My visit to the doctor in Bangkok- The new toys of an hypochondriac

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I have been walking around Bangkok and went to get checked for my hypothyroidism.
I was thinking about my next steemit post. What should be about? A #walkwithme in Bangkok? Another boring photo gallery?
A Thai young heart doctor was laughing at me for getting away with a free holiday in Bangkok to check my heart. He made me run on a treadmill, for 10 minutes.
I complained a lot about it.
I explained him I lack of motivation.
I told him I'm a millennial and I don't do anything if I don't think to have an impact, plus I have little patience for it.
I could only run if I had a beer to reach.
He laughed.

The endocrinologist told me that I don't have hypothyroidism, but early symptoms.
I'm just stressed. Probably in the past I took too many antibiotics that made me weak.
So basically I have nothing. I shall avoid to focus on everything that gives me stress. I don't even work that hard and I still stress a lot. I stress just thinking about my entire life.
What do you do to avoid stress?

And now let's go to highlight of my trip!

I bought this:

Here, wearing it while in the toilet.

Now I can't live without this.

I even made a video for you, kids, to show the amazing sound and lights of this beautiful purchase.

I alternate my joy to play with toys, with my joy to send job applications for Amnesty International to save the world.

I feel much better now. It is clear for me that I should not stress much and work that hard, but become a digital nomad.

I am heading back there for a follow up visit! One more long weekend in Bangkok! YEAH FOR ME!

This t-shirt says I'm happy



I'm glad you're health is good. Once you start down the road of treating thyroid issues, it's a lifetime commitment to medication. Best if you can avoid that!

No wonder you feel stressed! I think it's best if you stop worrying about saving the world, and think more about living a good life for yourself and the close friends and family around you.

Five months at the new job and I've become the guy who feels like he has to do everything. Bookkeeping, customer service, stocking, receiving, shipping, website design and maintenance... The days go by in a flash and I barely take time to eat.

The boss said to me, "You aren't stressed, are you? I want you to be relaxed, here." He's a good guy. I just wind up doing this stuff to myself.

Fortunately we have a new hire coming on soon. I'll have to train him, of course. Then I can relax.

That's perfect! I can work there! Does your boss pay the visa?
I know nothings about tobacco, but people likes me, so who give a shit? :D

Anyway, you are stressed for a good reason. You work too much. I am stressed because I don't work and my mind thinks too much!

That’s great news. I think being in Thailand is a great way to avoid stress. I love it there.

Being a digital nomad also sounds cool. We just need to get you making enough Steem to make that possible. :)

Me too I love it there! Regarding digital nomad, let's see. I plan to blog more and youtube more, but I don't think I can make a living out of it. I also want to do something more real, with real people.

I promise that I’m a real person! :D

digital nomad is the way to go!

Ah! I wish! It will not paying me money. I can't survive on steemit or on youtube. I need something to complement!!

That's what digital nomad is though! Start making a crazy instagram with your life and get like minded people to follow you etc haha!

I don't know if I want to have that life 100%. I need something that is also real. Even a part time. I am thinking to get a certificate as English Teacher...

Im curious how easy/hard it would be to find a job, when you got your certificate.. Let us know.

Goodluck and get well soon.

very easy in Cambodia!!

oeps sorry..i read it wrong , had to google that hypo stuff..

But any ambitions to become a teacher?

I was teaching for 9 months and I liked it. I wouldn't say it is my main passion. I could go for it or not.
Teaching in Asia for a white person is very easy. You don't even need a certificate.

Funny you say that I am going to Prague next month to take the course!

Funny you say that
I am going to Prague next
Month to take the course!

                 - kryptocek

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Language house Prague!

Also not sure if you're aware but Byteball gave away free crypto that you can switch into Steem!

Free Crypto

Can DM me if you need help setting up the wallet or anything!

I don't know how DM you on steemit, but I'll check out your post straight away! :)

whats your discord sorry haha.(If you are on discord) I can help you get it!

give me your! Easier :)

Kryptocek#2400 :)

What do you do to avoid stress? ASMR! Holy shizit girl, I didn't know you were a youtuber, I just subscribed to you, I LOVE ASMR!! Tingles baby!

You see? I'm full of resources. I don't really do ASMR whispering like many others. I just record myself getting massages and shampoo. People still get tingles.

"I complained a lot about it.
I explained him I lack of motivation.
I told him I'm a millennial and I don't do anything if I don't think to have an impact, plus I have little patience for it.
I could only run if I had a beer to reach."

I think this is something every one struggles with.

I am glad you are just a drama queen and it was only stress instead of a disease. Get your shit together woman! LOL only joking. I am happy you are ok and life is not burdened by sickness

I am! I just danced until 2am (which is a mission here in my town) and I have 5 hours of sleep on my back.
I need to sleep and my brain can't rest.

It sounds like what the Mystics might call a dark night of the soul. The dark night of the soul is good for us, it helps us figure out our true selves. If you do not work with it then it will destroy you. But if you work with your shadow it will allow you back into the light.

I'm so glad you are a hypochondriac. So am I! We have so much in common now.

My daughter really likes my Little pony. She's super impressed with Bangkok now.

You 2 should visit Bangkok then!

I WANT ONE OF THOSE GUNS! I used to have one that looked like that, for hoover-sucking up mosquito's and such. Who knew. But mine didn't light up. So I couldn't use it at night. Major Bummer.
So glad your thyroid is not on the fritz. That's so true, stress is a real person-whacker. How do I deal with it? Hmm, I guess exercise on my bike, and try to not get it in the first place. Which is very hard to do. Oh, and mess about on Steemit, chatting away. That helps me a lot.

I've always thought you should do a tour or your area, and put your view all about it on the site. Kind of a tour guide with your wigs and clothes and COOL WATCHES and such. And put the truly unique Sandrina Spin on it all. Then again, I do posts on deep science, foodcrafting, felinidae, and stories of the peculiar, so what do I know? Anyways, glad you are healthy, and buying cool toys, and got a vacation out of doctor's visits. Good on ya on that one. Have a most peachy day, as I think it is that time right about now. T.T.F.N.

That's great news, bud! I'm glad you caught it early! My lady is going to get her radiation treatment done next week, so I'm glad that at least two people I know don't have to do it in the same stretch of time. Let that be a lesson for you to lessen your stress! Have a great time in your brief vacation!

yeaah! I know. I just have to take care of my stressed mind. It's cooking when there is no need.
Anxiety is my beast.

Then slay it, bud! Slay it dead.

Good to see you up and about! I'm continually impressed by your ability to make the best of the situation, like this amazing trip to Cambodia to get checked out for health reasons. If all you had to pay was a few mins on a treadmill, its not not so bad. So no more stressful situations, OK?

YES! I am such an hero!!!
I live in Cambodia, I travelled to Thailand to get checked.
And the tread mill bullshit and the endocrinologist costed to the health insurance $ 2000.00.
No that cheap!

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