George Clooney To Leave UK Because Of Fears Of Terrorism

in #blog7 years ago

Open borders advocate and proponent of massive refugee resettlement into Europe, George Clooney, is now leaving the UK out of fear of terrorism.

According to Life and Style Magazine:

Life & Style has exclusively learned that George Clooney has recently made plans to move back to LA, for the safety of his family, after the latest spate of terror attacks in England.

“He doesn’t feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in the English countryside,” an insider says. “He’s determined to move his family to LA, where he feels much more secure.”

Hmm... I wonder why Clooney thinks that LA is more secure than the English countryside...

George’s safety concerns had been growing for years. The Oscar winner “has been subject to very serious threats in the past,” reveals the source, because of his humanitarian efforts in Darfur, Sudan. And Amal’s work as an international human rights lawyer, along with her public pleas for foreign governments to prosecute terrorists, has made her a potential target.

Dear me!

Why -- OH WHY! -- would it be that Amal -- someone who prosecutes terrorists -- would be in such danger in England? So much danger that the whole family is inclined to pack up and leave for the United States?

Are they afraid of native English citizens hurting them for Amal's work bringing terrorists to justice?

No. Let's be honest: of course not.

The reason the Clooney family feels at risk in England is because of the increase of immigration and resettlement of terrorist sympathizers and potential and ACTUAL Muslim radicals into Europe and the UK. Which is exactly what Clooney demanded of Europe and the Western world.


I think it was put well by The Daily Wire:

Clooney and his Hollywood brethren have been preaching love and tolerance for Muslim immigrants, but England has been the site of devastating terror attacks in recent weeks. Twenty-two people were killed in a terrorist bombing at a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande in Manchester in June, and eight more died the same month when terrorists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge.

But it gets worse. British officials divulged in May that some 23,000 known jihadi terrorists are now in Britain — and that's just the "known" terrorists.

Meanwhile, Clooney has decried the Trump presidency and, along with his wife, advocates open borders and the free flow of refugees. He has praised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees while calling Trump a "xenophobic fascist."

But, see, none of that matters, because now, a Hollywood star is going to say one thing, and do an entirely 'nother thing.

And the MSM won't say a word.

Clooney is exactly the type of public personality who would demand that the whole world do something that he would never do himself.

He demands that the common people of Europe, England, and the West generally take in as many refugees that he sees fit, yet refuses to open up his SEVERAL mansions with DOZENS of bedrooms and well-kept living quarters to ANY SINGLE REFUGEE.

Clooney is a hypocrite. Never take the advice of anyone if they will not take the advice themselves. This goes for congressmen who will subject the public to Obamacare, but not themselves. And it stands for the Clooney's of the world, who would demand the middle and lower class be troubled with the housing of refugees that they cannot afford, but refuse to take a single refugee into any of their several mansions.

Follow me @shayne


I think he is paid to say the things he says.

lol of course -- he's an actor!

Yup be careful what you wish for, ya just might get it ;-)

"Never take the advice of anyone if they will not take the advice themselves" - totally agree. I never liked people who contradicts what they said with the actions that they take. Like most politicians we have here in my country.

Indeed. I think that most of us are surrounded by so much hypocrisy that we begin to believe that everyone is a hypocrite. However, hold fast to your ethical and logical principals and sooner or later you will find enough friends of character to get your advice.

Is this a joke.... he thinks of the most dangerous cities in America... is more safe than...the english country side... like, where there are just trees and small villages? this must be fake haha

Bro, the trees and small villages are dangerous! He would rather his family was gunned down by honest Americans. Why is that so hard to understand?

When a celebrity says "LA", they don't mean south central. Clooney is moving to Studio City, LA, one of the least diverse and least populated neighborhoods in the city. Other notable residents are Miley Cyrus, Bill Nye, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Seth MacFarlane.

The neighborhood was considered "not especially diverse" ethnically, with a high percent of White residents. The breakdown was whites, 78%; Latinos, 8.7%; Asians, 5.4% ; blacks, 3.7%; and others, 4.1%. Iran (7%) and the United Kingdom (6.7%) were the most common places of birth for the 21.1% of the residents who were born abroad—a low percentage for Los Angeles.


You'd think for instance the Norwegian countryside would be the safest place in the world - but ask some of the people in small towns with 100 people how safe they feel when 300 twenty year old "refugee" men moved in next to them? They can't sell their house, because ..who are we kidding, no one would buy. Every day their shit is stolen, crushed and thrown away. They can't send their daughters out alone etc etc. All the joys of multiculture in one happy pie of love :)

I've heard about some of that stuff. A lot of these little villages are small tourist communities that are completely destroyed now because, as you say, they're populations of 100 and the State moves in 300 refugees. It completely destroys the village and traps the natives, who are unable to afford to move. It's a terrible blight.

Yup. And since they're so few people they dont have much reach with their complaints. They are usually sabred down as racists by the cultural elite in the cities. You know, the same people who advocate for multiculturalism, but themselves live in white neighbourhoods :) Just like George Clowney.

I doubt the UK will miss him, plenty of other self opinionated celebs over there!

Those pictures! lol

These Hollywood celebrities are so hypocritical. They take a politicalstand to make their points known but mostly for their own glorification and keeping there name and popularity relevant.But when the '"shit hits the fan" , they are the first to bail and get out . That's Hollywood for you.

Lots of people listen to them. Those people are diluted. It's kind of like an intelligence test.

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