump was able to do it, his people were smart enough to use a outside company to work through because FB would never had knowingly supplied his campaign with information that could help him. He turned the tables on them, that is the true problem, not that FB shared or sold data, they sold it to the wrong people.
But you won't be seeing or reading that in the mainstream news, you have to dig to find that information. The majority of people who rely on mainstream media will not have the foggiest idea that this has been done before in presidential elections.

Interesting brain fodder, Hillary, Donald and Stormy. Now I need a brain scrubber. I can erase that thought. Yikes. I never trust any news I hear, see or even think. It all has a biased slant.

A brain scrubber, that is a good one. Biased slant is the new normal now, and no matter what your take is a person will be able to satisfy their appetite for it.

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