Eurovision 2018

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

For those of you into football, the Eurovision song contest is the equivalent of the World Cup. Last night's show from Lisbon was only let down by the insipid half time entertainment featuring all the entries that Portugal hadn't won the Eurovision with. Otherwise, it was packed with all the drama, dresses and dissent we have come to expect.

Although some acts involved burning staircases and being strapped to a turning wheel the main drama came from a stage invader. During the UK number he grabbed the microphone from SuRie and proceeded to say "Nazi's of the UK media, we demand freedom." The invader is alleged to be rapper and activist Dr A.C. who wanted to show up that acts were now miming at the contest. However, to be honest, we in the UK were just overjoyed that we got some points this year.


Dresses are always a big part of Eurovision. Despite four female hosts with two dress changes each, this year's outstanding dress had to be that worn by the Estonian opera singer. The gown is a basic 52m2 outfit on which projectors beamed mesmerising animations. It took a team of eight to assemble it on stage and practically has its own micro climate. It was like we were all treated to an Estonian version of Disney's Frozen.


Dissent doesn't seem to be able to leave the Eurovision Song Contest alone at the moment. Does this reflect the pressures building within the EU where the Euro and refuge crisis are becoming wedges driving countries apart. Two years ago a close contest between Russia and the Ukraine reflected real politick. The following year the Russian entry was barred from entering the Ukraine. This year a fake news story claimed Russia was banning Eurovision due to gay overtones in the Irish entry.

The real dissent though is this year's winner, Israel. For one, Israel is not actually in Europe. Then again neither is Australia. The judges voting was exciting. About 11pm (GMT) the vote had become polarised between Israel and Austria. By half past there was a definite top 5 - Israel, Austria, Cyprus, Germany and Sweden. Then the popular telephone vote came in. After poor votes for Sweden and Germany, it was down to three. It could have been anyone's but it was with a sinking feeling that I knew it would be Israel.


The Israeli entry looked like a Japanese sumo version of Bjork. She less sang than made strange noises whilst cases of golden cats waved at us. Viewers have taken to Twitter to complain of "cultural appropriation" due to her Japanese inspired set and costume. This of course means that Eurovision will be held in Jerusalem next year. So no chance of controversy there then?


Thankyou for your support please up-vote and resteem. Peace x


Today Ivanka Trump and her hubby Jared Kushner opened the new US Embassy in Jerusalem, giving a speech about how it is "a great day for peace". Meanwhile, 50 miles away on the border with Gaza, the Israeli army killed 55 Palestinians, and injured another 2700+. Not one single Israeli was even injured; the violence was entirely one-sided.

I realise everyone has their own opinion, but that doesn't seem like peace to me.

Eurovision is dead to me, and has been for years. Completely taken over by politics and a platform for appalling propaganda. I had already predicted that Israel would be the winner this year, without seeing any of the performances. Nice to see the winners didn't waste any time celebrating their high regard for women as advocated by the song.

And Jersusalem ? Isn't the capital of the Apartheid state of Israel Tel-Aviv ?

Good writing, Saltycat, but you didn't quite get to the truly controversial part.

In her acceptance speech, Netta Barlizai said, "Thank you so much for choosing difference, thank you so much for accepting differences between us... I love my country, next time in Jerusalem!".

Now, that's all fine until the last 4 words. The capital of Israel is Tel Aviv. The UN regards Jerusalem as an occupied city, and illegally occupied in violation of multiple UN resolutions, of both Security Council and General Assembly. This means her ending comment was blatantly political, and the EV rules explicitly forbid political statements.

Exactly ! Glad it wasn't just me to spot this.

Thanks for your comments. I hoped my closing remarks would be picked up. Jerusalem right???

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