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RE: Never pick a fight with the unambitious man....A meandering...

in #blog6 years ago

Anyone who has minimal understanding of 20th century human history regarding the Marxist misrule in the East, and yet continues to spew Marxist drivel of a proletariat utopia belongs in a mental institution, since he is either a mentally defective dunce, or an intentionally vicious sociopath. The current Leftist loons are nothing more than proud rebellious teens, gluttonously drunk on too much entitlements, enviously demanding their society be burnt to ashes, while living in their parents' basements due to their lack of any productive skill or talent. These mentally defective and socially useless muck ought to sent to workcamps to dig ditches, not be given propaganda platform to spew their drivel that detracts from the common sum,of human knowledge.


The funniest (tragic ) thing is - they are the very people that need help from 'us', more than anyone.
Talk about shooting yourself in the

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