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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 02/12/18 > So, where are we going today? Not where you think…

in #blog6 years ago

Yay! Congratulations on 6 months here! It's been fun getting to know you. You are indeed an encourager.

Happy almost birthday for the 29th of Feb! I will wish you again on the day :)

What do you do on your birthday for non-leap years? Do you celebrate on the 28th or the 1st?

It takes a while to understand how Steemit works and then when it clicks it does inspire us to reach out to help others.
Wishing you many more years of Steeming!


On non leap years I celebrate both days. So thank you for the congratulations and birthday wishes.
It has been really a great experience in meeting folks like you and Lynton, so much talent you two have in art and writing.

Aaw Thank you Sult :)

I found a new Texan steemian. His name is Dr Mike Carriker @demolitionranch . He's a vet and a gun enthusiast who is starting to move over from YouTube. I'm trying to help show him the ropes. I don't know if you might be interested in some of his videos but he posts about either blowing things up, what's happening at the vet practice, or what he gets up to with his family.

Well thank you, I will definitely check him out. I like supporting folks efforts who hail from my state. I also like watching things get blown up every now and then so he sounds like he is right up my alley, so to speak.

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