The advantages and disadvantages of public transport in South Asia

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Public-Transport-Getty.jpgThe mode of transportation is of utmost importance to the man kind in the rapid changing present world context. Because of educational needs, occupations and to fulfil domestic needs, people are accustomed to travel daily and in this regard the role of public transport is widely discussed. Basically, buses and trains which are available to the general public in considerably low prices are known as public transport and it can be observed that because of low cost and availability, public transports are very beneficial. Yet, it creates certain issues regarding the comfort and safety. Hence, this essay serves to examine the pros and cons regarding public transport.

Public transports are beneficial to the general crowd in certain terms. In regard to the cost, it can be observed that these modes of transports are more affordable to people unlike a privately own vehicle. Moreover, it is significant that because of the price ranges which vary from normal to luxury modes, people can select the choice for themselves depending on their ability to spend and it is obvious that private vehicle owners have to allocate a higher amount of money only to maintain their vehicle whether they use it daily or not. Thus, it is clear that public transport is more economical friendly than private means of transportation. 

Moreover, most of the countries are facing a substantial issue regarding the impact of vehicles to the environment. Most of the people tend to think using their own vehicle is a mean to display their social status and thus, they show reluctance to travel in public transportations. There are instances where the family members are using separate vehicles to reach the same destination. This unnecessary use of vehicles result in creating traffic jam and it is a threat to the air purity. When considering public transportations, many people can travel together and this prevents the traffic jam as well as the excessive omission of carbon dioxide to the environment. Hence, it is visible that public transportations are important in minimising the threat to the environment.

Furthermore, most of the public transport services are available throughout the country. People can travel any place at any time because of the wide network of buses and trains. Significantly in cities, these services are available most of the times and therefore, one does not have to be worried about the availability of these vehicles. Hence, it is clear that public transports are beneficial to general crowd in many terms.

One prominent difficulty people encounter when using public transport is the minimal comfort it afford. People often complain about the over loading of passengers as well as about the sound pollution within. Most drivers tend to listen to radio or music in high pitched volume which is a hindrance and a disturbance to the passengers. Furthermore, certain questions arise regarding the price. There are certain conductors who try to charge more than the given amount and some conductors hardly give the balance to the passengers. Thus, it is visible that public transportation affords minimal comfort to the passengers.
Moreover, many show reluctance to use public transport because of safety issues. Most of the road accidents are a result of high speed and the carelessness of drivers. Most prominently in buses, drivers tend to drive in high speed because of the pressure given by bus owners in regard to profit and this make the lives of the passengers perilous. Furthermore, there are reported instances of pick pockets and other thefts in public transportations. Moreover, the safety of women is still in question in public transportations. Women are expected not to use these services after day time and there are considerable amount of reported instances where women were subjected to physical and mental abusing when using these services. Thus, it is clear that public transportations create questions in regard to safety issues.
Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that public transports are mostly in delay. They hardly reach the destination on time which is a great failure in the system. People tend to use private vehicles because of the inconsistency of public transports and therefore, it is visible that public transportations are injurious in regard to certain aspects.

As a whole, it is visible that public transports are having its own defects as well as advantageous. It is useful in terms of cost and availability but it creates certain problems regarding safety and comfort. If public transportation can be regularized modifying it with more facilities, then it would be an advantageous mode of travel to any person as well as to the economy and ecology of a country.!


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