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RE: Why I hate office spaces and meetings

in #blog5 years ago

I fully agree. In a virtualized world and with our Webex and telepresence technology we could sit anywhere, e.g. at home and perfectly work together. At least efficient decisions can be made, no need to sit together for this. For the work itself anyway it is much more efficient to not sit in a cubicle of an open space. Studies indeed have shown that open space offices increase sick leave times!
What is lacking when you w@h always is the kitchen rumors, the hallway chats, the personal stuff. Actually the only reason to come to the office regularly, to improve the team spirit.

In our company they now relocate staff from Europe to USA, well qualified and experienced staff, just so that all are co-located in the US headquarter. Of course max. 5% of the people would consider a relocation to US. So they will loose many good people because of this obsession of co-location. And the irony is that in the US-headquarter, if they have a meeting in the 4th floor, people of the 6th floor often don´t participate physically, but dial in nevertheless as it is more convenient for them!


Relocating people is the best way Ringer rid of good people. Sounds like what IBM was doing a few years ago, where they lost good staff.

OpenSpace offices need to build in the right way, with a big look to acoustic and need enough meeting rooms in different sizes around the core space.

We see many companies failing here as some stupid beancounters did the plans fort he open space office and not the people who understand this complex project.

Let me know if we need some more articles about #neuwork and all the stuff around this. I love to create a few.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would be interesting in those! I fortunately have an office for my own :), but no clue what will be in one year from now.

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