in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Maria Eugenia was distressed when in WHY FLY TO SOUTH saw that Maura was saying her parliament and was waiting for the blue bird that had to enter the left corner of the stage.

Maura, despite being almost a fan in the tables, managed to lengthen the scene a little knowing that the audience, not having been present at the rehearsals and because it was a premiere work, would still take a while in noticing that something was happening.

Maria Eugenia ran behind the scenes and found Alexis's wardrobe abandoned in any way on a chair. She did not think twice, she put it on and entered the scene.

She was the author of the work and gave the best of herself and knew how to convey so much feeling that the audience ended up standing ovation the work, the costumes, the performers and especially the masterful performance of Maria Eugenia.

The following day the tour around the country would begin, and with it, her consecration as a Playwright and Director with "The Little Company of Theater"

In the end, she left everything in charge of Sayuri, her Japanese assistant, efficient and responsible as few others, and went furiously to Alexis's house. What would he believes he was? The male version of a "Prima Donna"? If he thought that was essential ...

She climbed the modest stairs that led to the attic where the bohemian lived, entered without calling - Alexis always kept the door open - with a thousand reproaches that died before leaving her mouth. A single look at the scene explained everything.

Alexis looked up, and squatting, without moving almost, beckoned her to keep quiet ...

An hour later she went down the stairs reconciled with life, serene, admiring that big boy who was Alexis and the simplicity of his heart ... able to change a moment of glory for the glorious moment of helping a street cat to give birth.

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