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RE: A Public Apology to @iloveupvotes / @livehonest / @livemoral / @topikzmonster (Revoked Due to Asshattery)

in #blog7 years ago

but what triggered your name tag spamming bit was the fact you felt you had been bullied into silence with people flagging your stuff.

IMO your reaction was completely justified. "im going to make everyone miserable until i get what i want" is a terrible way to handle things, even if "what i want" is something thats completely reasonable.


Not the diplomatic nor acceptable way to deal with things sadly but the path he chose.

Agreed whole heartedly @sigmajin.. Well put.

IMO, there is a disturbing increase in the number of people who deal with real or percieved injustices this way on steemit.

r4fken was probably the first. At least, he is the first that i can recall. But the basic idea is that you can overcome a disparity in influence by expanding the conflict to un-involved third parties. Conceptually, its the same fundamental concept that underlies terrorism.

The thing is, you can't always get what you want. And no, this is not just a steemit thing. Its true in every system thats stake weighted. Including pretty much anything that happens in the business world. I think the term "toxic" has become an overused platitude. But people who react to not getting their way by attacking the entire underlying system really are toxic.

Ill work with pretty much anyone. Because money is money. but ill never work with someone like that. Because people like that turn everything around them to shit.

I've noticed the increasing trend as well.

Seems ever since the @asshole psy op a number of copy-cat users have popped up trying to change things by acting out in asinine ways against the network and it's users.

I do remember r4fken as well. Think you are correct he was kind of the first mal-content to go on that the whole network ended up having to taste.

Life is an enigma to some and painfully simple to others. Not everyone perceives things the same way nor deploys reason or thought in the same matter. Which is for the best. If we all thought the same life would be monotonous.

I tried my best to rectify this situation but some people simply cannot be told anything or reasoned with and that seems to be the case here. Which is unfortunate because I'd much rather resolved this without conflict but seemingly the user behind this wave of asshattery only wants war. :/

Some people simply put are too caught up in their own shit or too dense to realize when a battle is over. Oh well.. It's not a big deal to me to accept the fact I extended humility and received a "F you" in response. Such is life. :)

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