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RE: Perspective on Steemit as a User and Investor

in #blog6 years ago

I can certainly relate to what your said. Too busy, and I just don't think my day to day (which is about all I have time for) is that interesting. I guess I will have to adjust my definition of succeeding here to account for much slower progress. Still, I will add something as I get it.
BTW, I think this post IS great content!


Always nice to have you stop by @roundhere. I'm with you on the day to day not being very interesting. I don't want to ever have to resort to posting a picture of my breakfast or lunch and think that is the quality post of the day. Perhaps if it was fine cuisine, but not my everyday cup of joe at Dunkin Donuts.

I guess we both just have to fine-tune what we define as success. Thanks for thinking my post IS great content. 😊

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