
No, his post is trash, why are you encoruaging him?

You should be shocked that hes upvoting trash like this
He could have used bid bots on some original photo from his own country instead he upvotes a complete bullshit post about pizza as if he is 7 years old

I can't wait to hear @rebeelmanzoor talk about how its not his fault because of how poor he is and how he can't help but trrash the trending page with complete illterate nonesnese about horses and pizza

Its times like this I am SO GRATEFUl for @berniesanders I mean holy fuck look at this guys post. It is literally 4 sentsncfes about how Pizza is Yummy and how it has BBQ and meat toppings, and how his source image is from pixabay. Its so pathetic butthen eh went ahead and used UPVOTE bots to fucking push himself to the front page

This has gone too far! It makes me mad! @fyrstikken should also see this, it is just insanity.

If people see this on trending, new users will assume this is the bar they have to reach to get upvotes, we will see a flood of medicore , no SUB medicore POOR quality posts like this!

This post is the worst piece of shit I think I have seen because it is WORSE than a single stolen image of youtube video, its much worse, its like I can FEEL the lack of effort he put into it, I can FEEL how lazxy he was being and I bet he felt SO GOOD when he finished it and started pumping the bid bots on steembot traclker, he probly sat there smoking a cigarettte, watching his post go up in value, thinking he was a genius

It makes me mad, these people think they can just spam and scam and steal attention and force their shit on us and get away with it, THEY THINK they can get away with doing LESS than the absolute minimum needed, they just act so self riightious as well, and say that they believe their content was valuable to some people, gettings oem fake accounts to act like they loved the fucking horse and pizza posts

I am sick of this shit, I hope he gets flagged to 0 and looses every last SBD he put into these bots, he needs to learn a lesson, this shit pisse sme off

Its like I have been trying to clean a garden and pick weeds etc and I leave for a second, come back and I see the new gardners shittting on the plants mixing the soil with it and calling it fertilizer, and then when I tell them they can't do it, they demand that I back off because this si how thinsg are done where they come from, and how I am being racist if I say antthing about their broken english, its just too much

Why can't they write a fucking Blog in their own language and use bid bots on THAT? I am SURE their own local language needs a simple post introducing them and giving some pictures of steemit where he lives, I am sure that would be fine and we wouldn't even read it as it would be in another language! But why can't he just post in his own language so he doesn't have to buy upvotes for such GARBAGE???

Thank you, my dude. I know we may see different on some things but glad we were able to come together here.

Pizza! More like Pizza Shit. If you ever watched the Angry Video Game Nerd Ninja Turtles review. You just might get my obscure reference.


@ackza, I upvoted you at 99%. Sorry about the last 1% but think you are being a little too generous to the lazy turd who wrote this blog. You will see that I made a comment above about this pizza blog. I listed several additional reasons why we should all down-vote this blog.

He’s not Italian. He shouldn’t write about pizza. He should write about curry or vindaloo.

These guys are probably all part of a ring. Check out @ahtasham12 and @saleem12 (they even up voted this crap).

They are practically the same exact nonsense that are getting double-digit payouts.

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