To Share or Not to Share

in #blog6 years ago

I’m still jumping for joy over discovering this book! Part of me wants to buy a copy for everyone I know, and part of me wants to keep it as my little secret. What’s with this mixture of sensations when I find something, like “Blessed Are The Weird,” (BAW) that’s incredibly amazing and spectacular?!


I want to tell everyone about it because it deserves to be shared! This author...this message...deserves to be heard and recognized. Finally, someone has so well expressed things that I, and many of my friends, have felt and longed to find the words for. I want others to feel the thrill and relief that I feel while reading this book. I want them to know - they’re not alone! 🙌🏽 That their feelings are describable. That those like us who want to come out of our shells and shine brightly are beginning to come forth! There is a place for us. A convening is happening at this time on earth like never before in history. ✨


Another part of my wanting to share this book is because my ego little bit wants to be recognized as the one who found this treasured work for them. 😆 Like my friends will cry and cheer me for recognizing this wisdom and for sharing it with them! 😂 (I’m dramatizing and being sarcastic, but ego says, “ya, I would secretly love that.”) They’ll raise fists to air ✊🏽 in solidarity recognizing We are the Blessed Weird, and Jacob Nordby himself will raise his fist with us and give me a wink and a nod for spreading his words and selling a few extra copies for him. 👌🏼😉😂

But then on the other hand I want to keep BAW a secret treasure all to myself, because there’s this suspicion in me that once shared the powerful feelings I get from reading it will somehow be diluted. Like, I’ll give away some of the magic it holds for me by passing it around and letting everyone have a bite. But that’s irrational! Sharing this work that brings me thrills and chills might bring more of such delight for others. And the energetic circle of thrills and chills would grow stronger and more celebratory!


Or not...the book won’t resonate with some folks. A few might read, shrug and say “it’s good, but....” This has happened before and it impacts me. I get in other peoples’ heads and then begin to judge my own experience of delight thru their eyes of meh 😏. Judging my own life experience thru the eyes of others is an old demon that I’ve walked a long way from, but he still seems tethered to me and catches up sometimes like this. So, I hesitate to share my enthusiasm for this book in order to protect my experience of delighting in it. I don’t want to risk sullying that.


Secondly, I hesitate to tout BAW to all my friends because I believe books find you when you’re ready for them. Me shouting, “this is the greatest book ever and you just have to read it!” will not guarantee it’ll be great for you right now. In fact for some my cheers will only cause you to approach the book with an edge of skepticism.

So here I am in the middle with a list of pros and cons to share, or not to share. But here I am sharing it...because something in me has to. Quieting all the pro and con demons in my mind I still would hold this book up in a silent darkened arena for everyone or no one to see, because it delights my soul and I can’t help but cheer it. I cheer it for me.


** I obviously took the 1st photo, but the rest of them credits to my Man @sean-king 🙌🏽🙏🏽


The pros and cons will always be there but i believe sharing will be of good use to your friends .. I personally would love to read this book.. Lovely shots, Gorgeous as always

Thanks. You are one of the great steemers with your works, and i enjoyed reading this posts.

That’s very kind. Thank you. 🙏🏽

Hello @steemed-open, You very well described the confusion of sharing special knowledge with others. As we are torn between the duty we feel to share precious foundings and the fear of not being well recieved or recognized or even others being indefferent about we take longer time to decide. We usually lose our enthusiasm about things we believe in because we give much weight and consideration to others opinion or we are too afraid to be seen as different. I believe not taking every one’s opinion as correct and considering that everyone has his own version of reality we should share things only with those whose lives resonate with them.

Yes! Even this post...I wrote it 3 weeks ago and it took me that long to decide to share. I decided not to care if it speaks as strongly to others as it does for me, because I can’t know or predict that, and just cheer it for my own joy. Thanks for commenting.

There's nothing I love more than finding a really good book! I just bought this from Amazon and will come back to let you know how I found it. From reading the description, I can't wait to start it!

Thank you so much for sharing! (apart from the photos! They are making me cry with envy!! hehe)

Oh yay! Thank you for supporting the author and I’d love to know your experience of reading it. Even if you don’t love it, I just enjoy learning about people. Cheers.

The more you share the more you get back! But I also believe that books find you when they need to too, but if people aren't ready to take in the information yet then they won't so it doesn't really matter either way! I love the shots of you on the waves, looks like so much fun!

That’s often true that folks are receptive to book suggestions when they are ready. All I can do is be a little beacon for what I love and what speaks to me.

They waves were HUGE that day. We were far away from them, but still I was almost overwhelmed. 😂

Very true! And your doing a very good job of being a beacon for everyone, so keep going! :D

Thank you, love. 😊

I was distracted by you getting doused.
But, yes, sounds like an intriguing book.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica,
Stop by my blog and say hi, havn't heard from you in a while.

PS I just ordered my copy on amazon.
I may look ordinary and buttoned down, but looks can be deceiving. Believe me, very deceiving.

Oooh, yay! You ordered a copy. :)

I know you’re not the regular kind of ordinary...I’ve skimmed some of your posts. Intense and erotic! I like some of it. Xo

Whenever you are ready to come over to the dark side, I'm here.
Thanks for the kind words.

I have experienced with sharing books that I thought were amazing to friends and just get a hmm it was good as a feedback.
Sometimes the excitement that we have about a book is totally connected to us and the book and what we have to learn from it.
But if you feel sharing with your friend do that. It may change someone's life or at least give him/her some different perspectives.
I am thankful till date to a friend that recommended me the book I am that by Nisargadatta Maharaj. It was life changing...

Ya, so you know this feeling... I guess that’s just part of life. But you’re right, Better to share and potentially resonate with even a few friends than to hoard the treasure all to ourself though. :)

The book you mentioned interests me. Hamsa, or I am that, is my favorite sanskrit mantra and symbol! I looked it up and will keep it in mind after I catch up on the books already in my que.

Namaste 🙏🏽

It is simply mind blowing...for me. I have read almost all of Nisargadatta's books at least once. I am that managed to read three times. The way Nisargadatta Mahraj teaches advaita vedanta(non duality) to visitors all over the world is simply amazing. There are also recordings of him on Youtube if you want to have a look.


Oh good. I’d like to start with listening to some of it before taking on a whole Nisargadatta book. Thanks for guiding me to him.

My pleasure. I recommend his books whenever I have the chance.

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OMG again... while most struggle to conform, there are few that seek other paths. Star Children... those that do not fit the mold have purpose,vision and spirituality over a desire to conform... I have just written an article on them for tomorrow (although timing will be strange as I leave for France)... You are unique as you lay yourself bare, do not contain it as we are in an awakening period and many need encouragement.

Thank you 🙏🏽 looking forward to reading that next post!

Well It's worth looking into at least. Your enthusiasm about the book has convinced me of that. And I don't know if we're not so far away on the spectrum of weirdos from each other. At first glance it looks like something I'd be into. And the cover design looks really cool.

BTW I love the first photo. Your dog is posing for the photo as if he were the object of your focus rather than the book. Your nail polish is pretty amazing as well.


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