13 Reasons Why - Everyone Else

in #blog7 years ago

Dear Steemit,

I'm going to combine some of the minor characters together for this one, which will be the conclusion.

Hannah's parents were the ones I really felt for in the show. Her mom looks like she's doing horrible, just sickly and unkept. The dad is more put together but you know he's hurting just as bad. You hare to pity them, they lost their daughter and they don't even understand why. They can't fathom why Hannah would want to take her life. They never saw the dark side of their child's life. But the way they cope with their guilt and loss is through revenge, or as they tell themselves, 'justice.' The school did let Hannah down a few times but I think they were just projecting, at least at first. We like to have someone to blame. Hannah's mom was doing this, but then she saw how toxic an environment the school really was with the bathroom graffiti and bullying, so she didn't want to see it happen to any other kid. Or her own. The scene where she walked in on Hannah in the bathtub made me absolutely lose it. I don't want to say I felt worse for the mom than I did for Hannah but I did. She lost a child. A child who she was supposed to protect. Walking in and seeing what she saw... that's going to hurt for the rest of her life.

The poetry guy, Ryan, was arrogant and selfish but I still personally liked him. He didn't set out to destroy but he has ambition and it drove him to hurt Hannah. He published her poem in his magazine and then acted like he did nothing wrong, when it was an obvious betrayal of trust. Asshole move on his part, but a forgivable one. He did like Hannah's poem. He welcomed her to the poetry group and encouraged her to write. He didn't just see her as someone he could profit off. I also admire that he can have his own magazine and such beautiful poetry, plus the confidence to show it, at that age. I wish I could do that, minus the betraying a friend bit.

Courtney Crimsen was the most annoying character in the entire show. By far. I have a hard time empathizing with her because she's so fake. I still do, but, she didn't need to throw a friend under the bus. She was the one who wanted to kiss Hannah and then she tells everyone that Hannah's a slut to cover her own tracks. Okay, I guess I do sympathize. She seems confident and assertive but she's insecure like every other high school student. Courtney's issue was that she cared too much what people thought of her. And what she cared about was such small, superficial things. Why does it matter what people think about your sexuality when your character is what you should be concerned about. Lying, betraying, letting someone else take the fall for you, being really stuck up, all of these things should matter more than liking girls. Damn it Courtney, just be a good friend.

Sheri reminds me of a lot of people I know. Not close friends but in school, it was like a whole species. Cheerleader, popular, outgoing and loved but also secretly had low self esteem. Sheri cared what Clay thought, to the point she almost slept with him to make sure he liked her, but uses her preppy personality as a disguise. Like some if the others, the reasons she was in the tapes was for a mistake she didn't realize was a big deal at the time. She hit a stop sign and was too concerned about getting caught that she did nothing to fix the problem she created. The mindset she was in, the panic, didn't help. She probably didn't even consider what the outcome of a fallen stop sign would be. If I remember correctly, she tried to call it in later, which shows she has a good moral compass but it wasn't working in the state of mind she had after being in a car accident. She also visits the man who was hurt in the accident her mistake caused, proving she has a conscience. But she doesn't want to admit to the people she wronged that it was her fault, which is where the insecurity comes into play. Other people's opinions matter to her. She wants to do the right thing but fear of disapproval clouds her judgement. I hope one day she was forgive herself, she sure beat herself up for it, and didn't need to hear that she did something wrong from Hannah's tapes first.

Tyler was kind of weird and pathetic and I pitied him more than hated him. He loved Hannah but saw her as unapproachable, I hope. He might also just get off on spying. With the amount of pictures he takes I think he's just used to living through his camera though. I liked how people threw rocks through his window, maybe not if it happened in real life but it was a way to make him feel guilty without actually hurting him. Clay taking a picture to get revenge was over the top. What Tyler did was creepier and more socially unacceptable than the others. Marcus asked her out and assumed she'd be easy which was a jerk move but he was upfront. Hannah could defend herself. Tyler on the other hand waited until she was in a vulnerable state to become a predator. Taking pictures of someone in their bedroom without them knowing is a huge invasion of privacy. Especially if their shirt is off and they're kissing someone. You should know to walk away. Plus he didn't just spy, he took photos. He created proof that he was there and documented personal moments in her life. You have to be sick to do something like that, or really lonely. I think Tyler is a bit of both. So that's why I pity him. I'd also really like to talk to him because after the tapes he was even more isolated, and no human should deal with that.

Bryce. I saved him for last because I don't have much to say about him. He manipulated Justin, sexually assaulted multiple girls, used people, and was narcissistic and power hungry. He was a horrible person all around. No moral compass. Extremely toxic version of masculinity. Rich and probably raised himself so that left him with lack of guidance and entitlement. He deserves to be in prison and away from society so he can't hurt anyone else. All I want to know is how he sees himself in his own mind, does he believe his own lies?

So that concludes my character analysis' for 13 Reasons Why, hope at least one person read them. Always feel free to give your input! These are my opinions, and I threw them together just for fun.

Also I don't know enough about Jeff to comment but I'd like to say one thing. Jeff was perfect.




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