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RE: Humor with acid - Episode 1 - NSFW - Trump paid for a pornstar!

in #blog6 years ago

"in modern times people can upgrade their virginity level just by not bathing for a week everytime they feel like avoiding STDs..." This made me laugh. It's really a great way to avoid STD's!! :D

"Because it just feels good and right. Many people from both sexes tell me this, but specially women who have been indoctrinated with hollywood love movies bring this up the most. I know this comes from the feeling of wanting a person to consider you consistently the most special and important person in their lives."

This is probably the part that is the closest reason for me, but I haven't been indoctrinated by hollywood. I didn't have cable growing up, and can barely sit through a whole movie today. What I did see is a broken family due to my dad's inability to stop using his dick as a compass.

I don't care what other people do, but for me loyalty is the most desirable trait in a mate. My husband and I have been together for 15 years and I left him twice. Both times his life fell apart in extreme ways. It makes me feel good that I'm the only one he wants after all this time. I'm the only person he wants to spend time with. I admit it makes me feel powerful and wanted and loved. Why would I trade it all in for seeking thrills? It doesn't mean I don't think about it sometimes but monogamy is good for me. It makes me comfortable.

Great subject to open a conversation about!! I hope more people comment!! :)


I guess our choices are heavily tinted by our personal life experiences. You got my word that if one day I´m with a girl that makes me want to spend time with no one else, I´ll try monogamy again. In my case i´ve got a history of being with some super jealous girls, so I clearly remember feeling choked all the time. But for me, its a question of freedom however, not loyalty, many of my ex-es are still my friends and I would help them in a heartbeat if they have a problem which calls for it. But my question is: if I was with a girl that inspired me those feelings of needing to be with her and only with her, why would I want/need to sign a contract for it?(or why would she have to do the same for me?)

Thanks for your comment!

I think signing (or not signing) a marriage contract would be something you both would have to have the same convictions about... I've been struggling with what to write lately...maybe sometime I'll write an article about how great monogamy is!! ;) I really think I will though! I hope someday you find someone so breathtakingly wonderful that you wouldn't even think of risking the chances of hurting her, contract or not. 😊

I hope so too, since the name or category is not actually that important, what´s important is that it feels consistently enjoyable for both partners. However my definition of freedom is quite different from the majority, maybe I will find sometime someone who will teach me a whole different meaning for it. I dunno.
Anyway, jokes aside, do that, write about monogamy, its always fun to read about the bright side of some things that one usually considers impositions.

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