HEY HEY HEY LOOK OVER HERE - just an opinionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

2017-07-13 02.27.30.png

I've been on Steemit for a few weeks now, and I have noticed a trend that is common on many other platforms. I'm talking about people commenting saying please follow and upvote.

This has always bothered me because I believe in letting the content speak for itself. Why should a person follow you because you simply asked them to? I guess the whole begging aspect of it just kind of gets on my nerves.

My advice: let your content speak for itself. Those followers will actually be interested in what you have to say. Loyal followers = unlimited money and unlimited (steem) power!


Cheers everybody!


I totally agree with you on this, I believe if you're asking for people to follow your blog you are blogging for the wrong reasons..
Well done !!

I fully agree my friend, i have seen it sometimes on my own posts and those kinds of people i kinda have to ignore. i gained so much support and followers in 1 week time all because i am being myself and authentic in what i do.

And just for that Darth Sith Meme Gif you have my wonderful vote :D

Please follow and upvote. I will do the same once you do it!

On a serious note, people think that it's just that easy to make money. I have a few of thoses comments everyday. I can't imagine how many the big fishes get!

Do you think its cool for people to beg for follows? Lemme know!

Not a fan...it's tacky. If you put the work in, the followers will come. Heck, I've been here oh about 3 weeks I think and I haven't done anything to get the followers I have except post, curate, and comment.

Grant it, I'm at 79 followers as of this writing, so the numbers aren't astronomical, but it takes time and work, people.

I see a lot of people around here putting in the work, but I also see a lot of people copying and pasting and begging. Have you no shame!?!

Hey JT, I up voted this post and I did follow you. I am not looking for followers but I think you should follow me. I'm supporting you because you are a local boy. I'm just down the street in Gulfport but just because we are neighbors is not why you should follow me. You should follow me because I am going to help you out with some information that will help you. For now let me say that the follow and I will follow you stuff seems to go away after a bit. I think they just hit on newbies. There is something worse that you need to know about and I will get back to you and explain when I have time. Good Luck !

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