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RE: Update, Month 5: Still Engaged with an Increased Stake and "Doubling Down" ...

in #blog6 years ago

Very nice to "see" you @macoolette.

"You defy that notion with your very comprehensive progress report. Very good write up!"

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! I don’t write many posts, but the ones I do write, I try to make them count … 😉

I hope all is well with you and yours “on the other side of the world” …

Thank you for stopping by!


I upvoted your post the first time I read it and I intended to leave my feedback at that time. For some reasons, I got distracted and eventually shut my laptop down. Every now and then I remember to come back for my feedback. I am glad that I eventually did!

I went back to a corporate life and I survived my first week. I just need to adjust again but I will be fine. I too hope that you are having a great time over there on the other end.

"I went back to a corporate life and I survived my first week. I just need to adjust again but I will be fine."

Interesting @macoolette. For some reason, I thought you were working in an IT role somewhere. If you don't mind me asking (if you prefer privacy, I'm just fine with that too ...), what have you gone back to doing?

For me, I am near the end of my career. On Jan. 18th, I will be retired. From my current position. Not willing to put up with the stress of totally unreasonable expectations any longer ...

After a break, I do hope to resume working and making a contribution somewhere. Not ready to "hang it up" just yet ...

Well, hopefully, heading into your 2nd week, you'll not only survive, but thrive ... 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh... I guess my previous posts could have made a wrong impression about what I have been doing. I got out of the corporate world in May for both professional and personal reasons but more on the professional side. Like you said, I was not willing to put up with the stress of totally unreasonable expectations. Things were already getting too much to the point that I started to question my integrity and my values were being sacrificed.

I took the opportunity to work and organize personal matters while I was out of corporate job. There were prior opportunities but I am no longer this "newly graduate" who was willing to take anything to have a job. With the previous experience I had, I somehow started to be picky.

So yes, it is better that you stop and start something new if things are getting out of hand. There are greener pastures out there. I know you will find one.

I am into IT service delivery management. Our company is an IT service provider wherein we provide different IT services to our clients depending on what are covered in our contract. Samples are IT service desk, network operations center or the NOC which is more of monitoring infrastructure devices, IT managed services and IT projects. I look after the teams that deliver those services I mentioned. And when things go wrong with our service delivery, I am the absorber both from our clients and my bosses. 😃 I hope I somehow gave you a good picture of what I do.

Yap, I will do y best to thrive... I hope you're having a great weekend! 😊

Thanks for filling me in on your new role @macoolette.

"And when things go wrong with our service delivery, I am the absorber both from our clients and my bosses."

Hopefully, you will receive the support you need in these situations, in a positive, constructive way, to make the improvements to the business needed. Having supervised people since 1984, I always try to focus on what we need to do to avoid recurrences of an issue for the next time.

All the best to you @macoolette!

I always try to focus on what we need to do to avoid recurrences of an issue for the next time.

Yes. This is something that can not be ignored. There must be lessons learned and action item after the fact.

Thank you. Same to you! 😊

Yep @macoolette ...

"There must be lessons learned and action item after the fact."

... gotta do it. Sometimes, depending on my state of mind, I call them "post mortems" ... 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I heard that same post mortem terminoloy from other organizations and I kind of smile at the thought of it. 😊

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