Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/20/18 > So how much will this government shutdown cost the US taxpayers?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

It has been a while since we have talked politics here in the daily dose but it is a subject that needs to be discusses from time to time so now is that time. If all goes according to plan this daily dose will make onto the block chain of steemit.com about one hour prior to the US Federal Government shutting down because the elected representatives we put in office aren’t capable or willing to do the jobs we sent them to Washington, DC. to do.

If politicians aren’t disgusting enough for what they won’t do, it is even more disgusting that in the event of this government shut down they will continue to be paid. That’s right; let me repeat that, the elected officials who are causing the shutdown will continue to be paid. You see these clever bastards were smart enough and self centered enough that they passed a law to make sure in the event of something like a shutdown happening they would continued to be paid.

Just knowing that is all the more reason to exercise your right to vote and help remove some of these people from their positions of power this fall. Now I don’t want you to think this was some recent law that was passed, politicians have had their best interest in mind since the founding of this country, that is why it was written into the Constitution of The United States of America, you can find the law at Article 1 Sec.6 of that document.

When your whole existence is centered around OPM , other people’s money, and how you can to take it from the people and spend it to make yourself rich in the mean time it shouldn’t be any surprise that it dates back that far. This would go a long way in explaining how senators and congressman go to Washington as paupers and leave there with the wealth of royals. The foxes that are hired to guard hen houses could learn a thing or two from the elected folks in Washington.

According to the “news media”, the last time we had a government shutdown in 2013 about 800,000 non-essential employees or contract employees were furloughed. That number right there should tell you all you need to know about government. How many for profit businesses that you know of have 800,000 non-essential employees? Not a single damn one except the US government, and the only reason they get away with it is because the people of the USA are too ignorant and lazy to do anything about it.

The estimates from the last shutdown said that it cost the government $1.5 billion a day each day it was shut down. How and the hell could that be, if the government was closed how was that much money being spent? The government surely wasn’t losing it from lost tax collections; my wages I earned during the shutdown were not exempt from federal taxes. The way it lost that money was that even though the government employees weren’t working, and technically not being paid, when the government “re-opened” the first thing they did was make sure that the furloughed employees were paid retroactively for the time they were off work.

Essentially it was a sixteen day paid vacation that the government employees got at the expense of the US taxpayers.

This shitdown, and that is not a typo, should it happen; is just that; a bunch of shit. Can you picture a factory that produces widgets where the mid level bosses decide that because they can’t choose what color the widgets need to be made, they elect to close the plant down until they can decide? Neither can I, it is unimaginable. Then, when they do decide on the color they come back to work and tell the owners of the company, “Oh by the way, we are going to pay the workers for the time they were off, even though they didn’t produce any widgets, it wasn’t their fault we couldn’t decide on the color.”

Every one of those mid level bosses would be fired on the spot by the owners of the company. We, the American public, are the owners; we need to make sure that we have their pink slips filled out in November and send these elected folks packing if this shutdown happens. Your vote does count, but you have to exercise it when given the opportunity. That opportunity will begin with the 2018 midterm elections.

This shutdown would also mark the first time in history that the government would be shut down while under complete Republican control of the White House, Senate and Congress. That shouldn’t surprise anyone since a good portion of the elected republicans despise Trump as much as the democrats.

They point at the situation with the illegal’s who were brought here as young kids and have grown up here and to deport them just wouldn’t be right, I agree it wouldn’t be right. So would somebody explain to me how shutting down the government at a cost of $1.5 billion per day over this issue is right? Those children, who are mostly of adult age now, can blame their parents if they get deported. This country has laws for a reason, so they control what goes on inside its borders, and while I agree it wouldn’t be right, it is the correct thing to do.

There is a difference between right and correct, sending them back to where they came from would correct the error in judgment that their parents made. Holding the progress this country has been making in the last twelve months hostage is neither right or correct and should it happen, we need to take action to correct that problem as well.

Vote early, vote often and vote a newcomer to Washington when the time comes.
Until next time,



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Thanks, I love riding the train. Did I ever tell you that I met a box car hobo one time?

800.000 non essential employees.
How high of a percentage is that?

The netherlands recently reorganised the tax system and there also a large number of people got phased out. (and as a result the remaining ones made lots of expensive mistakes, burning up all the money that they supposed to have saved...

Then there is belguim, that country eassentially has 6 different governments. Dutch speaking, French speaking and german speaking departments and Flemmish Walloon and Brussels regions
All have they own little govrnment... So the USA isn't that much different.

All government know how to waste enormous amounts on money. Money that most often tends to end up in sneaky corrupt bullshit.

Government bureaucracy needs to changes worldwide. That wasted money can do much better work to imprve our lives instead of using it to devide us.

Just makes you wonder what kind of jobs those 800.000 people will get after this. And how their government style mindset will affect the companies that employ these people.
Not saying these are bad people, but they may need to do some refreshments on ethics. :-)

And i just have to wait for any of those 800.000 to find this reply to make my life more colorful.

But I hope they see that having a real job is a lot better then having an artificial one. Anyway, I wish them a great career with their new employer.

The thing is the 800,000 will end up going back to work for the government and the will get paid for the time they are off, it happens every time they have a shut down. I'm not sure what % the 800,000 is of the total employees.
Government is all "smoke and mirrors", like a magic show. Always creating illusions and keeping people guessing what shell the coin is under if you know what I mean.

I see, that sucks.
Government is a nasty piece of work. For me living in one of the smallest countries it hard to see how bad this is at the scale of the USA.

Alice is having a marvelous time in Wonderland.

The part of the problems is the government employees got paid for those days they didn't work. Most jobs the average Americans have is if you don't work you don't get paid.

Exactly @coffeetime, it is a real convenient and cozy situation for sure . Not many places you can screw off at your job all year long and then when you don't meet the deadline you decide to take time off in order to "figure it out". Then get yourself and all the rest of your cronies paid to boot when they finally do go back to work. Only in America.

From where I am sitting it looks like a train wreck about to happen. I'll bring the popcorn. I can remember a time when it was every man's dream to become an American. I don't believe it is so anymore. I am not American and I am glad for once in my life that I am not. I tend to be apolitical. All forms of government are corrupt and dictatorial in some shape or form. Good luck to all those caught in the middle.

I think you are absolutely correct about the "dream", it is becoming more of a nightmare for Americans. People around the world have had plenty of time since this country was founded to see the change in direction it has taken, more Americans are leaving and going to areas where the illegal aliens that are coming to America, originated from. America has plenty of people coming here from Panama, Guatemala , Ecuador and those same countries are becoming destinations for Americans to relocate too.

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